Messages Dispelling Fear (Abhaya Vani)

Messages Dispelling Fear (Abhaya Vani)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAX772
Author: Nigamananda Saraswati Paramhansadev
Publisher: Asis Bhattacharya
Language: English
Edition: 2014
Pages: 74
Other Details 4.50 X 3.50 inch
Weight 40 gm

Book Description

All those inspiring and hopeful messages of Shri Shri Thakur (Nigamananda Dev) which remained scattered so long here and there, in different books and in the issues of the "Arya Darpana" a monthly periodical, have now been collected and arranged in order at the grace of Thakur and also published in the form of a book entitled "Abhaya Vani" (Messages Dispelling Fear). The Messages of the First Part which were written by His Holy Hand have been collected from the book "Thakurer Chitthi" (Letters of Shri Shri Thakur) and those of the Second Part of the Messages, which were delivered directly by His Holy Mouth have been collected from "Jeebani 0 Vani" (Life and speeches), Sammilanir Chitthi speeches (Letters about conference) and from "Arya Darpana" Magazine.

With a generous heart Shri Shri Thakur full consist had gone on delivering bounteously His innumerable hopeful speeches during a long intelligence period of time, and now this book is published with the intention that those world. On speeches to remain ever-brightful, may get about the imprinted every moment in the heart of every overwhelm disciple till his death.

As the speeches were delivered at different times and to different disciples either separately or collectively, there may be the noticed at certain places of the speeches to go on d some apparent inconsistency of having content associated self-contradictory ideas, but if the mind readers go through the whole series of the speeches following the chronological order with a dedicated and concentrated mind so as to look into them will, no doubt find out full consistency of harmonious relevancy.

The principal thought of a person having intelligence of a theist, a believer in religiousness, is the thought about the other-world. On many. Occasions this thought about the other-world makes a man so overwhelmed that he becomes least careful in performing the worldly activities. By willfully taking up the responsibility of His devotee-disciples about the world-beyond, the Thakur has in fact given them inspiration to go on doing their work to their hearts content throughout their life with a joyful mind without worries and anxieties. All these hopeful messages, the fear-dispelling messages of Shri Shri Thakur (Nigamananda Dev) are not meant to make people indolent or disinclined to worldly activities, but are rather to be taken as the unfailing direction for jumping fearlessly and unhesitatingly upon the sea of selfless activities with a life not humble and a-begging.

You are to do nothing else, you are required to have faith in Him, dependence in Him, and to employ self-dedication to His intended work. If this is done, all and everything for the devotee-disciple is done therewith-they will get everything, this is what is resonating everywhere at the core of the "Abhaya Vani" (The Fear Dispelling Messages). If these messages are read giving proper attention to their meaning in accordance with their inherent significance, each and every devotee will be benefited, there will awake a desire for performing activities (Karma), the mind will be filled with gratitude, there will be born out an urge of pouring-down everything at His feet dedicatedly.

Let this be always borne in your mind that "Abhaya Vani" (the Fear Dispelling Messages) is not to remove fear in vain, it is to bring forth hopefulness in the life of despair, to bring about unlimited inspiration in the depressed heart and not at all to encourage idleness and abhorrence to work.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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