Amrit Varshini
Book Specification
Item Code: | UBA832 |
Author: | Swami Jayramdas |
Publisher: | Motilal Banarsidass Publications, Delhi |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2023 |
ISBN: | 9789391759322 |
Pages: | 249 |
Cover: | PAPERBACK |
Other Details | 8.50 X 5.50 inch |
Weight | 320 gm |
Book Description
Although Kundalini Yoga belongs to the Tantric school, the turn it receives from the great Siddha Gurus goes totally beyond Human concepts, interpretations, scriptures, and rites!
Spirituality is not to be found in books and learned discourses; it remains the concealed property of the enlightened Ones, who, from time immemorial, HAVE maintained the power of tradition alive. Divine is their Abode, Divine are their realization, immersed in streams of Bliss, they embody Divine Grace on Earth!
Their company and blessings are the only true features of Yoga. Kundalini Awakening without Shaktipat is a dangerous endeavour. Practices deprived of guidance are bound to fail.
The Great Goddess who creates, maintains, and destroys this Universe is the primary cause of individual spiritual evolution. This Divine Power, Coiled, can only answer to the call of Divine Men and uplifting aspirations. She is hard of access and known alone to the pure-hearted selfless Yogis. Her rising from slumber puts an end to Ignorance, bondage, and disharmony. She is pure bliss, Knowledge, and consciousness, beyond, dualities and spiritual injunctions, the very source of true Love, Beauty, nectar Divine. The Living Grace of Shri Guru, the destroyer of Darkness, the life force purifier annihilates the mind and enlightens the Intellect. Her multi-faced triple aspect challenges, all adorations, and baffles all descriptions!
Shri Jayramdas has been a very devoted and very inquisitive disciple of Revered Dhyanayogi Shri Madhusudandasji Maharaj for the last few decades and isa brotherly co-disciple of mine devoted as we are to this great Dhyana-yogli, he is known to me since more than s couple of decades.
The Amritvarshini, authored by Jayramdas, is a comprehensive monograph discussing the body and detailing all useful information that a sincere disciple of Shri Dhyanayogiji Maharaj needs to know at some point or other during his progress on the path of Sadhana. Shri Jayramdas has taken great interest in our ancient scriptures and relevant Tantric literature in collating all aspects of the Rajayoga to which Shri Dhyanayogiji introduced his disciple by the process of Shaktipat, and consequently awakening his Kundalini, which fact manifested as various symptoms like Pranotthana, different Kriyas like Pranayama, Asanas, Mudras, etc. in the physical bodies of the Sadhakas during their Dhyana sessions every day.
He has in achieving a synthesis of the main features of Kundalini yoga, which will surely serve to guide the aspirant in grasping this process intellectually and make him conversant with the intricacies and greatness of spiritual life. Shri Jayramdas deserves our congratulations for accomplishing this useful aid on the path of Shre Gurudev Dhyanayogiji.