Sravana Mangalam: A Divine Opportunity Revealed
Book Specification
Item Code: | UBC187 |
Author: | Gopal Krishna Goswami |
Publisher: | Golden Age Media |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2022 |
ISBN: | 9789391545291 |
Pages: | 128 |
Cover: | PAPERBACK |
Other Details | 8.50 X 5.50 inch |
Weight | 160 gm |
Book Description
We live in a world that is overwhelmed with strife: economic, social, political, and environmental. The struggle we see all around is intensified by the doubts and questions to which we find no adequate answers. The illusion is deepened by a lack of guidance from the so-called leaders and custodians of culture, religion, and society. While the world sells desires as an answer to all our existential questions, the scriptures vehemently reject engagement with these.
This is what Krsna explains in the Bhagavad-gită (2.62-63):
dhyayato visayan pusaḥ sangas teṣupajayate krodhad bhavati sammohah sangat sañjayate kamaḥ kämät krodho 'bhijayate sammohät smṛti-vibhramah smrti-bhramsad buddhi-nāšo buddhi-nasat pranayati
While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment, lust develops, and from lust, anger arises. From anger, complete delusion arises and from delusion, bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost and when intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool.
Śrila Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, in Śri Isopanisad (Purport for text 7 & 9), provides the solution to all our problems after he describes the Modern world: its nature and its predicament.
Book's Contents and Sample Pages