Palkuriki Somanatha (An Old and Rare Book)

Palkuriki Somanatha (An Old and Rare Book)

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Book Specification

Item Code: AZE143
Publisher: University of Mysore, Mysore
Language: ENGLISH
Edition: 1980
Pages: 66
Weight 80 gm

Book Description

A talented trilinguist with several writings to his credit, a distinguished poet charged with nativity and above all a man endowed with egalitarian outlook, Palkuriki Somanatha occupies a pre-eminent place in the 1000-year-old history of Telugu literature. He was a trend-setter and his works have considerably inspired not only his readers but other language-poets too. His contribution as well as his inspiration is astounding. Rarely do we come across such multi faceted personalities in literature. He may rightly be called one of the makers of Indian Literature. However, he is not free from a few flaws. His deep reverence for Virasaivism is well-known which makes him indifferent towards other creeds. His poetry sometimes lacks restraint and balance. Despite these flaws, a discerning critic would arrive at the conclusion, after perusing all his works, minor and major, that Somanatha's contribution is substantial and significant and that he is a force to reckon with.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

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