Family Homeopathy Guide A Treatment without any side effect
Book Specification
Item Code: | IDH391 |
Author: | Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Dr. Girish Gupta and Dr. Pankaj Tyagi |
Publisher: | Manoj Publications, Delhi |
Edition: | 2012 |
ISBN: | 8181339983 |
Pages: | 175 (Line Figure with Illus;) |
Cover: | Paperback |
Other Details | 8.2" X 5.3 |
Weight | 300 gm |
Book Description
Brief About the Authors
Dr. Rajeev Sharma is an eminent consultant of Homeopathy, Yoga, Naturopathy and Alternative Medicine in India. He has written more than one hundred and fifty books (150) in Hindi and English and around one thousand articles which have been published in various newspapers and magazines. He is also an Editorial Board Member of the Prestigious Asian Homeopathic Journal Besides many other newspapers and magazines.
Dr. Rajeev Sharma has written books ;on Ayurveda, Allopathy, homoeopathy, yoga, naturopathy, acupressure, Magnetotherapy, reiki, water-therapy, massage and aromatherapy etc.
The books written by Dr. Rajeev Sharma are published by renowned publishers of India. Besides this he is doing editing and translation also. He is content provider to many magazines. Dr. Rajeev Sharma has written books on all major ailments like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, stomach and respiratiory disorders, E. N. T. disorders, female disorders, UTI disorders, paediatric problems, head ache, stress and other mental problems and Sexual Disorders Etc.
Dr. Rajeev Sharma is Medical Advisor to Ralson Remedies (Ayurvedic Manufacturer), Medical Examiner at the LIC and Medical Officer in U. P. Govt. he has received several prizes for his outstanding achievements. He has been awarded the Best Author prize in Hindi by the Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Government of India and Sarjana Puraskar by U. P. Hindi Sansthan, Lucknow.
He has delivered talks on all India Radio and lectures on Alternative Medicine in various government and Non-government Organisations. He has written Advt. Scripts for the products of several companies.
He is working as Vastu Fengshui Consultant, Educational consultant and Marriage and Behaviour Counsellor too.
He is delivering lectures and providing literature on Personality Development and life style Management also to the MNC's.
He has established an institute through which you can get certificates by correspondence in Accupressure, Massage, Yoga, Water Therapy, diet Therapy, Naturopathy, Colour Therapy and reiki besides other paramedical course.
Dr. Rajeev Sharma is also a social activist. He has worked a lot against Addition and prevention of AIDS. Now a days, he is working to check the population growth of India with an NGO called 'Nav Chetna Manch'. He has worked for pollution control and human rights too and has received the World Human rights Promotion Award. His name has been recommended for an entry in LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS too. He has developed two websites too.
Dr. Girish Gupta is an outstanding Homoeopathic physician of International fame. He received G. H. M. S. degree (graduate in Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery) from State National Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow in 1980-81.
He has a scientific bent of mind with determination to do 'something significant' and redefine Homoeopathy on modern scientific lines. To materialize his dream, he worked in the Department of Virology, Central Drug research institute (C. D. R. I.), Lucknow as a Research Co-Investigator in a scheme entitled 'Screening of Homoeopathic Drugs in Animal and Human Viruses' sponsored by the Central for Research in Homoeopathy (C. C. R. H.), Ministry of Health and Family welfare, govt. of India from 1982-1985.
He remained Honorary Lecturer of Pathology and Bacteriology in State Mohan Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow from 1983-1985. he is Honorary Homoeopathic Medical Officer, State Bank of India. He is also Authorized Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow. He is column writer in tow Hindi News Dailies; 'Rashtriya Sahara' and 'Hindustan'. He was Chief Editor of "Asian Homoeopathic Medical League (AHML) from 1994-1998. he is also publishing an in house newsletter entitled 'Jigyasa' and Brochures in Hindi on Homoeopathic treatment of different diseases for creating mass awareness about recent researches in the field of Homoeopathy. His talks on health have been broadcasted through all India radio and interviews have been telecasted on Lucknow Doordarshan and radio F. M.
Presently he Is National Vice President, Indian chapter of Asian Homoeopathic Medical League (AHML)since 2002 and Member of Scientific Advisory Committee of Central council for research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Government of India since 2003.
He has presented his research work on the role of Homoeopathic drugs in various diseases in International Conferences held in France, London, Rome, Australia, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka etc.
Recipient of many awards Dr. Pankaj Tyagi is a good homoeopathic physician, religious thinker and devoted friend. He is working as medical officer in U. P. Govt. and residing at Chanakyapuri (Shastrinagar) Meerut.
Homoeopathy is a safe, simple and scientific therapy of treatment recognised worldwide for its outstanding performance. This was invented by Dr. C. F. S. Hahnemann of Germany, in 1796. Since then, this hotistic system of medicine is serving the human beings. It is a science, based on totality of symptoms and works on symptoms-similarity i.e. Similia-similibut-Curentor.
This therapy is effective in acute as well as chronic cases. it has a significant role in treating many cases where surgery may be suggested by other systems like renal calculi, haemorrhoids, fistula etc. besides its power of cure from Coryza to Cancer. There are around ten thousand proven medicines of this therapy, comprising world's richest material medica.
In this guide we have covered all the diseases along with their indicated remedies, bases on symptom similarity or Totality of Symptoms. This is a guide for children, for women, for men, for aged, for acute & chronic problems, but our aim is to make you aware of homoeopathic treatment and not to make you doctors. So, wherever, there is a requirement, please do consult a qualified homoeopathic physician or you can consult the authors, but prior appointment is must.
1 | Observation: The Key to Prescribing | 9 |
2 | How to Use Homoeopathic Medicines? | 12 |
3 | The Homoeopathic Household Kit | 15 |
4 | Theory of Miasms | 20 |
5 | Remedies For Colds, Coughs And Earaches | 34 |
6 | Stomach and Bowel Problems | 49 |
7 | Remedies For Baby | 61 |
8 | Remedies for Growing Child | 72 |
9 | Women's Problems | 90 |
10 | Dental Problems | 101 |
11 | Remedies For Bruises | 103 |
12 | Sprains | 104 |
13 | Wounds | 107 |
14 | Insects Bites and Stings | 108 |
15 | Burns | 112 |
16 | Sports Injuries | 113 |
17 | Skin Infections: Boil, Folliculitis And Carbuncles | 118 |
18 | Treatment of Sexual Disorders & Weakness | 123 |
19 | Remedies For Emergencies | 129 |
20 | Preventive Medicines For Different Diseases | 138 |
21 | Biochemic Combination Tablets | 149 |
22 | Homoeopathic Materia Medica | 155 |
23 | Power Booster Nutrients For Men | 171 |
24 | Other Important Nutrients/Minerals And Vitamins For All | 175 |
25 | Other Important Nutrients Minerals And Vitamins For All | 173 |
26 | Main Food Sources Of Vitamins And Minerals | 176 |