One Minute Prashna (Based on Jyotika Sthanam Prashna Pantha)

One Minute Prashna (Based on Jyotika Sthanam Prashna Pantha)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAO993
Author: R.K. Das
Publisher: Saptarishis Publications
Language: English
ISBN: 9782598215240
Pages: 116
Other Details 8.50 X 5.50 inch
Weight 200 gm

Book Description

About the Book

About the Book Over the years, I have worked on different Prashna Systems. Each having its own set of rules which need to be memorised and also found that many of the rules were contradictory to normal horoscope rules. So, it was always a difficult proposition to remember the nuances to perfect the system.

I always wondered that there needs to be a simplistic system so simple that the rules are minimal and consistent with traditional astrology. It looks like Mr R. K. Das read my mind when he called me and informed me that he is sending a very simplistic Prashna System for me to edit. I was thrilled beyond delight as I felt it would fill a big void.

The content did not disappoint me. It was more than what I was seeking. It was so simple and accurate enough for me to be thrilled. It was that simplistic that I, at first didn't believe it would work. So over the next one month, I thoroughly tested it and while it was not 100% accurate, it reached the high levels of 95% and above. It even had the capability to answer unuttered questions by the querent. Another salient feature of this system is its speed, a well-trained astrologer can answer (Yes/no) Prashna in about One minute.

I am sure, people will find this system- the most simple and accurate system of Prashna. It is so simple that people will master this system in just a couple of days and I am positive that this will become the Defacto Prashna system that everyone will use.

I take this opportunity to thank Shri R.K. Das for such a wonderful, simple and accurate system--and for filling the void that existed and fulfilling the need of the common man by ushering in such a system.

About the Author

Shri R.K. Das is an extremely versatile personality with a saintly approach towards life. He is a man of lofty ideals & stands uncompromised in his pursuit of seeking the truth & standing by it. This high state of righteousness and idea of truthfulness has imbibed in his mind hence truth has dawned upon the sky of his mind as was in the case of the Rishis, the seers of yore. Born in 1935 in the small village Kandoa in Nadia district of West Bengal, Shri R K Das served as a First class Magistrate and Judge in many district courts in West Bengal and also administered his duty in other important administrative capacities in the state.

He was lauded many times for many of his famous judgments which have become a reference point in judiciary His love for and command over mathematics enabled him to build a solid base of casting chart even without any ephemeris, let alone computer. This surprising capacity has whetted his uncanny intuition power which he has actually inherited from his famous Tantric Guru Shri Sudeen Mitra (a Retd.IRS officer) of Calcutta. Thus with this divine power he discovered many lost secrets of Vedic astrological calculations. Many famous politicians, actors, administrative officers, sports personalities and common men have benefitted by his accurate predictions over the last five decades.


I think it is imperative upon me to speak out here in the beginning as to how I have been advised to write this unique book of divine science of Vedic Astrology.

In the course of my writing a book on timing of events following the determinants of events as per my book "Parul Sutram" with the principles and rules of Jyotika Sankhya, I got a phone call one day in the morning from Mr. Sunil John, the erudite publisher of Saptarishis publications suggesting my writing a book on "Mastering Prashna Easily" I, at once, agreed.

I, then started thinking about how should I proceed. The book must be made simple and intelligible even to the novices of Vedic Astrology. The book must be containing system and principles absolutely new and mathematical, precise and not labor consuming and that it would be a book of Astrology, based on Sadhu Paddhati.

It dawns to me that "Jyotika Sthanum" in the astrological diagram as "Oracular Place" be the solution for all kinds of Prashna even when the Prashna is "Is this Mango sweet" and the answer is required to be given without touching or smelling or in any other way testing its flavor. I start writing the book, according to Sadhu Paddhati of Astrology. Every planet can indicate any matter. But if all these planets are used, the system would be clumsy. So, I must find out minimum number of planets to have some universality in them for indicating both the fructification of events and at the same time can help in the matter of timing such events.

In this modern age of mobile phones, long distance prashnas should be taken into consideration with due importance.

