Kundalini (Your Sex Energy Transformed)

Kundalini (Your Sex Energy Transformed)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAM756
Author: Swami Paramananda
Publisher: Zen Publications
Language: English
Edition: 2016
ISBN: 9789385902222
Pages: 46
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 190 gm

Book Description

About the Book

Kundalini: Your Sex Energy Transformed
Kundalini: Your Sex Energy Transformed is the roadmap of the journey that Swami Paramananda has sketched out for humanity. Discover the hidden power within each human being and learn how to transform it to attain cosmic consciousness!

Many will question the relationship between sex and spirituality, especially those who regard everything related to sex as taboo. But do you view your blood as taboo? Then why should your sex energy be considered as such? Ignorance of its sacredness and potentials has led to the downfall of humanity. It is time to grow beyond prejudices, obsessions and ignorance; it is time to evolve towards a higher level of consciousness.

Swami Paramananda, the author of Theists and Atheists: both are blind, offers us as unparalleled insight into this mysterious dimension by sharing his own experiences with us. It is a very rare blessing indeed to learn about the kundalini form an enlightened being who has actually lived its awakening and ascent to the ultimate attainment.

"You see only sex, I see only energy.
You see its gross and crude states; I see its energy and conscious state.
You live and die a pauper; I transform sex energy and celebrate cosmic existence as a blissful king!"

About the Author

Swami Paramananda is a unique meditation master with an unparalleled track record. Having reached the peak of human consciousness on Nirvana in his early twenties, he has dedicate his life for the uplift of humanity through mind transformation. The base for a better society being the individual, Swami lays emphasis on individual transformation.

An excellent guide to spiritual seekers of all walks of life, Swamiji has given a new dimension to the science of meditation His profound and perennial call to humanity is 'Know Thyself' a daunting task without the guidance of an enlightened master. Thousands of seekers in different parts of the world have benefitted from his discourses, meditation sessions, writing and speeches at conferences.

Swami Paramananda uses his prolific writing skill to reach out to seekers throughout the world and share his things, insights and mystical experiences. He has authored 26 books on a wide range of subjects and participated in several international conferences.


The human being, who is a replica of the universe in miniature and image of the Creator, must certainly conceal something super human. Otherwise, how could we harness and rise on the elements? The modern achievements of mankind, the fascinating space research, the powerful technology available today – all these testify the heights reached by human consciousness. But are we limited only to material and technological progress?

My own experience is that we can reach heights that most which is extra cannot even imagine. What about knowledge which is extra-sensorial, non-material and of subtle dimensions? What about knowledge of the inner being, of the mind and its levels of consciousness? If the human mind is less sullied and more aware, then Nature will readily offer herself to facilitate our evolution and make us realise that we are endowed with infinite potentials.

Seers have been revelling in the esoteric truths about matter and energy and their interplay in existence since yore. But this is the age of science and technology, and the modern technocratic mind needs plausible proof of what enlightened beings live naturally and spontaneously.

As I always state in my works and discourses, a human being is only about 4.5% conscious. Imagine the impact of the 95.5% unconsciousness on his psyche. There are layers and layers in his palace not even known to him – where he has never delved. He has never even thought that in his palace, he possesses rooms filled up with luminous gems and treasures that can transform his entire existence. How unfortunate! A king dies like a pauper.

This is why I call out to mankind: discover your palace and the treasure within. "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you," said Jesus (New Testament, Luke 17:20-21). Your being is that palace. Do not forget that it is the replica of the cosmos. The mind conceals immense potentials. Digging deep within through meditation will reveal pure consciousness, which is the summum of all powers that exist in the cosmos.

This inner journey links all the forces of your existence, combines the potentials of your seven bodies and makes you jubilate in the play of cosmic consciousness. The celestial blissful union that you have been unknowingly seeking in sex for many lives can be attained only though this inner journey. To start it, you need to open the grand gate of your inner world.

