A.D.K.LUK Love and Truth 2 Vol set by the ,An Ascended Masters Compilation
These books contains dictations from Ascended Masters from the 1940‘s to 1954 Compiled by Leigh Custos.
Included are Dictations and Letters from the following Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings: Maha Chohan, El Morya, Saint Germain, Serapis Bey, Jesus, Kuthumi, Archangel Michael, Great Divine Director, Lanto, Lord Maitreya, Archangel Gabriel, Mary, Nada, Paul the Venetian, and Venus, given through the authorized messenger Geraldine Innocente.
Listed below are some of the subjects discussed in Ascended Master Love and Truth, Volume I: Physical Brain vs. Divine Mind; Ascension Temple; Harmony in Feelings; Activity of Freedom‘s Flame; Beloved Pallas Athena‘s Cosmic Truth; Twin Rays; Overture to Spiritual Leaders; Unfolding the God Nature of the Students; The Second Death; Spark of Divinity/Holy Christ Self; The Supreme Importance of the Hour; New Channels Are Being Opened; Body Elemental; Freedom and God are one; Beginning of the Transmission of the Flame Service; The Necessity for the Use of the Violet Flame; Action of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Purity; Approval of the Dispensation for the Bridge to Freedom; Past Associations of Ascended Masters and Chelas; Sanat Kumara’s Return to Venus; Planetary and Cosmic Service of the Students; Forcefields; Archangel Michael’s Sword of Blue Flame; The Angelic Kingdom; Beginning of a New Era; Purpose of the Bridge to Freedom is to Set Life Free; Becoming a Master of Your Own Energy; Maha Chohan, the Comforting Presence to Life; Divine Alchemy; Students are Cells in the Holy Grail and Chalice; The Greatest Love is Love for Each Other; Many Are Called but Few Are Chosen; Initial Endeavor of Theosophy - Madame Blavatsky; Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings Forsworn Nirvana to Serve; Importance of Student’s Understanding and Cooperating with the Divine Plan; Walking the Razor’s Edge; Brotherhood Does Not Err in Choice of Ones Ordained to Special Service; The Ascension of the Earth is at Hand; The Need for the Ascended Masters’ Retreats on Earth and in the Etheric Realm to Sustain Earth; Ascended Masters Use ”Open“ Chela to Contact Chela Who have Forfeited the Right of Direct Communication; Vocal Chords Not Used in Higher Octaves; Written and Spoken Words Required for Mankind; Mankind Born in the Shroud of Forgetfulness; In Every Circumstance is Opportunity; Candidates for the Ascension; Powers of Magnetization and Invocation; Science of Purification and Application; Mankind‘s Service is Voluntary One; and No Man Is Complete in Himself.
Vol 2
Included are Dictations and Letters from the following Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings: Cherubim Adelphia; Aeolus, The Cosmic Holy Spirit; Serapis Bey; El Morya; Maha Chohan; Saint Germain; Mother Mary; Jesus; Helios, Great Sun God; Kwan Yin; John The Beloved; Kuthumi; Archangel Michael; Paul, The Venetian; Elohim of Purity; Archangel Gabriel; Archangel Zadkiel; Goddess of Liberty; Great Divine Director; Fun Wey; Djwal Kul; and Hilarion.
Following are some of the subjects discussed: Theosophy; Alice Bailey; Power of the Sacred Fire to Bless Mankind; Transmission of the Flame; The Golden Flame of Consciousness; Guard the Doors of Your Consciousness; A Universal and World Brotherhood; Basic Ceremony and Sanctuaries; Inner Court; Importance of Student Preparation Before Entrance to Class; Sleepers’ Realm; Earth Bound; The Miracle of Creation; Law of Creation; The Christ Consciousness; The Cosmic Cathedral; The Individual and His God Reality; Universal Light Substance and Liberation; Cosmic Pulsation of the Sacred Fire; Service of the Hierarchy; The Pyramids of Egypt; The Retreat at Luxor: Initiations at Luxor; The Mind of Man; Cooperation of the Four Bodies; Free Will Choice; Communion; Money is a Servant; Supply and Demand; Union with the Cosmic Consciousness; Communion with the Saints; Evolution on the Four Planes of Consciousness; Man’s Individual Sphere of Activity; Spiritual Law; The Raising of the Consciousness Lies Within Your Free Will; Ascended Master Consciousness; Attainment of the Ascended Master Consciousness; Some Individuals Have a Greater Capacity to Feel Than Others; Evolution on the Four Planes of Consciousness; The Great Men of the East; The Golden Flame of Consciousness; Man Determines His State of Consciousness; Like Attracts Like; The Causal Bodies of Helios and Vesta; Zodiac; House of Aries; House of Pisces; House of Aquaria; House of Capricorn; House of Sagittarius; House of Scorpio; House of Libra; House of Virgo; House of the Great Apollo; House of Cancer; House of Gemini; House of Taurus; Hell of Human Creation; Will to Do; Joy in Service; The Growth of Planets; The Design of Each Lifestream; A Man's Consciousness; Tides and Currents; Visitation of the Divine Spirit; Oracles of Delphi; The Experience Life Form the Consciousness; The Virtues of ”God“ are Constantly Flowing Around Us; and much more.