Succession to Rule Under Delhi Sultans (An Old and Rare Book)

Succession to Rule Under Delhi Sultans (An Old and Rare Book)

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Book Specification

Item Code: UBD678
Publisher: Vaishali Prakashan, Gorakhpur
Language: English
Edition: 1990
Pages: 160
Other Details 9.00 X 6.00 inch
Weight 280 gm

Book Description

About The Book

The issue of succession remained a highly complicated problem during the medieval period of Indian History, mainly due to the lack of definite law of succession, within this single framework the author has analysed the confused and troubled events which led to the rise and fall of five dynasties during three centuries.

The present book is chronologically organized into six chapters. It dis- cusses in detail, the succession in Pre-Islamic and Islamic period of Moslem history. The graphic descrip- tion of the intrigues and counter intrigues, crises, court politics, the role of different factions of nobility and the consequent blood shed during the sultanate period has been critically discussed on the basis of contempo- rary sources.

About the Author

Dr. Manoj Kumar Srivastava, Lec- turer, Department of History, U.N. Post Graduate College, Padrauna (Deoria) did his M.A. in History from the University of Gorakhpur, Gorakh- pur in 1981 with specialization in Medieval Indian History and Historio- graphy. He was awarded Ph.D degree by the same university in 1985. He has more than ten research papers and articles published in reputed Journals, Magazines and Newspapers to his credit.

Dr. Srivastava is actively associa- ted with different associations of History like U.P. Chhetriya Itihaas Shodh Sansthan, U.P. History Con- gress, Indian History Congress etc. He has founded a History Association at Padrauna.


The study of the problem of succession is of major importance to understand the dynamics of political govern- ment and the pattern of social structure that frequently under- went fundamental changes during the span of nearly three centuries. Notwithstanding its significance the subject was never studied systematically, though some of its aspects were dealt with in perfunctory manner in the historical writing on the period.

In the twelth and latter centuries the administration, cultural, economic and other developments depended on the ruler. Peace and prosperity were the prime things for develop- ment as seen during the reign of Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya in ancient period and during the reign of Akbar and Shahjahan in Mughal period. Unfortunately Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 A.D.) could not give continuity of the dynasty. Hence chaos prevailed throughout the Delhi Sultanate. Power of the sword and high ambitions played vital role in the matter of succes- sion. Therefore any amir and sardar, who gained power aspired to become Sultan. Strong ruler like Balban and Alauddin Khalji tried to tighten the administration and bring stability but the question of succession always made things. undone and created confusion at the illness or at the death of the monarch.

The author has made an attempt in his revised doctoral thesis approved for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Gorakhpur in 1985, to study the problem of succession and causes for the frequent change of dynasty and their effect on Delhi Sultanate.

The rulers of Delhi Sultanate were Muslims and were influenced by Islamic law, traditions and its history. Hence it become a necessity to know first the Islamic law, historical traditions and the process of succession amongst Arabs, where Islam was born. Pre-Islamic and Islamic background of the succession as discussed in chapter I would help to understand the problem of succession in true context. The principle of election adopted by the companions of the Prophet Muhammad was replaced by that of heredity in the time of Mawiyah which ultimately altered the whole character and structure of the Islamic polity. As was the precedance during Delhi Sultanate the definite law of succession could not be adopted. For which often the Sultans were themselves respon- sible. The confusion reached up to this extent that some time a son ascended the throne while his father was still alive.


The establishment of the Delhi Sultanate in the early] part of the thirteenth century is one of the major events in the history of India. It was not only important from the political point of view but if affected the various aspects of the cultural life of the people. On the one hand it generated a movement of synthesis in form of Bhakti and Sufi movements and on the other orthodox and exploiting slaves and nobles tried to change the course of history in their own selfish interests. The Sultanate was new to the Indian conditions and it required time and ability of a statesman to establish principles and norms which could establish a permanent continuous rule to provide peace, security, economic progress and good relation- ship amongst the people of divergent faiths, beliefs and traditions. This did not happen and instead during the three hundred twenty five years of the Delhi Sultanate. There were five dynasties, average life of which was thus less than fifty years. Even in the different dynasties with the death of every ruler there were conflicts, struggles, changes in policies. The result was that no clear cut definite policy could be evolved and established, which would have benefitted the country and the people.

The Sultanate was a monarchy and thus it was necessary to have a rule of succession. Unfortunately neither the rule of primogenature nor seniority nor ability was accepted as a principle. All this resulted in creating chaos and change in policies at frequent intervals. The scholars of history have tried to analyse the cause for this absence of the rule of succession. It has been said that inherent weakness of the Government, slave system, Mongol invasions, reactions and oppositions by the local rulers was responsible for the instability. But no critical analysis of the causes responsible for the instability of the Delhi Sultanate has been separately discussed.

The present study by Dr. Manoj Kr. Srivastava based entirely on contemporary Persian and non Persian sources is a welcome study in this direction. Problem of succession to rule was closely connected with the stability, integrity and development of the state. The author has done well to take up this problem and analyse the various aspects of the succession to rule during the Delhi Sultanate. He has objectively traced the Pre Islamic and Islamic background of succession which formed the basis of succession of Delhi Sultans and thereafter chronologically traced the various changes in succession during the period under study. He has given in the appendices the geneological tables of all the dynasties which ruled during the Delhi Sultanate. His observations that the real cause for the confusion was, "that no Sultan of Delhi Sultanate tried to win over the masses and to establish the roots of his dynasty by cultural, economic, religious and other means which the Mughal dynasty inspite of rise and fall continued for more than three hundred years", is a departure from earlier concepts, which may enable the scholars of history to look at the Delhi Sultanate with new approach and new angle.

The work is an important contribution to the history of medieval India and I hope it would be welcomed by the scholars of history.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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