Does God Have Favourites? (And Other Heart-to-Heart Talks)

Does God Have Favourites? (And Other Heart-to-Heart Talks)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAJ051
Author: Dada Vaswani
Publisher: Gita Publishing House, Pune
Language: English
ISBN: 9789380743073
Pages: 168
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch x 5.5 inch
Weight 190 gm

Book Description

Back of The Book

India’s saints and sages, from Maharishi Narad to Swami Sivananda, from Sage Vasishta to Sadhu Vaswani, have all emphasized the value of daily satsang as an indispensable aid to spiritual growth. Unfortunately, many of us in the modern age have one common excuse to cite as our inability to attend satsang: lack of time!

If this is your excuse too, we offer you a remedy through this book which is now in your hands; it is the closet you can get to a satsang in print, for it is a compilation of Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani’s upadeshes, originally delivered in Sindhi or Hindi. These have now been translated into English for your benefit, retaining the spirit of the original discourses and keeping intact, Rev. Dada’s inimitable personal touches and nuances of thought.

God’s presence is felt in the satsang, where disciples come to sit at the feet of their Guru, to imbibe his wisdom and grace. Indeed, God speaks to us through the Guru, piercing the veil of maya which hides Him from our earthly vision. The Guru’s discourse in the satsang are seldom pre-planned or prepared in advance; they are inspired by the sanctity and the pure vibrations emanating from the satsang and the pure vibrations of Divine Power. Each discourse is thus a rare and unique pearl of piety and wisdom, imbued with Divine grace. The theme, the scriptural references the values they depict –all flows spontaneously from the Guru’s lips; as listeners, we are only aware, that this is a river of nectar flowing before us and nothing can prevent us from drinking deeply from this immortal fountain of wisdom.

Come, the amrit dhara is captured in print for you; partake of the divine feast to your heart’s content. In Sadhu Vaswani’s immortal words, “Sukh sagar mein aaye ke math jao re pyasa pyare!” Do not go away thirsty and parched from the ocean of bliss!


This book brings together, a few of Revered Dada J.P. Vaswani’s inspiring discourses, originally delivered in Sindhi or Hindi. Some of them were delivered at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, a few of them were ruh-rihans (heart-to-heart talks) given to smaller audiences, while others are public talks in Hindi. These beautiful talks are now published in English for the benefit of many. We wish to share the grace and blessings enjoyed from listening to these beautiful and soul-stirring discourses with one and all.


The Guru Can Do No Wrong


Within You Is The Power


Bullocks With Blinkers On Their Eyes


Does God Have Favorites?


God Within


Now Is The Time: Here Is The Place


Map of Life


What Is True Wisdom?


The Way of The Sufis


U Can Make The Impossible, Possible


The Art Of Living


The Story of The Rabbi and His Wife


The Gateway To The Native Land


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Sample Page

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