Astrology and the Hoax of Scientific Temper

Astrology and the Hoax of Scientific Temper

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAR348
Author: Gayatri Devi Vasudev
Language: English
Edition: 2022
ISBN: 9788194930211
Pages: 348
Other Details 7.00 X 5.00 inch
Weight 240 gm

Book Description

About the Book

This book is an inspired collection of writings that expose the fraud of "Scientific temper" in its attacks on Astrology. Astrology has always had its critics-criticism is indeed healthy for the growth and proper understanding of any science. But unfair and unjust criticism made up of distortions, lies and bias must be forcefully met and nipped in the bud. Otherwise it can be a dangerous enemy of all honest intellectual inquiry and examination.

A lot of criticism has been leveled against Astrology in recent times by some so-called scientists and self styled rationalists. But how much of it is sensible criticism? And more important, how much of it is true? This book reveals the bias, the vituperation, the ignorance behind such attacks. Those who have attacked Astrology do not even know what it means. Some have even taken recourse to lies to criticize Astrology. This volume is an attempt at meeting unfair criticism.

The book tells you all about Astrology (non-technical) and which exposes the fraud the rationalist is playing on the layman in order to push his anti-Astrology campaign.

About the Book

Gayatri Devi Vasudev, B.Sc., LL.B., is the Associate Editor of The Astrological Magazine. She has authored Practical Horary Astrology and How to Judge a Horoscope-Volume II. She has also contributed articles to several periodicals and dailies. Some of her famous predictions in The Astrological Magazine include the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the election of George Bush, Mr. Ramakrishna Hegde's chief-ministership and subsequent loss of power, Mrs. Benazir Bhutto's prime ministership, the end of the "Rajiv era", return of Benazir Bhutto to power, India's space programme, etc.

Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev has written several articles on matters of topical interest. She has also delivered lectures at different educational institutions, Rotary and other clubs and groups. She has conducted workshops on different aspects of Astrology and participated in seminars on the subject. She was the first woman to deliver the Keynote Address to inaugurate the III International Symposium on Vedic Astrology on November 18, 1994 at San Rafael, California, U.S.A. She also participated in the IV International Symposium on Astrology on February 2-6, 1996 at San Diego, U.S.A. as special invitee.

Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev has brought out a collection of papers under the title Astrology and the Hoax of Scientific Temper. She has recently, with her father, Dr. B.V. Raman edited Planets and the'Next World War. She has been actively working under Dr. B.V. Raman in his mission to bring Astrology into the comity of sciences.


This book is an inspired collection of writings that exposes the fraud of "scientific temper" in its attacks on Astrology. Astrology has always had its critics- criticism is indeed healthy for the growth and proper understanding of any science. But un-fair, unjust criticism made up of distortions, lies and bias must be forcefully met and nipped in the bud. Otherwise, it can be a dangerous enemy of all honest intellectual inquiry and examination. This volume is an attempt at meeting unfair criticism. I thank all the thinkers from various sources from whom I have drawn my ideas and inspiration. I thank Mr. Anand R. Kundaji of the Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore who has been extremely helpful in securing me some vital information found in this book and also my brother Mr. B. Niranjan Babu but for whose dedicated and whole-hearted help the production of this volume would not have been so competently executed.


Today the age of science is full upon us. Apart from the benefits conferred on mankind to make material life more comfortable, science is collaborating in massacres and today, in this age of scientific thought we stand on the brink of scientific destruction. Social ill-health that we see in our country - alcoholism, violent, crimes, accidents, suicide, terrorism and disregard for ethical principles even in the highest quarters - is the product of the age of science.

The tentacles of science threaten us as it claims truth is its monopoly and it fosters materialism! Over-reliance on the method of science as the sole font of valid knowledge has blinded a certain section of educated persons to the possible alternatives employed in ancient India to discover disciplines like Astrology, Yoga, Vedanta etc.

Today, the term science is being abused by some so-called 'men of science'. What they need to be told is that science needs Astrology to improve and harmonize the life of man. Science has been measuring the speed of falling stones and peering through lenses, Yet it has no explanation for gravity. The scientist does not know the meaning of gravity as such although he will rush to identify its manifestations. The trouble is some men of certain so-called recognized sciences have taken upon themselves the role of social reformers depending upon the official recognition and state patronage their discipline currently en-joys. They hasten at every opportunity to denigrate Astrology. Their so-called scientific approach is nothing but a subterfuge, meant to confuse and mislead the common man. Their prejudice against Astrology rests more on a misconception of what science is than on a true un-distending of the basics of Astrology. What they have not realized is that the techniques of objectivity that distinguish science are already in trouble in the areas of relativity and particle physics. It is now being discovered, to the chagrin of the rigid orthodox scientist, that the universe is non-material and non-rational. The first step for these self-styled men of scientific temper is to free themselves from a misconception of Astrology and to be clear about the definition of science, of the methods of science.

We commend to the attention of our pseudo-scientists who denigrate Astrology, what the famous Australian neurologist and Nobel Laureate Sir Eccles says viz., "This is an age more beset by superstition than any other age and the worst superstition is that materialistic science can explain all things. The materialists have had their long innings of arrogance. Their beliefs are worn out. They land nowhere. Materialism gives you a hopeless empty life, one without values."

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