Rasadhyayah (Of The Deciple of Sri Kankalaya On alchemical Processes)

Rasadhyayah (Of The Deciple of Sri Kankalaya On alchemical Processes)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAD495
Author: Pammi Satyanarayana Sastry
Publisher: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office
Language: Sanskrit Text with English Transliteration and English Translation
ISBN: 9788170803881
Pages: 130
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 110 gm

Book Description


Alchemy is a popular science in most of the ancient world cultures and it has two utilities as of Neuclear power. Neuclear power provides prosperity if used in a proper way and creates destruction of human race, if used otherwise. Alchemy too can make the humans immortal and at the same time make the pros- perity to dwindle, when alchemy is adopted unwisely for raising base metals to precious metals. This doesnot mean that the sci- ence of raising base metals to Gold is a myth.

There are many books on this subject written by seers of yore for the benefit of the mankind. Few of them seen the light of the day. Many are rotting, either in the manuscript libraries of the country or kept secret by few private holdings. It is true that many technical term's used in these books could not deciphered, as they are to be learnt from the teachers directly through practi- cal demonstrations. Those who practiced alchemy in olden days, . may not be scholars of sanskrit, but has the goodwill of passing their experiences for the progenyto their might in the language/ terms they know. They used few terms probably the local terms. As is seen now, alchemy is mostly practiced by people not ex- posed to Sanskrit, apart from not acquiring the knowledge from an expert teacher. These contributed to brand the scince as a myth.

The present book, though small, is a good combination of both the facets of alchemy. This has few terms which are prob- 7 ably, dilectical or local as said above. They are difficult to under- stand in their true perspective unless we know the language of these terms. The author has very aptly said in the beginning ofthe book, that needs attention by the amaetures. He says -" Even after studying the scriptures well .and understanding, one cannot be successfull in alchemy without the practical experience taught by the Guru, the teacher".

About the translation.

As is said above, the book contains many words that are not found in the lexicons of Ayurveda available to the present translator. Hence, they were left without translation.

As regards the computing the weight and measures, no universally accepted method is available till date. There are dif- ferent weights & measures in different parts of the country and accordingly used them in their books by the then authours of that land. But, which books belongs to wsich land has not been found as yet. Similarly, the weights and measures used in this book are found in Leelavati Ganitam of Bhaskaracharya. The weights men- tioned e.g. Manam etc. are calculated based on the metric equiva- lent of one Rati. Here again, few adopt 120 mg. and some 125 mg. as ratio This small difference of 5 mg. make huge difference when computed to bigger measures like Manam. Hence, a com- mon consenses is the need of the hour.

Small things make perfection and perfection is no small thing. Keeping this in mind, and facing these constraints, effort has been made to translate this book to my ability. Readers are requested to inform, the mistakes, if any, for correction in future.

About the author

No much information is available about the author. His name has not been mentioned. But, it is understood from the in- troductory and closing stanzas that the author is the deciple of Kankalaya Yogi, the expert alchemist.


Out of many books of ayurveda which wer~ not trans- lated from sanskrit, the present small book Rasadhyaya is pre- sented to the fraternity of Ayurveda, with a fervent hope of accep- tance.


