So You Shall Know The Truth (A Collection of Discourses)

So You Shall Know The Truth (A Collection of Discourses)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAL014
Author: Svami Purna
Publisher: New Age Books
Language: English
Edition: 2013
ISBN: 9788178223971
Pages: 192
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 250 gm

Book Description

About the Book

So You shall know the Truth includes Chosen recent discourses that again demonstrate Svami Purna's Unique, insightful and precious teaching, originally given in the authentic oral tradition. They have been transcribed and edited in order to reflect the ancient Vedic wisdom and modern day relevance. The use of illustrations and stories provide additional richness, while also reminding us of the eternal wisdom that is available for those on the path. The discourses include answers to some of life's key questions and direct the seeker of truth on a positive path to achieve more balance, fulfillment and meaning. As with all of Svamiji's teaching there is no mistaking the key message that responsibility for self and one's own happiness is crucial to a balanced and healthy life and to real understanding. The explanation of such fundamental issues through the discourses offers a real opportunity to understand their message. Some may already be aware of the works of Svami Purna and enjoy the endorsement that this selection provides in relation to other works: for others this may be the first taste of such knowledge. For all readers there will be a unique pleasure in participating in the clear understanding found in this edition.

About the Author

Dr. Svami Purna was born into an Indian family of Philosophers and rulers. He is a Sanskrit Master and a doctor of medicine, psychology, philosophy and literature, and his mastery of the six schools of Indian philosophy and the Eightfold Path of Yoga have earned him the title Vidya Vacaspati, Lord of Learning.


At various stages of our lives questions emerge that require attention as we seek more knowledge and meaning. What is Truth? How can I attain true understanding in this lifetime? How can I understand and integrate profound spiritual concepts yet continue with my practical mundane duties in this world of maya in a spirit of joyful and selfless seva or service? Where can I find a clear explanation of the authentic Sanskrit texts and literature and apply this understanding? How do I grasp in this lifetime the keys to mindful living based on tested perennial wisdom and values? How can I be sure of the integrity and authenticity of the ancient teachings and guidance?

Sri Sri Svami Puma Maharaj or Svami Puma is a Sat Guru - a true living Teacher - who explains in a real sense the profound spiritual tradition that has perennial and universal relevance for all of humanity. Indeed Svami Purna represents universal knowledge that cuts across all barriers making him a true world living Teacher and Master. As I have mentioned before in other publications, when we define teachers they can fall into one of two categories, that is:

• Those who have information, theoretical and book knowledge - who gather many facts and figures - who have some achievement in life and recognition in the world through scholarly presence, yet do not practise what they teach; or

• Teachers who have attained great knowledge and wisdom - through traditional spiritual training or enlightenment and through the practice and implementation of the teachings in their lives - and who have lived and continue to live according to the principles that they teach.

In this selection of discourses various key concepts for an approach to living are explored. The discourses are based on their true Vedic and Sanskrit origin. The selection enables the reader to understand the significance of integrating spiritual understanding in daily life and achieving balance. They represent a guide in the individual's search for universal truth, joy and spiritual fulfilment. When Svami Puma gives a discourse he deals with diverse groups, different nationalities, religions and backgrounds and he is faced with many different cultures. Through his guidance he leads them to a clearer and fuller dimension of life that is relevant all over the world. Some of the selected pieces are discourses on a chosen topic or subject: others are in the form of a specific question and answer session typical of the traditional approach by real teachers of such living knowledge. All of them have on-going practical significance for all of us as we experience the ups and downs of life and try to live in the spirit of practical spirituality. To assist readers vital terms are listed in the Glossary and are explained more fully throughout the selection.

'So You Shall Know the Truth' includes chosen recent discourses that again demonstrate Svami Puma's unique, insightful and precious teachings, originally given in the authentic oral tradition. They have been transcribed and edited in order to reflect the ancient Vedic wisdom and modern day relevance. The use of illustrations and stories provide additional richness, while also reminding us of the eternal wisdom that is available for those on the path. The discourses include answers to some of life's key questions and direct the seeker of truth on a positive path to achieve more balance, fulfilment and meaning. As with all of Svamiji's teachings there is no mistaking the key message that responsibility for self and one's own happiness is crucial to a balanced and healthy life and to real understanding. The explanation of such fundamental issues through the discourses offers readers a real opportunity to understand their message. Some may already be aware of the works of Svami Puma and enjoy the endorsement that this selection provides in relation to other works: for others this may be the first taste of such knowledge. For all readers there will be a unique pleasure in participating in the clear understanding found in this edition.

Once again I am honored to have worked with such precious knowledge and to' have assisted with the editing of the discourses with Petra Kues at Adhyatmik Foundation. We believe that we are privileged to have the opportunity to share this understanding at a time in the world where more enlightenment is vital.

In my view the accessible style and teachings set out in 'So You Shall Knew the Truth' clearly evidence the value of a way of life that can be embarked upon whatever one's age, stage in life or background and wherever one lives in this world. They can be read again and again and, with each reading, offer more perception and wisdom.

Where further information is sought I would suggest that it would be helpful to follow up any questions by further reading or by contacting us for guidance.


Foreword Vii
1 Body Politics 1
2 Developing a Positive Mind 7
3 Traps of Illusion 15
4 Laws of Nature and Laws of Men 19
5 Tools tor Growth 23
6 Listening to the Inner Self 27
7 Layers of Love 33
8 Agni, the Sacred Fire 39
9 Connecting to Your Higher Self 43
10 Concept of the Sat Guru and Phases of Time 49
11 Managing the World Crisis 59
12 Breaking Free of Your Progamming 65
13 Renewal of Happiness 71
14 Recycling Your Life 77
15 The Forgotten Culture 83
16 Finding Your Medium of Expression 87
17 Enjoying the Beauty 91
18 Questions and Answers Along the Path 97
19 Life is a Journey 113
20 There are Many Paths 117
21 Transforming Your Senses 123
22 Sunrise-senses 131
23 Balancing Sun and Moon 135
24 Connections 141
25 The Human Gift 151
26 Maintainging Confidence 157
27 Initiation 163
28 Questions and Answers 167
The Glossary 177

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