The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity (How to Always be in the Flow of Resources and Supportive Events Relationships for Your Highest Good)

The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity (How to Always be in the Flow of Resources and Supportive Events Relationships for Your Highest Good)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAP121
Author: Roy Eugene Davis
Publisher: New Age Books
Language: English
Edition: 2002
ISBN: 9788178220536
Pages: 128
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 200 gm

Book Description

About The Book

In this book the author proclaims that life need not be difficult, painful, or limited. He clearly explains how anyone who is capable of rational thinking can be spiritually awake and serenely happy, live creatively and effectively, have life-enhancing desires easily fulfilled, and consistently accomplish meaningful purpose.

To fully actualize life’s highest potential, the reader is encouraged to:

• Aspire to excellence.

• Be decisive.

• Imagine ideal possibilities.

• Acquire necessary knowledge and skillfully perform appropriate actions.

• Persist with unwavering resolve.

• Participate with the laws of cause and effect that will allow the desired result to be experienced.

For the attentive reader who aspires to self-discovery and to true fulfillment in all aspects of life, these specific guidelines will be extremely helpful.

About The Author

ROY EUGENE DAVIS is a widely traveled teacher of meditation and spiritual growth process, the author of many books, and director of Center for Spiritual Awareness with international headquarters in the northeast Georgia Mountains.


In the following pages I do not offer any formulas for getting rich quickly or for discovering immediate solutions to all personal problems. What is explained are reliable, tested and verified ways to experience satisfying spiritual growth and live happily and effectively. My thesis is simple: for prosperity to be real or authentic, it must be based on an awareness of spiritual realities and compliant cooperation with the principles which enable it to be experienced. That this information needs to be widely published is obvious to anyone who is observant.

In 1994, a department of the United Nations published a progress report to provide information about global conditions and human affairs. It reported that, in comparison to conditions fifty years previously, more people had access to food and literary levels were higher. Even so, almost two billion people, most of them in economically undeveloped regions of the world, were impoverished. Approximately one third of the plant’s human inhabitants were illiterate. The gap between rich people and poor people had widened. In some countries, the average annual income per person was less than three hundred dollars. Ten countries had nearly seventy percent of the world’s poorest people.

Other sources report that a global human population is increasing at the rate of eighty million people every year. Approximately six and a half million a month; one and a half million each week; more than two hundred thousand each day. According to a report published by World Watch Institute, there are already some signs of faltering growth trends in countries that were expected to have the greatest Populations increases in the near future. Population in thirty-two industrialized countries has stabilized because of declining birthrates.

A few countries, including Russia, Italy, the United States, and Japan, have declining populations. In some developing countries where population growth will probably be slower in a few years, more people are dying. India Pakistan, and Nigeria, for instance, are beginning to experience difficulty in feeding, housing, and educating increasing numbers of children while having to confront the challenges of falling water tables, deforestation, and soil erosion caused in part by rapid population growth in recent decades. Some observer s of global trends are of the opinion that human population growth will slow down because developing countries will begin to encourage smaller families or unrestrained birth rates will result in the spread of famine and disease. The major threats to human security on the planet are conflicts within nations because of socioeconomic deprivation and differences, and ethnic and religious intolerance.

In the United States, it is estimated that one percent of the population (approximately 2.8 million people) own forty percent of the wealth; ten percent (approximately 28 million) own ninety percent; ninety percent (252 million) own ten percent. Fifty percent of the people who work for wages in the United States do not have enough money saved to pay their bills if they were unable to work for six months. Fewer than ten percent have enough money saved to meet their personal needs when they are no longer able to work or choose to retire. Most older Americans, although they have a place to live and may have a modest income from a pension plan or from investments, are also financially dependent on social security checks or assistance provided by family members. By the year 2015, over sixty percent of the population of the United States and several countries in Europe will be over sixty-five years of age, and will live many more years.

Because of the rapid increase of knowledge and technological breakthroughs, conditions on the planet have changed more dramatically in the past two hundred years than during the previous ten thousand years. In the nineteenth century, railroads and access to electricity made a notable impact on people’s lives. In the 20th century, radio, the telephone, automobiles, air transportation, computers, scientific advancement, and space exploration broadened our view of the universe and enabled us to ponder near and distant future possibilities yet to be discovered and actualized.

Concurrent with the many changes that have been rapidly occurring, there has been a noticeable surge of sincere interest in spirituality and in discovering and focusing on life’s real values. Many more people are endeavoring to learn how to enjoy healthy, long life which has both depth and meaning. Many are also actively seeking a means by which they may facilitate their spiritual growth, comprehend the reality of God, have accurate knowledge about their relationship to the universe, and be assured of their future well-being after their relatively brief sojourn in this space-time realm is concluded.

The information in this book will be of value to the reader who aspires to total well-being and is willing to be responsible for actualizing and maintaining it. I recommend that it first be read in its entirety, then the text perused until the ideas and principles are clearly understood. In a notebook or private journal, write your specific plans to implement constructive actions and immediately actualize your plans with unwavering, self-disciplined resolve.

Acquired knowledge that is not applied is merely information; right application of useful knowledge will produce gratifying results, Be curious and enthusiastic. You are in this world to learn, grow, be expressive, prosper in all ways, and fulfill your spiritual destiny.

May all of your worthy aspirations be fulfilled and may all of your meaningful purposes be accomplished.


Introduction 7
Chapter One The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity 15
Chapter Two Prosperity is a Personal Choice 29
Chapter Three The Eight Success Principles That Make Possible the Fulfillment of All of Life's Purpose 41
Chapter Four The Deep Silence That Refreshes the Mind and Spirit 55
Chapter Five What You Can Clearly Imagine and Believe, You Can Experience 71
Chapter Six How to Use Affirmations Effectively 85
Chapter Seven Money: What It is, and How to Manage It 93
Chapter Eight Established in Propertiy Consciousness, Fulfill Your Destiny 117
Glossary 121

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