One night, I telephoned to London, where it was day then and asked my grandson, Shriman Saikat Saha to put a question for answer. He put the question "Are there flowers in the flower trees outside in my Garden?" Within a minute or two, I answered "Yes". He said, "Let me verify". Then, after a minute, he told me that the answer was absolutely correct.

Again, one day, he asked me "if any bird is sitting at his window?". Within a minute or 2, I answered," Yes, there is a bird sitting at your window". He shouted with joy over the phone and said "This is a miracle". I asked "why"? He answered, "when I asked that question, I was looking at the window and there was no bird and with the full knowledge of the absence of the bird, I put the question and just before one or two seconds of my answering, a bird sits there at the window and is still there sitting.

For verification of the rule for unuttered questions, Sri Mrinal Bharadwaj, a savant astrologer and my well-wisher put a silent question and he admitted with joy that I was right after hearing my reply. For Unuttered questions over long distance, I spoke to my Friend and Editor, Sri Mohan Srinivasan over phone. He too admitted with joy that the system is working fine after hearing my reply to his unuttered question. I was thrilled to see live examples of my system working perfectly.

On other aspects and matters, I had discussion with my youngest son, Shriman Atish Das, my third daughter Shrimathi Samudra Ghosh, my fourth daughter Shrimati Balaka Chatterjee, my third son, Shriman Nidhumoy Ghosh and fourth Son in Law, Shriman Pranab Chatterjee.

From all aspects, I endeavored to make the book simple and easy to understand. In this book when timing of events appear a necessity to answer the question, I have shown an easy way to do that by using Jyotika Sankhya. In bringing out this book, I am greatly indebted to all named in this forward for their immense help. I hope that the students, the practitioners, the readers and other interested persons of Vedic Astrology would find the book useful and they all would accord a cordial welcome to this book.

Before I enter into the subject matter of this book, I would like to add here in this forward, that the readers specially, the ones who are appearing/preparing for an examination, that if they get any negative answers to their questions for success, they must ignore that answer and go on preparing hard and laboriously and earnestly praying for success. They should know that no answer is absolute. Hard work and earnest prayers can change the negative answer to the desired positive answer for success.


By the grace of God, I have been able to find some very simple rules for Prashna or Horary section of the Vedic Astrology and have designed and formulated the rules for the benefit of students, readers, practitioners, and other interested persons of Vedic Astrology.

The rules are very easy to learn and the student can master Prashna easily.

The method is based upon the idea of Jyotika Sthanum of Sadhu Paddhati astrology and for the determinant planets of event! Parul Sutrams are resorted to. Thus, this book is a book of Astrology based on Sadhu Paddhati.

The rules are new and unique. Prashna Jyotish is itself a distinct branch of astrology quite different from the usual predictive astrology with its Rashi chart along with its various divisional charts.

A rashi chart can be considered for ascertaining if the native would generally have good food, most of the times. But to know i he will have his particular chosen food on a particular day astrologically, he must take recourse to Prashna Jyotish. For knowing about a person's ability to run a business for livelihood, one can use his birth chart. But to know if a particular deal would be profitable or not, Prashna Jyotish should be resorted to as this matter comes under the purview of Prashna Jyotish.

To get the idea of weather for a period for a particular area of the country, generally, mundane astrology should be consulted but for a particular day’s weather, Prashna chart should be consulted as this matter comes under the area of Prashna Jyotish.

A person has lost his wallet containing currency notes and some documents. To know when he could get back the wallet, Prashna Jyotish can help.

It is a distinct branch of predictive astrology. It has its own special areas of activities and principles. In the matter of returning of ships to port with merchandise Prashna Jyotish is of immense help. For getting information about stolen properties, astrologically and other information about the thief, Prashna Jyotish can help tremendously.

To have various information regarding fights, battles and wars, Prashna Jyotish is used often.

To know about the success of one's attempts, the usual predictive astrology does not offer much help. Prashna Jyotish can really save the day.

This book is unique in the sense that it has made Prashna very, very easy with just a few rules which can be used across the cross section of events and matters.

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