The key is kundalini shakti- Your sex energy transformed! The mysterious energy that sends waves of thrills and vibrations through every particle of existence is sought by advanced sekers and yogis who hold it in great awe and reverence. It will stand demystified only after we venture on its search ijn the inner world with the help of an enlightened being. Once the kundalini reaches its destination, all the gymnastics of mind in the pursuit of bless in sex will come to an end. Satiated, man will relish divinity. Creativity, equanimity, beauty, bliss, peace and love will flow spontaneously from his being. Awake! Realise! Discover your inner kingdom and celebrate life! Become a song and dance – that is the greatest gratitude to life.


I have been calling out to people for decades that there is a pertinent need to expand their consciousness. It is this low level of consciousness that is responsible for all known human conflicts, confusions and miseries that are reflected outside in society.

Science says that only one tenth of the human brain is active at a given time. The rest is inactive and dormant. But what about the mind itself? It is the mind that operates everything though the brain, the latter being only an instrument. If the brain itself is not fully utilised, the mind is even less.

You may have an electrical to the main electricity supply in your house, but require switching on to energise the bulb do that it spreads light. The same applies to the human mind. When there is a whole palace filled with the best luminaries of the world, why use only one or two miserable lamps? This is what man is actually doing when he use only 4.5% of the light or consciousness in his life. This is visible through his follies, mad actions, evil traits and heart-rending sufferings caused to others. Whatever we have achieved until now, the human mind still has about 95.5% of potential that has not been explored and utilised. Fortunately, there have always been a few rare birds on this globe who use more than 4.5% otherwise great discoveries and insights would not exist.

How can one go beyond this self-imposed limitation? This is the master key I wish to hand over to humanity – the science of kundalini. In the past, a few seers have genuinely attempted to offer this gift. But nowadays, there are many business mongers who are misusing the word 'kundalini' to extort money from ignorant people. Beware, I say to such frauds! Beware, I say to seekers! Do become greedy and dream of attaining the solemn grace of kundalini overnight. It cannot be purchased through fee-paying lessons or obtained by hook or by crook. We are here to the energy endowed to the human being to enable him attain excellence and perfection.

Transformed sex energy is itself kundalini power. The awakening of the kundalini and its ascent leads to the expansion of consciousness. It is the culmination of many lives' search, spiritual practice, dedication, sacrifice, divine grace and the blessings of the master. Out of reverence and humility, the kundalini is called Mother Kundalini, Mother Energy or Kundalini Shakti, and thus the use of the pronoun 'she' when referring to the kundalini. Here too, we shall mostly use the feminine promnoun to denote to denote the kundalini.

In this book, I will take you on an journey starting with the awakening of kundalini and culminating into perfect union with existence – expansion of consciousness to its fullest attainment, that is, cosmic consciousness. So, delve into this book with the spirit of reverence to the sacred energy that leads to ineffable peace, eternal bless and cosmic consciousness and even beyond.

We bow down to that Supreme Energy which lies within us and is they very energy that has become the universe. As goes the Hindu prayer, "Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu Shakti rupena sansthitha, namastasyeya, namastasyeya, namastasyeya, namo namaha" – "Salutations to the Goddess who is the Mother of all forms of matter and exists as Energy in all!"


Preface 7
Introduction - Towards Cosmic Consciousness 11
Kundalini - The Secret behind the Expansion of Consciousness 15
The Universality of the kundalini 29
The Stage for the Grans Ballet of the Kundalini 41
The Chakras 59
Why Lotuses, Colours and Sounds in Ckakras? 65
The Different Stages of Awakening 73
The Muladhara Chakra 83
The Swadhisthana Chakra 91
The Manipura Chakra 99
The Anahat Chakra 107
The Vishuddha Chakra 115
The Ajna Chakra 121
The Sahasrara Chakra 129
The Freedom of Enlightenment 137
Bibliography 144
About The Author 145

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