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Book Specification

Item Code: NAO608
Author: Dr. E.S. Neelakantan
Publisher: CBH Publications
Language: English
Edition: 2018
ISBN: 9789383811458
Pages: 215
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.0 inch X 5.0 inch
Weight 220 gm

Book Description

Back of the Book

The Ashtakavarga system of prediction is unique concept which has its root in Vedic Astrology. Ashatakvarga can be used for very accurate predictions on various aspects of native astrology. This makes Ashtakavarga a useful tool in today’s age.

The Ashtakavarga becomes a good tool for prediction in combination with transit astrology and the predictions become more accurate when applied with the Ashtakavarga system.

The Basic principles of Ashtakavarga, Impact of different planets on the native’s horoscopes, longevity, etc. have been clearly analyze and arrive at a good prediction for the nativity.

This book would prove to be most useful for both laymen as well as scholars, mainly because the topics have been discussed in a lucid manner, consciously avoiding the path of indulging in polemics.

About the Author

Dr. E.S. Neelakantan was born on 5th August, 1967, in Kannimngalam Village, Palakkad District, Kerala. He graduated in Statistics from Loyola College, Chennai. He is practicing Chartered Accountnt in Chennai since 1993. He became a Fellow Member of the Istitute of Chartered Accountants of India in the year 2002. He is also a qualified Information Systems Auditor with considerable experience in handling all aspects of auditing, Dr. E. S. Neelakanta developed interest in Astrology by reading the works of Dr. B. V. Raman and learnt Astrology in a formal way under works Prof. K. V. Seshdrinatha Sastri, a renowned authority on Jyothisha and Ayurveda. He was awarded Ph. D. for his thesis on Medical Astrology, by Sri Chandrasekharendra University, Kancheepuram. He is at present a regular contributor to five of the leading journals on Astrology in India viz, Express Star Teller, Modern Astrology, Astrological e-Magazine, Outlook Astrology, e-journal, and JASA. He is the recipient of the “Nostradamus Award” Instituted by Express Star Teller for his accurate forecasts.


Basically Astrology is all about interpretation. The trouble with even a scholars or a prodigious learner is how to fathom what the planet is up to? If it is a combination of good and bad, then in its dasha or bhukti cases; Ashtakavarga becomes a powerful tool in the hands of the Astrologer, mainly because it relies on mathematics, more than interpretational skills. The Aashtakavarga system of prediction is a unique concept which has its roots in Vedic Astrology. This makes Ashtakavarga a very useful tool in today’s age, where even though the world has taken giant strides in science and technology, the intellectual acumen of an average astrologer today is much below what it was in earlier days.

Predictions come under two categories-Samanya (General) and Nischaya (Definite). Here Ashtakavarga is used to make definite predictions. According to Mukunda Daivanja, “One who knows the greatness and significance of Ashtakavarga, be alone achieves identity with God. That is, his predictions will never fail.” In the course of a discussion between Maitreya and Sage Parashara, the significance of Ashtakavarga is explained by the latter in response to the former’s query: “It is not possible for people to understand the principles of Jyothisha due to past sins, lack of intelligence and due to influence of Kaliyuga. Hence, let me know a method, which even a person with low intellectual ability can employ to give correct predictions?” Parasara’s learned reply constitutes the fundamental principles of the science, we call Ashtakavarga system of prediction.

The cardinal principle of Astrology is that if the lagna is strong and also if it is stronger than the 8th, then long life is assured. The doubt which occurs for an average student is: How to reckon if lagna is stronger compared to 8th house? Jupiter in 7 can indicate a great married life, great career and erudition. The same in certain cases can be indicative of Kendradhipatya dosha or it can become a Maraka by nature. In traditional astrology, there is no exception provided for a combusted planet. Debilitated planets get exempt from delivering bad results if the principle of Neecha Bhanga applies. Ashtakavarga can give relief both in the form of Neecha Bhanga as well as Moudya bhaga.

There are set of rules which need o be studied carefully to ascertain planetary strengths for which one needs to have a strong grip over the subject. In Ashtakavarga, while looking at birth charts., what matters is the number of bindus, be it in the Bhinnashtavarga Chart (BAV) Or the Sarvashtakavarga Chart (SAV) – the more, the merrier, you are. The bindus are nothing but the cumulative influence of all the planets falling on a particular house. Even a combusted planet will give good results if the rasi-lord is placed in a house which has not less than 25 binds in the Sarvashtakavarga chart (SAV) Chart. This is why, Ashtakvarga as a system of prediction is particularly effective, since it talks of how all the planets are influencing a particular bhava, rendering the topic of Bhava Vichar, meaningful. A solitary planet cannot influence the horoscope in a meaningful way; it requires the support of other planets. A King who marches forward in battle will be successful only if the army were to support him.

