Veda Mimamsa: The Prologue

Veda Mimamsa: The Prologue

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Book Specification

Item Code: IDF936
Author: Sumita Bhattacharya
Publisher: Indian Institute Of Advanced Study, Shimla
Language: English
Edition: 2004
ISBN: 8179860507
Pages: 83
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 8.7" X 5.7"s
Weight 240 gm

Book Description

From the Jacket

It is an introduction to interpretation of the Mantras of the Rksamhita. In the first part of the first volume of the three-volume Veda mimamsa, Anirvan has dealt with the modes of interpretation in general. In the second part of the same book he has reflected on the Vedic literature in brief. Anirvan's explanation of the Veda has looked into the poetical philosophy of the poet seers, which he has named as Chinmaya Pratakyakshavada. This thought provoking work of Anirvan sheds a new light to the interpretation of the Veda.

About the Author

Anirvan the mystic poet commentator of the Veda was born in 1886 in Bengal, now in Bangladesh. It's original name was Narendra Chandra Dhar. He had a uniformly brilliant academic career; earned scholarship in matriculation and stood first in Sanskrit in both B. A. and M.A. examinations of Calcutta University.

Raised in a monastic environment since childhood, Narendra Chandra was consecrated as a Sannyasi by Swami Nigamananda in 1927. Anirvan was the Director of the Kokolamukha-based Bangiya Saraswat Math in Assam for 12 years, Professor at Rishi Vidyalaya and later became the Acharya of the Institute. He was also the editor of the Aryadarpan Patrika. His celebrated work Veda-Mimamsa earned him the Rabindra Purushkar. Anirvan's translation of Life Divine was hailed as 'A Living Translation'.

Sumita Bhattacharya worked as a sub-editor and later as the Assistant Quality Controller in Northen India Patrika. She also worked as assistant Editor of Sundaram the journal on art and culture brought out by North Central Zone Cultural Centre, Allahabad. She also worked for the British Civil Service, U. K. for sometime. Her articles have been published in 'The Times of India', The Pioneer NIP etc.


Srimat Anirvan Veda Mimamsa in three volumes constitutes a landmark in the field of Vedic studies. The interpretation and the significance of the Veda have been considered baffling and often, contentious issues. The explanation of the meaning of Veda has ranged from primitive animism to the most sublime yearnings of human heart. Anirvan views the Veda as the fountainhead and the sustainer of the entire spiritual quest of the Bharatvarsha from the earliest times to the present day. This quest, according to him, basically is a quest for light, a pursuit of illumination. And according to him it is still vigorously alive. His work is suffused with the spiritual and mystic quality of Sri Aurobindo's interpretation, the poetic delicacy of Tagore's language and thoroughness of German scholarship. As Anirvan was a Sanyasi and a mystic a unique insight and lucidity characterize his interpretation of the Veda.

Being written in Bengali Veda Mimamsa has remained outside the reach of a large number of scholars and readers. It was a welcome decision on the part of the Indian Institute Of Advanced Study, shimla, to undertake the task of translating the work into Englsih. The present publication comprises the Prologue of the first volume of the original work. The translation of the rest of the volumes is in progress and will be ready for publication soon.

Without the benign and constant motivation and encouragement of Professor Govind Chandra Pande it would not have been possible for me to muster the courage and strength to undertake the translation work of Anirvan's masterpiece. Shrimati Sudha Pande has been a source of unflagging inspiration. I will remain forever indebted to her for this. The Director of the Institute Professor Bhuvan Chandel has always been kind and extremely cooperative and extended all kinds of support. I think her from the very bottom of my heart.

Special words of thanks are due to the library staff of the Institute especially to Shrimati Alekha Jabar. Project on Study of Indian Civilization, IIAS and Shri Kulbhushan of the same section, have been very cooperative. I also thank Shri L. K. Das and Brahma Chand Rana for their help. Shri Omprakash has been cheerfully running innumerable errands for me and so deserves a special word of thanks. I take this opportunity to thank all of them. I also take the opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation for the entire staff of the Institute who made my association with the Institute memorable experience.

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