Jeevansar Kathamrut (Nectarean Stories to Glean The Essence of life)

Jeevansar Kathamrut (Nectarean Stories to Glean The Essence of life)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAR126
Author: Shirin Venkatramani
Publisher: Notion Press
Language: English
Edition: 2017
ISBN: 9781947988101
Pages: 176 (19 B/W Illustrations)
Other Details 9.00 X 6.00 inch
Weight 230 gm

Book Description

About the Book

The human predicament is such that at some time, at some place, during some event, one is forced to introspect about the meaning of life and its experiences.

With the help of stories from the epics which are eternally relevant, and poignant personal experiences, Dr. Shirin Venkatramani attempts to show the way out of the avoidable psychological suffering that we experience.

This delightful and insightful book is a simple and quick read - but makes you pause and introspect.

About the Author

Dr. Shirin Venkatramani is a gynaecologist by training, but a seeker at heart.

Her medical career spanning nearly four decades has been filled with numerous awards, and has been professionally satisfying.

In her role as a doctor she has been this to provide medical care, emotional support, and practical guidance to thousands of patients. Her passion has been to reduce maternal mortality in India, towards which she spearheaded the SuPraBha Ganga Yatra, a I08-day awareness walkathon along the River Ganga.

However she has consciously balanced her worldly career with an inward quest, fuelled by her close association with the great sages of our times and her love for reading of spiritual and philosophical texts. Throughout her life she has strived to reconcile spiritual concepts with the mundane experience, and this book is one such attempt.


As I came to know about Dr. Shirin and her book "Jeevansar Kathamrut" I found her approach simple, straightforward and logical.

All stories of spiritual giant like Raja Janak in first part of this book make on to think about the goal of life. we want something which gives an permanent peace and happiness, not temporary.

"All the objects in this world which are very near and dear to my heart are subject to change, decay and separation, I cannot avoid it." -Lord Buddhadev

Process of detachment from different objects of the world, brings mind into balance, equipoise and peace, which is our ultimate goal. Modem students of science must be able to digest this highest scientific truth as described by Lord Buddhadev and emphasized through different stories of Raja Janak.

Second part of this books are all tips and tricks for spiritual life by different saints. These are all practical tips highly useful to all readers. It reminds me of Swami Vivekananda's definition of religion- "here and now."

"I do not believe in that religion which says, I will give you peace and happiness in heaven, I believe in that religion which says I will give you peace and happiness here and now." -Swami Vivekananda

"Here and now" is the practical Vedanta of Swami Vivekananda, which is aptly highlighted by Dr. Shirin in second and especially the third part of this book. Third part of this book deals with application of spiritual truths in author's own life. That is really inspiring to all readers!

I came to know about Dr. Shirin and her work only recently from her colleague Dr. Amit. Dr. Shirin is highly scientific in her approach and has got good intellectual conviction on various spiritual topics. She believes in practice of these spiritual principles, and this is the most wonderful thing. Her ceaseless efforts in transforming youths of this country in positive direction, through either her residents training programme or patient awareness meets deserves praise. This book is an extension of her untiring work and her love for the nation.

I am sure this absolutely straightforward discussion, in a very simple way with lucid language of `Jeevansar Kathamrut' will fill the hearts of readers with joy and happiness. May this book inspire the readers to transform their lives in constructive way, may everyone have peace and happiness today and forever.

Spiritual science is not just 'information technology' but is `transformation technology' - this fact is being demonstrated to all readers through this book. And I am glad about it.

May you all have the choicest blessings of Shriramkrishna, Holymother Shardadevi and Swami Vivekananda is my constant prayer.


The love for stories, is universal. It has no boundaries of age, creed, geography or even, time! Many a time, one feels "if only I knew this earlier," for we spend many years gathering experience to face challenges and sometimes just daily living, the secret of which eludes us. Someone has aptly stated, 'experience is the comb life offers after we have gone bald!' So why not team from what the sages have to say? Why not learn from others' experiences? Why not learn in advance?

Several dilemmas come to as in life and one wonders whether everything is pre-determined or do I have a free will? How can I act, if I do not expect the fruit of my action? What is happiness? If all is temporary, what joy is there in life? What is the meaning of life? All these and other questions have already been answered by the great sages - we need only to glean them from the stories told, to make our path clear. This book hopes to throw light on such eternal questions not through dogma, research or high level philosophy, but through simple stories.

The book is divided into three sections. The first section has stories from the ancient scriptures. It focuses on the stories of Raja Janaka, for the primary question in the minds of most people is how to attain that equanimity and serenity while living in the world. It is all very well for monks and sadhus dwelling in the Himalayas and anyway, such renunciation is not possible for all.

The second section has stories told by various Gums in their talks, which bring home a point about practice in daily life. The third section has personal case stories where the principles of scriptures were applied to demonstrate that it is possible to use those truths in daily life. Not only are these tenets practical, they also support on and help us live a simpler, happier life with utter abandon.

It is thus that the title is chosen -Jeevansar Kathamrut - nectar-like stories to glean the essence of life.

The truth expounded by our sages is indeed practical, and as you read, you will realise what is amply clear to the author - that only action and not the fruit thereof is in our hands. Therefore, I humbly lay any fruit that might come of this action first at the feet of the Gum and then at the feet of all readers.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

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