Sri Ramana Darsanam (also known as Chaitanya Sakshatkaram)

Sri Ramana Darsanam (also known as Chaitanya Sakshatkaram)

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Book Specification

Item Code: IDI998
Author: Sadhu Natanananda, Edited by David Godman
Publisher: Sri Ramanasramam, Tamil Nadu
Language: English
Edition: 2013
ISBN: 9788188225637
Pages: 146
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.3" X 5.4"
Weight 180 gm

Book Description

Publisher's Note

Sri Ramana Darsanam was originally published by Sadhu Natanananda himself in Tamil in 1957. Since 1973 this work has been a Sri Ramananasramam publication.

David Godman, the compiler of Be As You Are, has edited and arranged the text for this first ever English edition. The translation itself was done by Dr. Venkatasubramanian.

We are also including two long poems by Sadhu Natanananda - Atma gita and tiruvarut Selvam - that have never been published before, even in Tamil. They were discovered in the ashram archives a few years ago.

We are happy to publish this collection of Sadhu Natanananda's writings and we hope that spiritual aspirants will find this work useful in their pursuit of truth.

Back of the Book

Sadhu Natanananda was a distinguished scholar and devotee who first met Bhagavan in Skandashra. His collection of dialogues with Bhagavan - Upadesa Manjari in Tamil and Spiritual Instructions in English - has appeared in several editions of Bhagavan's own Collected Works. Sadhu Natanananda also edited Vichara Sangraham (Self-Enquiry) in both the essay and the question-and-answer formats. Bhagavan also gave him the job of arranging the verses of Guru Vachaka Kovai, Muruganar's authoritative compendium of Bhagavan's teachings.

In the early 1950s Sadhu Natanananda wrote Sri Ramana Darsanam, a book that contained many previously unpublished stories about Bhagavan. However, it is not merely a collection of anecdotes. Sadhu Natanananda uses these stories to make a penetrating analysis of Bhagavan's life and teachings.

Also included are previously unpublished poems that give a rare glimpse into the inner experiences that came to Sadhu Natanananda as a result of Bhagavan's teachings and grace.


Verses in praise of the work and the author by Muruganar 1
Prefatory verses by the author 3
Sri Ramana Darsanam

Scene 1: The nature of those who have seen the truth
I I have seen God. I can show him too 8
2 As the first Guru indicating Supreme Silence 9
3 The Selfward look and words of grace 10
4 Wherever one looks, one sees only God 11
Scene 2: The nature of perception
5 That which is seen first is God 12
6 Divinity in the form of jnani 13
7 Those who came with pride became motionless like statues 14
8 Realisation is impossible without the grace of the Guru 15
Scene 3: The nature of the state of firm consciousness
9 Supreme tranquility experienced even by birds and beasts 16
Scene 4: The nature of observance of dharma
10 Two exalted persons who captivated the entire world 18
11 The same sakti that is working here is also working there 20
Scene 5: The nature of the state of pure being
12 He bestowed grace without regarding himself as a Guru 22
13 Because he is adjunct-free, the Guru is God 25
14 The greatness of the Guru's presence and the fullness of tranquillity 26
15 Wandering mind and still consciousness 27
16 Devoted association with grace is living with the Guru 28
Scene 6: The nature of the jnani's utterances 29
17 Always aiming at fixity of mind is true service to Guru 31
18 If attention is directed inward, activities will go on of their own accord 32
19 Reforming the mind is true service 33
20 The real meaning of touching the Guru's feet 34
21 The experience of the Self is the only true prasad 36
22 The illumination 'I am' is God's upadesa 37
23 True namaskaram is only surrender of the ego 40
24 Guru's real form is the supreme reality 41
25 When I am all pervading, where can I go? 43
26 The best form of instruction is a practical demonstration 44
26 (a) The cause of bondage 49
Scene 7: The nature of enquiry 51
27 Jnana vichara is only investigation of 'I' 51
28 Consciousness of being is the natural state 52
29 Consciousness, limiting itself, becomes Jiva 53
30 False identifications 53
31 One consciousness is seen in two modes 55
32 To abide as consciousness is self-surrender 56
33 Loss of ego is only avoiding tamas and rajas 56
34 The witness state is one's natural state 58
35 The course of the body will be according to destiny 60
Scene 8: Getting cleared 63
36 To say that liberation is of two kind has only verbal significance 64
37 Instantaneous liberation alone is supreme liberation 66
38 The method of practice is learning to die 69
39 If one remains without losing hold of the Self, all the thoughts will be destroyed 70
40 The emergence of even a single thought is an indication of a departure from the natural state 71
41 The extinction of vasanas is the end of sadhana 73
42 They saw the limit of primal ignorance 74
43 They saw the limit of primal ignorance 75
44 Search for the remnant of bondage and destroy it completely 75
45 Excellence in humility is the only rue ornament of the spiritually mature 77
46 The nature of true experience is the non-perception of differences 79
46(a) The nature and behaviour of the jnani 80
Scene 9: The nature of the firmness of experience 88
47 Consciousness of being and the truth of God 88
48 Self-consciousness [prajnana] and Supreme reality [Parabrahman] 89
49 True knowledge and ignorance 90
50 Internal and external attachments 92
51 Mind with form and without form 92
52 Broken and unbroken vritti 93
53 Perfect repose and perfect effort 95
54 Formless mind and the three states 96
55 The experience of bliss and the transcendence of bliss 97
56 Jivanmukta and the rising of the mind 101
57 The Brahmavid and prarabdha 101
58 Prarabdha and agamya 107
Scene 10: The nature of liberation 109
59 Clarity of mind, bondage and liberation 110
60 Final liberation and transcendence 112
Concluding Benediction 114
Atma Gita 116
Tiruvarut Selvam [The Wealth of Divine Grace] 131
Glossary 143

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