Invocation- Il
Contents of Rasadhyaya - 13
The seven impurities of mercury- 14
The five impurities of Mercury- 14
Effects of these impurities- 15
Merits of using purified Mercury- 16
18 pacificator processes of Mercury- I7
1 . Patasarana (Sieving through cloth) process- I7
2 . Purification of Mercury by Mardana (grinding) process- I8
3 Purification process- 18
4 Swooning & activating of mercury- 20
5 Patana samskarah- 2I
Swooning and reactivating process of others- 22
6 Throwing or Felling process
Another method- 25
Other method- 25
7 Sweating/steaming- 26
Swatting process from other books- 28
Various drugs used for sweating process- 29
8 Niyãmaka (subdueing) process- 30
9 Rodhana (Suppression) process- Drugs used in the Processes of Mukha 31
Processes of others- 33
10 Creating mouth to Mercury- 36
11 Jaranam - Digesition / Assimilation- 3 7
Another method- 1-37
Another method- 2-3 7
Another method- 3-38
Another method- 4-38
Another method- 5-39
Jarana/assimiliation for the Mercury- 39
Prasarana and Niyamaka- 32
Purification of Mica- 40
Assimilation process of Mica- 41
Test for Dhanyãbhraka & Mercury that assimilated Mica- 43
Another method- 44
In another text- 44
Method of others- 45
Preparation of Abhra piti- 46
jarana process for jtrnabhraka sata löha prakd.arãji- 47
Jarana process with hëmardji to jima prakã.araji süta- 48
Gandhaka jãrana process to jiriahëmardji süta- 48
Järana process of extract of Realgar to Mercury that already digested sulphur- 49
Jarana process of extract of Khãpara(Calamine)- 51
Jarana process of Annapatha Diamond to Mercury which has already digested the extract of Khapara - 51
Qualities of Mercury that digested extracts of Khdpara, diamond- Effects of Bhasma of Mercury 52
with improper mixing/digesting of Thumba bija- 52
Jarana process - 53
View of other experts- 55
Method of making vadavanala vila- 55
Method of knowing whether the mercury assimilated the metals in Jarana procedures - 57
12. Manufacturing of Sidda Rasayana - 58
Effects of Siddha rasa- 59
13. Need of Sdrana procedure to bound mercury- 60
Sdrana procedure to bound mercury- 61
14. Killing of bound mercury -61
15. Pratisarana process to the killed mercury- 62
16 . Krãmana process to the mercury that had Pratisarana - 62
17. Vedhaka process to the mercury that had kramana process- 63
18. Udghatana (Activating) process to mercury that had vëdhana process- 63
Chapter Two
Shape & Appearance of Rãjika - 64
Order of the best of nagaraji etc. - 66
Manufacturing of Prakã.iardli- 66
Manufacturing of kamayaraji- 66
Manufacturing of Makshikaraji- 68
Manufacturing of Nagaraji- 68
Chapter Three
Procedure for obtaining extract of Khapara- 69
Chapter Four
Procedure for obtaining extract of Realgar- 71
Chapter Five
The first method out of the three methods of making all the six metals into liquids- 72
The second method- 73
The third method- 74
Killing of the six metals- 75
Killing of copper- 74
Chapter Six
Process of annapatha hfrakikarana & five methods of killing - 77
Chapter Seven
The second method- 79
The third method- 80
Method of testing a real diamond- 80
Making diamond bhasma- 81
The second method of making diamond bhasma- 82
The third method of making diamond bhasma - 83
The fourth method of making diamond bhasma - 84
The fifth method of making diamond bhasma- 85
Chapter Eight
Purification of Sulphur - First method - 86
Purification of Sulphur - Second method- 86
Chapter Nine
First method of making a lump of Sulphur - 87
Second method of making a lump of Sulphur - 87
Chapter Ten
Procedure for making Gold - 89
Procedure of preparation of oil of Sulphur - 89
Chapter Eleven
First method of making Gold - 90
Second method bf making Goid- 92
Third method of making Gold- 93
Making Gold through oil of sulphur as told in other texts - 93
Chapter Twelve
Making Gandhakavari druti piti - 94
Chapter Thirteen
Making Gold with gandhaka druti pithi- 96
Making pdradabandha & khotabandha with gandhaka drutipithi- 96
Chapter Fourteen
Making Pure Gold with gandhakadruti piti- 97
Chapter Fifteen
Purification of Yellow orpiment (Talaka)- 98
Chapter Sixteen
Dangers with impure godanti - 100
Actions of yellow orpiment (tãlaka)- 100
Chapter Seventeen
Three methods of making liquid Mica (Abhraka druti)- 104
Second method of making dhanyabraka druti- 106
Third method of making dhanyabraka druti- 107
Chapter Eighteen
Qualities of the three types of dhdnyabhraka druti- 109
Chapter Ninteen
Qualities of bhasmas of Gold, Mica and the extract of earthworm (bhunaga)- 111
Procedure of intake of Gutikanfana, pãrada guti etc. - 115
Chapter Twenty
Preparation of Balavadini gutika 116
Submission of the sanskrit commentator- 119
Geonology of the Sanskrit commentator- 119-
Glossary of Herbal & Mineral terms - 120
Glossary of few technical terms - 130
Sample Pages

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