Gems of Truth (Set of 2 Volumes)

Gems of Truth (Set of 2 Volumes)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAH055
Author: Jaya Dayal Goyandka
Publisher: Gita Press, Gorakhpur
Language: Sanskrit Text with English Translation
Edition: 2013
Pages: 352
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.0 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 300 gm

Book Description


The present age is marked by the growth of rank materialism, which is subversive of true happiness. People have begun to regard God and religion as superfluous and openly indulge in all sorts of blasphemy. The doctrines of rebirth and life after death are being held as figments of the brain. Talks of Self-realization, cultivation of other-worldliness and practice of devotion, etc., are declared as useless and nothing but impediments to the progress of the nation or community. Material advancement is recognized as the summum bonum of human existence. Gratification of the senses is looked upon as the highest form of bliss. Practically the whole field of literature is being flooded with books intended to advance the material interests of humanity, novels and romantic stories and erotic poems couched in flowery language and tending to promote a vulgar taste. In such an age books of an ontological nature dealing with devotion, dispassion and disinterested action are little calculated to satisfy the general public. Nevertheless, my experience of the past fifteen years leads me to believe that even this furious storm of unbelief raging all-round in the world has not been able to shake the solid foundations of the grand edifice of spirituality raised on this sacred land of Bharatavarsa by the sages and seers of old, and it is very unlikely that they would ever be shaken. In the spiritual environment of India genuine seekers of truth and aspirants of a devout temperament are still to be found, even though their number has dwindled. Under such circumstances it would not be unreasonable to hope that this philosophical treatise written in a lucid and homely style will be read with wide interest and people will derive special benefit from it.

The writer of this small volume has a very high place in my estimation. Such exalted souls are rarely to be found in the spiritual world. The divine sage Narada says in his ‘Aphorisms on Bhakti’:

‘Exalted souls are not so easy to find; they cannot be recognized as such, even if found; and once found, they are sure to benefit those who come in contact with them.’

To my mind, the author of this treatise is one such exalted soul as have been little understood or recognized by the world. And there is little wonder that such a person should not be recognized. A simple and unsophisticated soul, who from his general talk may be easily taken to be uneducated and uncultured, and who lives like an ordinary householder carrying on business transactions, can be hardly recognized as a spiritually advanced soul. It may, however, be submitted in this connection that whatever has been stated above represents my own personal estimate of the writer. It is not my intention to force this view on the mind of the readers, nor does the author himself seek to do so. Nay, whatever I have written about him here, was not only written without his permission but was not even shown to him before it was sent to the press. Had I sought his permission in this behalf, I am sure he would never have granted it.

The present compilation is a collection of a number of his articles, originally written for the Hindi ‘Kalyan’ and subsequently translated and published from time to time in the ‘Kalyana-Kalpataru’. In rendering the articles, utmost care has been taken to keep intact the spirit of the original: nevertheless it cannot be definitely said how far it has been preserved. For the articles are interspersed at places with ideas, so abstruse as to make it exceedingly difficult for the translator to reproduce them correctly in a foreign language like the English. Under such circumstances it should not be wondered at, if some minor deviations, though unwittingly made, are discovered here and there from the spirit of the original.

With these few words of introduction I recommend this volume to the English-reading public in the hope that they will read it with interest and assimilate whatever they find useful in it. On behalf of the translators I tender my sincerest apologies for the many shortcomings of the translation. Similarly, on behalf of the publisher, I humbly apologize for any misprints that may have inadvertently crept in the volume.


The present volume comprises the second series of articles by Syt. Jayadayal Goyandka, published from time to time in the columns of the ‘Kalyana-Kalpataru’. As mentioned in my introduction to the first series, the articles were originally written in Hindi for the ‘Kalyan’ and were subsequently translated into English for the benefit of the English Knowing public. The warm reception accorded by the public to the first series has encouraged us to publish this second series, which I hope will be similarly welcomed. It goes without saying that like its precursor it will prove to be a handy and valuable manual for those who have an earnest desire to tread the path of God-realization and stand in need of a permanent guide to help them along the path.

Although no pain has been spared to bring out the sense of the original as faithfully and correctly as possible, the translation is anything but perfect and on behalf of the translators I crave the indulgence of the readers for the many shortcomings which will be noticed therein. On behalf of the publishers as well I would add a word of apology for any misprints that may have inadvertently crept in.

With these few words of introduction, I would recommend the volume for a careful study by all those who are interested in spiritual culture and seek to be benefited by the considered views and ripe experience of an illumined soul who has not only realized what he says but who actually lives up to those ideals.


Volume -1
1. The Greatness of God 7
2. Is God Open to Perception? 33
3. Methods of God-perception 37
4. Some Methods of God-realization 42
5. God and His Creation 51
6. Prakrti and Purusa 60
7. Love-the Only Means of Realizing God 71
8. The Best Discipline for God-realization 84
9. A Caution and a Warning 100
10. Divine Grace 116
11. Delusion 128
12. Dispassion 130
13. Surrender 146
14. Exclusive Surrender 162
15. Offering of Self to God 165
Volume -2
1. The Duty of Man 5
2. Our Duty 11
3. Necessity of Dharma 26
4. True Happiness and the Means of Its Realization 32
5. Lessons in Devotion and Divine Love 59
6. The Path of Devotion in the Gita 74
7. Devotion consists in Exclusive Love for God 83
8. What is God? 88
9. Means of Attaining Kalyana (Blessedness) 114
10. The Philosophy of Blessedness 118
11. God-realization through Practice of Renunciation 129
12. The Unmanifest and Manifest Divinity 142
13. The Philosophy of Worship 156
14. Rarity of Divine Knowledge 164
15. The Ineffable State of a Jnani 169

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