Just 7 Days To Excellence: A Joyful Climb on the Ladder of Life

Just 7 Days To Excellence: A Joyful Climb on the Ladder of Life

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Book Specification

Item Code: UAH341
Author: Amrit Gupta
Language: English
Edition: 2021
ISBN: 9788120842557
Pages: 179
Other Details 8.50 X 5.50 inch
Weight 250 gm

Book Description

About the Book
"A unique book, a novel, and a practice„, With a fascinating style of writing as well as enchanting and captivating love story of corporate sector, the book leads the reader to higher wisdom. Studded with inspirational stones, the reader learns practical methods for leading a happy, successful, and rewarding life on earth. The book, virtually, serves as a torch to show the way through dark alleys of life."

About the Author
Amrit Gupta retired as Director of Audit from the Indian Audit and Accounts Service. During his service career he remained on posting in North India and USA. He has been avidly practicing meditation and Kriya Yoga under the guidance of his Guru for the last 25 years. The scientific, spiritual practices opened up in him a new world of change and possibility that completely transformed his life. He enjoys reading, writing, painting and homeopathy.

Humanity, as a whole has a collective destiny determined by God at respective stages of its evolutionary growth. When it comes to personal destiny, its creation lies, to a great extent, within one's own hands.

The freedom of choice or the independent will given by the Almighty to each individual places at his own doorsteps an unending chain of happiness and joy in his life or remain ignorant.

I got a copy of the book from the author after it was published for the first time in April, 2012. I have read each and every word of the book and am highly satisfied with its contents. He has placed before the reader, a blue-print of ways and means through which any individual can lead his life to excellence.

With his own attitude of learning and practising spiritual discipline, the author has gleaned gems of wisdom from the great Masters of our times and placed their teachings in the hands of readers through an interesting and enchanting story.

This is a book for self-management of one's own life to a rewarding journey on earth. My good wishes to all readers.

All that has been said in this book is on the lines of teachings of our Beloved Gurudeva, Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda. Yet, it will be of great interest to all Yogoda devotees to go through this book.

In the present day global scenario the acceleration of economic growth has brought out a sea change in the prosperity and standards of living of the people. But it has only aggravated the real problem of discontentment, dissatisfaction and disharmony which is consuming the individual. It is thus imperative to change or transform the quality of mind perception and awareness, as without transformation of mind and reorientation of attitude, no amount of external change pertaining to humans would have any perceptible impact. In this book 'JUST 7 DAYS' the author has focused precisely on this vital aspect in simple and lucid style. This will be better appreciated and can become a food for thought for the common man to earnestly endeavour to achieve spiritual enlightenment which would also enable him to perform his duties in a better way. The author in his distinguished style has been able to convince that oneness of the individual self with the Supreme Self is the goal of human life and connecting ourselves to God, the only Reality and repository of virtue will pave the way for our own excellence.

The hero of the story is a young I.T professional who despite achieving material and professional progress is frustrated and comes across accidently with a spiritual master who imparts spiritual training through a Workshop where discussions and lectures are arranged. This is a deliberate and unique attempt to make the readers feel interested and involved and not get bored with abstract ideas.

Common man on earth is bewildered and confused in the dark alleys in which he finds himself at this time of history. Being a child of God his one side pulls him to his home in God and the other side keeps him engaged in fruitless activities born out of ego. Greed, hatred, jealousy have become a part of his life on earth. Almost all the attributes which Lord Krishna lists in the Gita (Verse 1-3 Ch XVI) viz. Fearlessness, Purity of heart, Steadfastness, Self-restraint, Right study of the scriptures, Straightforwardness, Truth, Absence of wrath, Peace, Absence of fault finding and calumny, Compassion towards all beings, Absence of greed, Gentleness, Modesty, Absence of restlessness, Selflessness, Radiance of character, Patience, Non-hatred, Purity of mind, Lack of conceit etc. are missing in average human beings.


The whole of the humanity been under the influence of darkest period of 2400 years (700BC TO AD 1700 ) of the Yuga cycle of total 24,000 years. During this man went into complete ignorance and was unable to comprehend finer forces of nature.

Though he has now left behind that period and is moving into new light the legacy of earlier periods is hanging on to him. This is the time when he needs encouragement from liberated souls to show him way out of the darkness.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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