The Great Awakening Vol 4 by Sis Thedra & A.S.S.K
140 Pages
As messengers of the Christ, it is our aim to add our portion of truth to all other portions, both ancient and modern, to other divine words of God that all mankind may be delivered from bondage forever, that mankind may know the laws of God our Father which has given us our being in the beginning that they may know the day of deliverance has come through the new dispensation and the return of Lord Jesus, The Christ now known as Sananda and his associates, known as The Princely Crowd, the Royal Assembly, The Great White Brotherhood, etc, to place before all peoples everywhere these portions of the Holy Scriptures, unadulterated, even as they have been entrusted unto us. To surrender our will to the Creator, the Giver of Life, that His Will be done in us, through us, by us and for all mankind.
As messengers of the Christ, it is our aim to add our portion of truth to all other portions, both ancient and modern, to other divine words of God that all mankind may be delivered from bondage forever, that mankind may know the laws of God our Father which has given us our being in the beginning that they may know the day of deliverance has come through the new dispensation and the return of Lord Jesus, The Christ now known as Sananda and his associates, known as The Princely Crowd, the Royal Assembly, The Great White Brotherhood, etc, to place before all peoples everywhere these portions of the Holy Scriptures, unadulterated, even as they have been entrusted unto us. To surrender our will to the Creator, the Giver of Life, that His Will be done in us, through us, by us and for all mankind.