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Book Specification

Item Code: IDF945
Author: Compiled By: Mohammad Iqbal Siddiqui
Publisher: Idara Isha' At-E-Diniyat (P) Ltd.
Language: English
Edition: 2003
ISBN: 8171012018
Pages: 118
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5" x 5.3"
Weight 140 gm

Book Description

About The Book:

The deviation from, or breach of the fundamental duties, obligatory or compulsory, to transgress the limits imposed by Allah and to break the Shariah laws is called a Major Sin.

This book deals with various kinds of Major sins about which there are reproaches in the Holy Qur'an and in the Traditions (Ahadeeth). Compilation of this book by Muhammad Iqbal Siddiqi is mostly based on the Arabic Book entitled ' Kitab Al-Wahab, an eminent Muslim scholar. It is hoped that this humble effort may contribute towards the enlightenment of Muslims and help them to pursue the path of righteousness

Title Page
Chapter 1 Major Sins 16
Chapter 2 Major Sins of Heart 16
Chapter 3 Arrogance 17
Chapter 4 Self-Conceit 18
Chapter 5 Showing Off (Riya) 18
Chapter 6 Pride and Vanity 20
Chapter 7 Fearlesencess of Allah's Scheme and disappointment from Divine Mercy 21
Chapter 8 Evil Thought Concerning Allah 22
Chapter 9 Sequel of Oppression 22
Chapter 10 Enmity and Grudge 23
Chapter 11 Absurd Talk 24
Chapter 12 Friendship with the Oppositionists of Alah 24
Chapter 13 Hardness of Heart 25
Chapter 14 Weakness of Heart 27
Chapter 15 Evils of Tongue 31
Chapter 16 Talkativeness 33
Chapter 17 Glibness in Talk 33
Chapter 18 Contentiousness 34
Chapter 19 Loose Talk 35
Chapter 20 Indecent Talk 35
Chapter 21 Falsehood 36
Chapter 22 Breach of Promise 37
Chapter 23 Suspicion 38
Chapter 24 Falsehood and Lying in Jest 39
Chapter 25 Flattering 40
Chapter 26 Overpraising 41
Chapter 27 Unfair Dealing 41
Chapter 28 Fictitious Dream 42
Chapter 29 Rust of the Heart 42
Chapter 30 Rejoicing on Sin 43
Chapter 31 Inclination Towards Sin 44
Chapter 32 Sceptical Turn of Mind 46
Chapter 33 Showing Displeasure on Trails and Calamities 46
Chapter 34 Contentment and Anxiety 46
Chapter 35 Ignorance 48
Chapter 36 Immodesty 51
Chapter 37 Avarice and Greediness 51
Chapter 38 Cowardice 52
Chapter 39 Niggardliness 52
Chapter 40 Miserliness 53
Chapter 41 Grudge 54
Chapter 42 Malice 54
Chapter 43 Conjecture 55
Chapter 44 Interpolating the Qur'anic Verses and Traditions of Messenger of Allah 56
Chapter 45 Telling Something Without Knowledge 57
Chapter 46 False-Witness 57
Chapter 47 Perjury 58
Chapter 48 False Accusation Against Chaste Woman 59
Chapter 49 Double-Facedness 60
Chapter 50 Detraction 61
Chapter 51 Slandering 61
Chapter 52 Cursing 62
Chapter 53 Disclosure of A Secret 63
Chapter 54 Cursing A Muslim 63
Chapter 55 Treating A Dead Body with Discrespect 64
Chapter 56 Calling 'Kafir' or 'Enemy of Allh' 64
Chapter 57 The Result of Abusing the Parents 65
Chapter 58 Uncivilized Shouting 65
Chapter 59 Intercession Regarding prescribed Punishments 66
Chapter 60 To support Falsehood 67
Chapter 61 After Witnessing any Matter Either Speak Good or Remain Silent68
Chapter 62 Role of Tongue During The Period of Turbulence and Strife 68
Chapter 63 Destruction 69
Chapter 64 Boastfulness 69
Chapter 65 Laughing At One's Lineage 70
Chapter 66 Establishing Blood Relations with A Family other Than One's own 71
Chapter 67 Showing Disgust to One's Family 71
Chapter 68 Claming Different AncestryOther Than One's Own 72
Chapter 69 Boastful Claim in The field of Knowledge 72
Chapter 70 Ungratefulness 73
Chapter 71 Taunting and Making Fun ofthe Believers 74
Chapter 72 Mockery 74
Chapter 73 To Put A Muslim Brother to Embarrassment 75
Chapter 74 Claiming Another Man's Property as One's Own 75
Chapter 75 Betrayal of Secret Faults 76
Chapter 76 false Accusation of Adultery 76
Chapter 77 Treating A Hypocrite with Respect 77
Chapter 78 False Testimony 77
Chapter 79 To Take Oath in The Name of A Religion Other Than Islam 77
Chapter 80 Backbiting 78
Chapter 81 To Lead A BlindPerson Astray 80
Chapter 82 Spreading obscenity in Muslim Society 80
Chapter 83 Bribery 81
Chapter 84 Acceptance of Gifts on The Part of State Officers is Forbidden 81
Chapter 85 Intercession for A Present 82
Chapter 86 Embezzlement 83
Chapter 87 Obedience to the Ruler 84
Chapter 88 Separation From The Body of The Muslims 85
Chapter 89 Tturmoil(fitan) 86
Chapter 90 Unjust Murder 88
Chapter 91 To Increase the Number of Enemy Army 90
Chapter 92 Disobedience to Parents 91
Chapter 93 Severing Ties of Kinship 92
Chapter 94 Rights of Neighbour 93
Chapter 95 Good Manners 94
Chapter 96 Rights of Husband 95
Chapter 97 Maligning Pious People 96
Chapter 98 Breach of Trust 97
Chapter 99 Soverignty is a Trust 98
Chapter 100 Asking for Office 98
Chapter 101 Deceiving The Public 99
Chapter 102 Showing Mercy to The Public 100
Chapter 103 Evading the Needs of Public 100
Chapter 104 Improper Display of Rank and dignity by the Rulers 101
Chapter 105 Despotism 101
Chapter 106 An Unjust Ruler 102
Chapter 107 Not to Observe Proper Weight and Measure 103
Chapter 108 Every Person is Responsible for His Subordinate 104
Chapter 109 Kind Treatment with The Slaves 105
Chapter 110 Kind Treatment with The Animals 105
Chapter 111 Fugitive Slave 106
Chapter 112 Maltreatment of Labourer 106
Chapter 113 Demand for Divorce 106
Chapter 114 Cuckold 107
Chapter 115 Importance of Dower 107
Chapter 116 Pointing Out With A Weapon 108
Chapter 117 Prejudice 108
Chapter 118 Showing Respect to An Innovator 109
Chapter 119 Devouring The Property of An Orphan 113
Chapter 120 Usurpation of Land 113
Chapter 121 Enslaving a Free Person 114
Chapter 122 Plundering 114
Chapter 123 Humiliation of Oppessed 115
Chapter 124 Islamic Brotherhood and Rights of Muslims 115

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