INDO - JAPAN (A Connect Over Millennia)

INDO - JAPAN (A Connect Over Millennia)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAP138
Author: D. K. Hari and D. K. Hema Hari
Publisher: Sri Sri Publications Trust
Language: English
Edition: 2015
ISBN: 9789385254154
Pages: 160 (Throughout Color Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 230 gm

Book Description

About The Book

Tracing the connect between two lands separated by the se But sharing similar values of respect, culture, peace. A connect that started a couple of millennia ago with Buddhism, And spread to arts, sports, science, spirituality and language. Linked by subtle similarity in tradition, Rooted by similarity in ideals. Revived with sharing of technologies, integrating hard and soft powers Into the Future.

About The Authors

D.K. Hari and D.K. Hema Hari are founders of Bharath Gyan, a knowledge initiative to compile and present the knowledge of India, its traditions, its culture, its global ties – in short, its ethos, from an Indian perspective.

The Hari couple have travelled extensively to over 30 countries and visited museums, expositions and other attractions worldwide to understand those civilizations, their culture and knowledge. It was this exposure that motivated this husband –wife duo of management and IT professionals to turn into research collators and conceptualize “Bharath Gyan” as an endeavour to fill the void in the showcasing of the knowledge, practices and culture of the Indian civilization across the millennia.

They collate information on the knowledge in India through the ages and disseminate it for suitable appreciation and application.

Their method to collating this knowledge is purely driven by questioning.

Allowing questioning to lead thought and search, has yielded this collection, which is again presented through questions and answer, using multimedia technology for effective sharing of information and grasp.

With factual contents on 108 different subjects on the state of knowledge in India, its traditions and its sustainable practices compiled over 14 years of dedicated research, the Hari couple are subject matter experts on the overall understanding of India across ages from over 8000 years ago to the present.

They have given over 200 lectures across India and the globe, to wide audience ranging from research community, to educational institutions, to Corporates , social organizations and in various conferences on technology, managements, history, tradition, culture and religion.

Based on their research, they have authored 12 books and produced 3 documentaries as well as many short films that span a wide spectrum of disciplines, such as

• Creation – Srishti Vignana (a book and film on the science of Creation form Indian thought)

• Understanding Shiva (a book and film that explains the Shiva Tattva)

• A trilogy on Historicity of Rama

Historical Rama

Ramayana in Lanka

Ayodhaya – War and Peace

• A trilogy on Historical Krishna

Dating of Krishna

Footprints of Krishna

Facets of Krishna

• You Turn India (on the secret behind the prosperity of India or millennia)

• Telugu Tall – Her Unknown side – Facets of Telugu Culture and prosperity

• 2012 – The Real Story (that shows the connect between India and ancients America)

• Triple Eclipse 2009 (that presents and intriguing side to the phenomenon of 3 eclipse occurring back to back within a month in the decade between 2009 to 2019)

They are active on social media too.


India and Japan are geographically separated by many miles and many seas.

Yet, they have shared a close bond. Not just commercially but in the field of culture, linguistics, spirituality, subtle traditional practices, the religion of Buddhism and many other such areas.

In the last decades, Japan has had a large impact on Indians by way of infusion of modern Japanese technologies into India. To the current generation of youth in India, the impression is that, Japan has given a lot to India.

“Japan has gained more from India across ages than India has done form Japan in recent times.”

These were the words of Naomi Ishii, MD of Toyota in India.

It was his sincere counter over dinner to the common sentiment prevalent amongst Indians about Japan’s contribution to India.

This was a very touching moment – an endorsement given by a generation of Japanese, to a generation of Indians, of their ancestors’ positive interactions, more than a millennium ago.

