Jaina and Buddhist Religions in Haryana: A Study (Circa 6th Century B.C. to 1200 A.D.)
Book Specification
Item Code: | UBB749 |
Author: | Rekha Phougat |
Publisher: | Pathak Publisher and Distributors |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2023 |
ISBN: | 9789391952402 |
Pages: | 164 (Throughout B/w Illustrations) |
Cover: | HARDCOVER |
Other Details | 9.00 X 6.00 inch |
Weight | 350 gm |
Book Description
The Book "Jaina and Buddhist" Religions in Haryana: A Study (6th c B.C. to 1200 A.D.) is a remarkable study about Jainism and Buddhism in Haryana. It is based on my personal exploration and village-to-village survey. I participate many excavation sites of Haryana and in-situ field study. It is my original and first hand research work on above said subject. The Land of Kurus (Haryana) had also the privilege of being the home of Indian spiritual thoughts. Tradition has it that the region was blessed by the teachings of Buddha, Mahavira, Guru Nanak and many others. Haryana is the region where eight fold ethical condust (i.e. tapes, satya, ksama, Daya, Dana, Yoge, Purity) was cultivated. Both the Master, Mahavira and Buddha visited Haryana with a view to guide the people of this country. Once upon a time, this region was fed by the Sarasvati and the Darshavati, which now-a-days are reasonal rivulets and have dis-appread completely. In the sixth cen. B.C. Haryana was a part of kuru- mahajan pada. During this period Mahavira and Buddha visited kuru Mahajanpada and teaching delevered to the people of this region.
Dr. Rekha Phougat presently working as Assistant Professor of history at S.U.S. Govt. College, Matak-Majri (Indri), Kurukshetra University affilated college. She born at her parental village Rithal (Rohtak) and obtained primary education from village's school. After that she completed her higher education like, M.A., BEd, from M.D.U. Rohtak and obtained M.Phil and Ph.D (History) from K.U. Kurukshetra. She had published 7 Books and various research papers in various national and international conferences already on ancient history. She pleased a role of supervisor for M.Phil scholars during this short time span of teaching. She was nominated as a member of Board of Studies, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra for two years.
Linguistically, reference from Rigveda of 'Varunaja, in context of Haryana is quite significant. The word Varw (in Vedic Sanskrit) or Barw (Corrupt form of Sanskrit) in Haryani or Hriani dialect derived from same, means 'full of greenery' (Bahudhanyaka). This is how, the word Baru grazing () has been still in vogue in Haryani dialect since then.
The 'Varunaja' (raja or rajye (reign)) has been suffixed which denotes, 'the land, area, reign) full of greenery, hence, this region of Kururastra was named Harayana (Haryana).
This land of Kurus had also the privilege of being the home of Indian spiritual thoughts. Tradition has it that the region was blessed by the teachings of Buddha, Mahavira, Guru Nanak and many others.
This is the region where eight fold ethical conduct (angamahalarma) of austerity (tapes) truth (Sary), forgiveness (Ksama), Kindness (Daya) purity (Sancha), Charity (Dana) yoga and continence (Brahmacharya) was cultivated.
Both the master, Buddha and Mahavira visited Haryana with a view to guide the people of this country whose 'Kurudharma' became popular all over among Sodasamahajanapada.
The study of Jaina and Buddhist Religions in Haryana: A study (6 Century B.C. to 1200 AD) is my thesis for the degree of Ph. D. of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. It studies the Geographical background: Terrain and physical features origin and antiquity of the name and historical background in the first chapter. The second chapter is devoted to sources - literary, archaeological and accounts of foreign writers on Buddhism and Jainism. All the sources including seal and sealing, antiquarian remains and accounts related to Brahmancial, Jainism, Buddhism and others has been examined and consulted thoroughly. The third Chapter deals and contained study on growth, and development of Jainism in Haryana. The important sites related to Jainism in Haryana has been explored and visited personally by me with a view to understand and analysed the archaeological data correctly.
Similarly, I participated in excavation work at Hansi (2005) also for study of Jainism, which was once upon a time an important centre (7th - 12th Century AD). The in-situ field survey of archaeological sites helped me a lot to understand the issues minutely.
The 4th Chapter deals with growth, development and expansion of Buddhism in Haryana. An attempt has been made to study Buddhism extensively alongwith iconography, art, architecture and Buddha's visit and its influence in Haryana.
The last Chapter 5 sums up the conclusions of the study. This is thus an attempt to make a comprehensive archaeological study of the sites and the region.
It must be clarified that various hypotheses thoroughly examined, explored and worked out during the course of the study which was extended more then three years owing to large scale out-door work and collection of the data. Some of the hypotheses developed creatively into new ideas, concepts and theories.
Book's Contents and Sample Pages