In Ashtakavarga, the rules are very simple; if the bindus in Lagna bhava are greater than 8th house in the SAV chart, one will be long lived; if the converse is true one will be short-lived; if they are more or less equal, one will have medium span of longevity. This kind of simple reasoning cuts at the very root of all elaborate arguments and for once, even an ordinary student can compete with a learned scholars in Astrology and come up with accurate predictions.

According to Vargottama planet is supposed to deliver auspicious results. One doubt occurs; what happens if Jupiter is in Capricorn in both Rasi as well as navamsa? Some scholars say that since, Jupiter is weak in both Rasi as well as navamsa, it will give bad results, but my Guru, Dr.Seshadrinatha Sastrigal used to say, that once the dictum of vargottama is invoked, the planet is automatically upgraded to the status of a functional benefic. If the Vorgottama planet has 30 or more bindus in the SAV Chart, then the well being of that particular bhava is guaranteed. One will live like a King if the lagna 9,10 and 11 have 30 or more bindus in the SAV Chart. If the 4th is expected by a benefic and has not less than 30 bindus one will be blessed with houses, conveyances and a happy life.

An important debate which is now going on in today’s world of Astrology is about Sade Sathi-transit of Saturn over 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from natal moon. Some scholars say that if runs an auspicious dasha or bhukti one gets exempted from the adverse impact of Sade sathi. Some say that if Saturn occupies Libra in the natal chart, Saturn won’t do anything. Some say that if in the natal chart Saturn is functional benefic, it will not harm in Gochara. Because of their inability to come grips with Vedic Astrology, a majority of Astrologers have chosen to take refuge under K.P. Astrology, which again gives less room for interpretation and relies more on planetary significations. Opinions are also being based on Krishnamoothi Padhathi, Nadi principles and various other systems of finding the transits of different planets. Ashtakavarga takes an easy route to solve this conundrum. If the concerned house, which Saturn occupies in transit has more than 30 bindus, then impact of Saturn will be negligible. If the house has less than 25 bindus in the SAV Chart, the greater will be the misery. If the bindus lie somewhere between 25 and 30, the effect will be the mixed. The above principle can also be applied to Ardhashtama Shani (4th house transit) as well as Ashtama Shani (8th house transit). This makes it very simple for a student of Astrology to decipher the effect of Sade sathi.

Coming to annual horoscope or Varshphal, results are predicted on the basis of placement of Muntha and Varshphal. Here again there is a rider. If the Muntha or Varsheshwar is adversely placed but gains good number of bindus in the BAV and SAV Chart, then the results would be accident. If he lands on a cushion the accident is averted. Ashtakavarga is like that cushion which prevents the adverse results emanating from rules of Vedic Astrology.

I hope this book would prove to be a boon for both layman as well as scholars, mainly because the topics have been discussed in a lucid manner, consciously avoiding the path of indulging in polemics.

Actions speak louder than words. It was Mr.Easwaran, who took up the daunting task of editing my articles on Ashtakavarga, which got published in Express Star Teller for about five years in sixty parts and presented in the form of this book. I salute the efforts of Mr.Easwaran, whose humble efforts and contribution to the publication and editing of scholarly books on Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda, Indian Philosophy, and Sanskrit is on par with that of his learned father, Prof.N.E.Muthuswamy, whose pioneering work “Encyclopaedia of Indian Astrology” is the greatest treasure house of wisdom one can ever hope to lay his hands upon in Indian Astrology. What I admire most in Mr. Easwaran is his simplicity and humility.

A tiny seed gives rise to the giant banyan tree. Mrs. Hemamalini Raghunathan, Executive Editor, Express Star Teller was the first person who provided me with the inspiration to write the series on Ashtakavarga. I thank her for providing me the opportunity to pen the series in Express Star Teller. I thank my Guru, Prof. Seshadrinatha Sastrigal for igniting the light of wisdom in my mind. I thank all those who have travelled with me on this Astrological journey.

I, now invoke the blessings of Lord Nagaubrahmanya on the readers, Author, Publisher and all those even remotely associated with this book.


1, Ashtakavarga an introduction 1-7
2, Impact of Planets 8-10
3, Ashtakvarga and Bhavas 11-14
4, Planetary infuences - Son 15-22
5, Planetary infuences -Moon 23-29
6, Planetary infuences -Mars 30-36
7, Planetary infuences -Mercury 37-47
8, Planetary infuences -Jupiter 48-70
9, Planetary infuences -Venus 74-115
10, Planetary infuences -Saturn 116-168
11, Ashtakavarga and Gochara 169-170
12, Longevity and Ashtakavarga 171-179
13, Ashtakavarga - General Views 180-186
14, Conclusion 187-205
15, Epilogue 206

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