In this day and age of high modernization in Japan, if India’s influence on Japan is still held in high esteem by the Japanese and also as one that benefitted Japan, then it speaks highly of,

1. The nobility of the Indian ancestors who had created such an impact on the Japanese and

2. The nobility of the present generation of Japenese to acknowledge such an impact even after millennia.

One is not sure how many of the Japanese or the Indians realize this though, For, Buddhism and its values have been internalized so much that they are an integral part of Japan today. This is evident in the calm demeanour with which they have faced some of the world’s worst disasters, both natural and manmade, through times. This has given them the strength to recover with focus and determination.

The Indo relationship, a rapport built over time, has had various touch points over ages, from different perspective.

There are many a works that have been written in the last couple of centuries, on these exchanges across ages. Many associations and centres too have sprung up to trace and further the bond between these 2 lands.

For us at Bharath Gyan, working in the space of the ethos of india, its knowledgebase and its pan global ties through the ages, the occasion of the Inidan PM’s visit to Japan this year, 2014, is an opportunity to present the Indo Japan connect right through times with a focus on the subtler aspects of the commercial account.

Nothing about Indo Japan relationship is superficial. The ties run very deep.

The Indo Japan ties are a good example for how a relationship, over a millennium, acquires different flavours, based on mutual sharing of each other’s strengths, which also various over time.

To remind both Indian and Japanese youth of the strong bond that we have shared over millennia and to strengthen it further for future, by leveraging each other’s strengths in present times, is the objective.


Contents 3
Benedictory Note 5
About Bharath Gyan 7
About the Authors 9
Preface 13
Acknowledgement 17
Inidan influence On Japan 21
Inidan influence On Japan 21
Appreciation of Inidan Influence 21
Travel of Indian Thought to Japan 22
Zen Buddhism 23
Jujutsu 24
Similar Icons, Ideas and Ideals 25
Sarasvati 25
Ganesha 28
More Similar Gods and Goddesses 30
Guardian Deities 38
108 41
Six Schools of Thindking 41
The Philosophy of Co-existence and Harmony 45
Linguistic Similarities 50
Reverence and Celebrations 53
Revering Elders 53
Respect for Divine, Auspiciousness 54
Celebrating The Divinities 56
Housing Deities 61
Installing Deity 61
Celebrating Nature 63
Celebrating Ancestors 65
Yama, Yoma and Enma 68
Unravelling Secrets Together 69
Pyramid 69
Going Back by 10000 to 30000years 72
b>Bonsai 75
Niwaki 76
The Deep Rooted Japan - Tamil Bond 77
Spring Festival - Similarity of Act 77
Kolu and Hina Matsuri - Similarity of Thought and Expression 79
Noboru Karashima - Language similarity 81
An Unexplainable Connect - Kabuki and Kathkali 81
3 Inidan Revered by Japanese 85
From Japan for Incian to Revere 89
At Saranath 89
At Bodh Gaya 93
At Rajgir 96
Peace by Peace - Indian inspiration, Japenese Perspiration 98
Japan's Influence on India 103
Japan Helps Mysore Pick Up Its Silk Threads 103
The No Problem Suzuki 107
Lifestyle Change 109
Good Will Even When Ill 110
Karate Comes to Inida 110
Kaizen in return for Zen 114
The Indo Japanese Friendship 115
Mutual Respect 115
Friendship connect 116
Connect During Turbulent Times 117
Literary Connect 119
The Intellectual Japan - Bengal Bond 125
A Literary Bond 125
A Colorful Bond 128
Intangible Yet Strong 132
Food, Fun and Fund 133
Fund Connec - ODA, overseas Development Assistance 133
History of ODA - A yen of Gratitude 135
Idea of ODA is born 137
Daruma Doll Teaches A Lesson 138
Food Connect 138
Fun Connect 140
Looking Back - From Instangible to Tangible 141
Way Back in Time 141
1500 Years Ago 142
500 Years Ago 143
150 Years Ago 144
From !950s 145
2014 Onwards 146
Celerating Indo Japan Friendship 147
Colours and Flavours of the Indo Japan Realationship 149
Looking Ahead - Blend of Hard Soft 151
The String of Pearls 153

Sample Pages

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