100 Viva-Voce Sessions in Homoeopathy (For BHMS Students)

100 Viva-Voce Sessions in Homoeopathy (For BHMS Students)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAS298
Author: Dr. H. B. Parmar
Publisher: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd
Language: English
Edition: 2003
ISBN: 81805638305
Pages: 184
Other Details 8.50 X 5.50 inch
Weight 220 gm

Book Description

About the Book

This book can be used as a multi-dimensional tool for self assessment through various Viva-Voce Sessions for revising all that you already know and for knowing and learning that is new to you. Basically, the author has tried to emphasize various points of Practical, Philosophical, Clinical, Therapeutical and day-to-day importance that can help one to deal with examination (theory, practical, and oral viva) as well as day-to-day problems and some of the difficult problems too in a better way. If you will observe closely, you will find that spectrum of this book ranges from very simple to quite sophisticated, complicated, and quire information of…


The Is such a spate of information pouring in today that one has to really justify the reasons for bringing out one more book. All books essentially contain the same hard facts, yet no two books are alike. This book has been conceived to give information accumulated over years. Some of it is classical text book information from genius of homoeopathy and some was learnt from day to day practice and deep reading. Many a times personal experiences of our esteemed teachers are not exchanged or disseminated.

This book can be used as a multi-dimensional tool for self- assessment through various Viva-Voce Sessions for revising all that you already know and for knowing and learning that is new to you. Basicallly, I have tried to emphasize various points of practical, philosophical, clinical, therapeuitcal, theoritical and day-to-day importance that can help one to deal with examination (theory, practical, and oral- viva) as well as day-to-day problems and some of difficult problems too in a better way. If you will observe closely, you will find that spectrum of this book ranges from very simple to quite sophisticated, complicated, and quare information of homoeopathy.

It is a bitter truth that the basic of homoeopathic prescription is totality of symptoms of the patient. The prescription is based upon individualization rather than specialization. One simple thing in homoeoepathy taught in Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon is that unless there are symptoms to indicated the remedy, no great thing should be expected from the administration of the remedy. Homeopathy knows no specific for the disease except the specific remedy for the individual, yet as our master taught us, that there are certain remedies which in provings, reproduce so nearly described disease condition, as to become practically specific for most cases of those disease conditions. As for example - Bella- donna in scarlet fever, Cantharis in cystitis, and Merc cor. in dysentry etc.

Every one of us has gone through the agony of having been asked questions without having access to the answers. Since I firmaly believe that the onus of providing appropriate answer rest with the questioner and as well as not to leave you guessing endlessly till the end of the book, I have provided the answers.

Could you please go through this book at a relatively slower pace so that you can imbibe the essence of it deeply. Please let me know of any mistake that you come across while reading this book, so that appropriate correction can be done.

I also request you to send me any more interesting questions and answers to enrich future edition of this book.

Furthermore, I am very grateful to many seniors, colleagues and friends who have greatly helped directly or indirectly in the realization of this dream without whose help, good wishes, and blessing this work would not have seen the light of the day.

Lastly, I admit very frankly that such type of works by their very nature are always incomplete, which is true with this one too. So I share this sense of incompleteness with you and hope that it will stimulate us all to let the process of learning go on and on endlessly.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

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