You And Your Teenager (A Guide to Ideal Upbringing and Development of a Child)

You And Your Teenager (A Guide to Ideal Upbringing and Development of a Child)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAF192
Author: Various Authors
Publisher: Sanatan Bharatiya Sanskriti Sanstha
Language: English
Edition: 2009
ISBN: 9789380074023
Pages: 82 (11 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inc
Weight 100 gm

Book Description

About The Authors

Authors : Dr.V.B.Athavale, Dr. Mahesh Gandhi and Dr.(Mrs.) Shraddha M. Gandhi

Dr. Vasant Balaji Athavale, M.D. (Paediatrics), D.C.H., F.A.M.S., Vaidyacharya, is a renowned Paediatrician. He ranked first in the examinations of M.D. (Paediatrics) and D.C.H. He is the founder of the Paediatrics Department (established in 1959) in the Lokmanya Tilak Mahanagarpalika Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra. He was professor and Head of this department from 1959 to 1990. He was honoured by UNICEF which conferred on him the Fellowship for his research paper that was read in the international Paediatrics Conference held in Tokyo in 1965.

Dr. Athavale has obtained the highest degree in Ayurveda, that of ‘Ayurvedacharya’. He has written a number of books on Ayurveda and modernized the entire Ayurveda for day-to-day life. The books in Marathi and English are written in a simple and easy language that they are useful for both the elite and an average individual. In 1966 he received the prestigious international honour of ‘The Best Author of books on Ayurveda’. In 2001, he was honoured with ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ in the international symposium on Ayurveda by the National Education Board.

Dr. Mahesh Gandhi, M.D., D.P.M. is a sexologist and Homeopath. He is internationally renowned for treating psychiatric cases with Homeopathy. He has been practicing psychiatry for the past 27 years. Dr. (Mrs.) Shraddha Gandhi, M.D., D.P.M. has been practicing as Consultant Psychiatrist, Hypnotherapies and Counselor for the past 20 years. She also treats psychological problems with Homeopathy.

The Gandhi couple treat concentration and memory problems, problems with children like dyslexia, autism, stammering, bed-wetting, temper tantrums etc. They also treat anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, addictions, marital discord, sexual dysfunctions, psychosomatic disorders and personality disorders in adults. They have written a book titled ‘Psychiatry for Students and General Practitioners’.


This book deals with the peculiarities and problems of teenagers that is adolescents and their parents. Adolescence is the period of rapid growth during which sexual maturation occurs and the child becomes an adult.

The anatomy and physiology of reproductive organs are given. The common problems of adolescence like pimples, faulty posture, masturbation and menstrual disorders are discussed. The dangers of smoking, alcohol and drug addiction are stressed.

Teenagers should strive to establish their identity by continuing education and acquired skill and proficiency in the selected subjects and imbibing good qualities so that they can become good husbands or wives and later responsible parents and citizens.

Friction between teenager and their parents is a story. Important hints re given to both teenagers and their parents, so that the teenagers can pass through their adolescence smoothly and develop better ties with their parents.

This book gives in detail the duties of parents and discusses the practical problems faced by parents in rearing and guiding their teenagers. The various defects in the personalities of parents and the common mistakes committed by hem in rearing their teenagers are also discussed.

I am sure this book will help both the teenagers and their parents to understand each other. It will help the parents to guide their teenagers tactfully and give them an insight for becoming better parents.


Chapter 1 : Teenager and Adolescents
1 Difference between Teenagers and adolescents 10
2 Goals of Teenagers 10
Male Reproductive Unit and System
3 Structure of Sperm 13
4 Sperm formation and its passage 14
5 Difference in location of tests and ovaries 15
6 Variation in size of right and left tests 15
7 Absence of one or both testes in some children and its effect on sexual development during adolescence 15
8 Structure and length of the penis 16
9 Relation of the size of the penis to sex urge or fertility 17
Female Reproductive Unit and system
10 Structure of the ovum 17
11 Number of ova produced by a female 18
12 Reproductive system of a female 18
Chapter 2 : Hormones and Teenagers' Problems
1 Hormones 21
2 Functions of hypothalamus 22
3 Pituitary gland 23
4 Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary gland and their function 23
5 Hormones secreted by Posterior Pituitary gland and their function 24
6 Hormones secreted by thyroid gland and its functions 24
7 Male sexhormone and its function 24
8 Suprarenal their structure and function 25
9 Diseases caused by abnormal function of Suprarenal Cortex 25
10 Hormones secreted by thyroid gland and its functions 26
11 Goitre of puberty 26
Chapter 3 : Secondary Sex Characteristics
1 Onset of Puberty 27
2 Appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in boys 27
3 Appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in girls 28
4 Appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in puberty 28
5 Change of voice during adolescence in boys 29
6 Delayed puberty 29
Chapter 4 : Menstruation
1 Menstruation 30
2 First menses in girls - Menarche 30
3 Relation of menarche and height 30
4 Regularity of monthly period 31
5 Cessation of monthly period -Menopause 32
6 Untouchability of a menstruating lady - tradition in India 32
7 Common menstrual disorders 32
8 Effect of climacteric or Menopause 33
9 Misconceptions about menopause 35
Chapter 5 : Breasts
1 Structure of Breasts 36
2 Factors controlling the size of breasts 36
3 Misconceptions about breasts in adolescent girls 37
4 Measures for increasing size of breasts 37
5 Asymmetric enlargement of breasts in adolescent girls 38
6 Prominent breasts in an adolescent boy 39
Chapter 6 : Normal variation in sexual maturation and stature
1 Early sexual maturation - Precocious puberty 40
2 Causes of delayed sexual maturation 41
3 Adolescents (14 to 15 years) looking younger (8 to 9 years) 41
4 Causes of short stature 41
5 Measures to increase the height of a child 42
6 Causes of tall stature 43
7 Measures to reduce the height in girl 43
8 Causes of faulty posture 43
Chapter 7 : Skin and Hair
1 Pimples - their management 45
2 Lines appearing over skin of thigh, buttocks and shoulders in adolescents 45
3 Difference in distribution of hair in men and women 46
4 Hairy girls 46
5 Causes of baldness 47
Chapter 8 : Growth and development
1 Growth and development of teenagers - characteristics and its practical implications 48
2 Nutritional requirements during adolescence 50
3 Improving one's interest and concentration in study 51
4 Becoming a successful group leader 53
Chapter 9 : Smoking and Drug addiction
1 Smoking or tobacco chewing - injurious to health 54
2 Drug addiction 56
3 Effect of drugs that can cause addictions 57
4 Suspecting drug addiction in a child 61
5 Common drugs causing addiction 62
6 Factors impelling young people to seek drugs 64
7 Treatment of a drug addict 65
Chapter 10 : Teenager - Parent interaction
1 Parents grumbling about their teenager 68
2 Thoughts and behavior of adolescent children 69
3 Avoiding friction between adolescents and parents 71
4 Generation gap 72
5 Narrowing generation gap 74
6 Hints to tackle teenagers tactfully 75
7 Training teenagers to live a happy and peaceful life 77
**Sample Pages**

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