The Guide to Astrology

The Guide to Astrology

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAL328
Author: Edwin Rapheal
Publisher: Ajay Book Service
Language: English
Edition: 2009
ISBN: 9788190600835
Pages: 228
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 7.0 inch x 4.5 inch
Weight 190 gm

Book Description


This volume originally appeared in two volumes, as “The Guide to Astrology, Vols. I. and II.,” and were sold separately. They have now been rewritten, revised and made into one volume, complete in itself, so far as the Astrological part of a Nativity is concerned. Information, not previously published by myself, on “Birthday Figures” and “Transits” is given, which the reader will find useful and reliable to a very large extent.

The most unsatisfactory part of Astrology is that dealing with “Directions”, or the “Calculation of Future Events.” At present there is no system known that will give reliable results, but the method taught in this volume will be found to be more accurate than any other known system, yet even here there appears to be something lacking, some “missing link” which would explain why some directions fall out exactly and like a thunderclap, and others pass without any appreciable event. Why this is, no one can tell. Perhaps it is a wise provision of Providence that it is so, on account of the fear and dread of misfortune which seem inherent in the human heart. To know that certain death or misfortune awaited one at a certain time, would drive to madness or suicide a very large majority of the inhabitants of this earth; and in this way “True Astrology” would be a terrible scourge, compared with which, the bloodiest wars, or the greatest natural catastrophes would be as nought.

All through the book I have done my best to make everything as simple and plain as possible, so that the youngest student, or most illiterate person can readily understand.


The Symbols Explained v
The Nature of the Aspects 3
The Nature and Quality of the Sign of the Zodiac 5
The Measurement of the Planetary Aspect 6
The Orbs of the Planet 9
The Mundane House of the Heavens 11
Persons Produced by the Signs of the Zodiac 15
The Form of Body Given by the Planets in the Twelve Signs 19
The Essential and Accidental Dignities 37
The Use of An Ephemeris 41
How to Erect a Map of the Heavens 43
How to Place the Planets in the Map 48
The Nature of Uranus and its Aspects 59
The Nature of Saturn and its Aspects 69
The Nature of Jupiter and its Aspects 77
The Nature of Mars and its Aspects 82
The Nature of Sun and its Aspects 87
The Nature of Venus and its Aspects 92
The Nature of Mercury and its Aspects 96
The Nature of Moon and its Aspects 100
The Planet Neptune 103
The Term, Elevation 106
Advice 108
How to Judge a Nativity 113
Whether a Child will Live or Die 114
The Health 117
The Mental Qualities 121
The Money Prospects 125
The Employment 129
Of Marriage 133
Of Children 138
Travelling 142
On the Selection of a House 146
Friends and Enemies 151
The Kind of Death 159
Directions, or the Method of Calculating Future Events 159
An Example of Working the Directions 163
The Directions of the Planets 182
Solar Returns or Birthday Figures 187
Transits and Eclipses 192
A Short Astrological Dictionary 201

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