ASI Report of A Tour in Bihar and Bengal in 1879-80 from Patna to Sunargaon (Volume XV)
Book Specification
Item Code: | AZA491 |
Author: | A. Cunningham |
Publisher: | Archaeological Survey of India |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2000 |
Pages: | 264 (Throughout B/W Illustrations) |
Cover: | HARDCOVER |
Other Details | 9.8 x 6.10 inches |
Weight | 690 gm |
Book Description
THE present volume gives the results of a Tour which I made in the cold season of 1879-80 in Bihar and Northern Bengal. I first visited Mahâbodhi, or Buddha Gaya, where I had the good fortune to pick up two dated inscrip. tions, one of which is of considerable importance in fixing the date of the accession of Dharma Pâla, the second Prince of the Pâla dynasty of Bengal. I had already placed the date of his accession in A.D. 830," but the present inscription affords the means of fixing it absolutely to the fol. lowing year 831 A.D. The inscription is thus recorded : S. 26 " Bhádra pada badi 5 Saturday.” The mention of the week day shows that the 26th of Dharma Pâla must have fallen in A.D. 856, and his first year in A.D. 831, and not in 830. I am the more particular in mentioning the above fact, as Babu Rajendra Lal has asserted publicly that his discovery of the Lakhshmana Sena era of Bengal has upset my date of the Pâla kings of Bengal. But, in addition to the above proof of the accuracy of my chronology. I can now refer to a second inscription of Madana Pâla Deva, which is dated in “S. 9 (Navame) Aswina badi 11 Friday," or A.D. 1144; so that the first year of his reign was A.D 1136, or only one year later than the date previously given b;' me.
The two colossal statues of Yakshas, which are given in Plate II, are of considerable interest on account of their antiquity, as they are certainly not later than the beginning of the Christian era.
The rock sculptures of Jâhngira and the rock-cut temple of Kahalgaon are also very interesting, the latter more especially on account of its peculiar style, which differs widely in style from the highly decorated shrines of the mediaeval period.
**Contents and Sample Pages**