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Tapaswiji Saint who lived for 185 years A Biography by T.S Anantha Murthy Paperback – 2015

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This book is the 4th edition of the inspiring life of Shri Vishnudas Udasi popularly known as Sreeman Tapaswiji Maharaj who lived for 185 years from 1770 to 1955, written...
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Tapaswiji Saint who lived for 185 years A Biography by T.S Anantha Murthy Paperback – 2015
This book is the 4th edition of the inspiring life of Shri Vishnudas Udasi popularly known as Sreeman Tapaswiji Maharaj who lived for 185 years from 1770 to 1955, written by his disciple T.S Anantha Murthy. Born as Krishna Singh and being the prince of Patiala state, he performed decades of austere penance and earned the name of Tapaswiji Maharaj. He learnt the kaya-kalpa treatment from a Himalayan master and went through the process of kaya-kalpa three times to regain his youth. Through his incessant penance or 'tapas', he secured the 'darshan' of various divine personalities like Shri Krishna, Shri Dattatreya, Shri Parashurama, Shri Mahalakshmi etc. and also met several historic sages and masters including Guru Nanak, Narada Maharishi, Durvasa Maharishi, Ashwathama etc. During his long life time he travelled all across india imparting spiritual wisdom to innumerable seekers of truth and healing the sick and needy. In 1955, after an amazing life of 185 years, he voluntarily left his body with 'Aum' resonating on his lips.


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