Ravana (An Attendant of Vishnu)

Ravana (An Attendant of Vishnu)

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Book Specification

Item Code: IDK555
Author: Shantilal Nagar
Publisher: B.R. Publishing Corporation
Language: English
Edition: 2006
ISBN: 9788176464833
Pages: 155
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 8.7" X 5.7"
Weight 320 gm

Book Description

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Ravana the hero of Lanka had a great personality which had its own importance in the story of the Ramayana. In fact several heroic and valorous episodes are attributed to him in the Ramayana in which he is depicted as an extremely strong, stubborn willful and unshakable king of Lanka. Inspite of the being a man of wisdom bravery well vered in all the scriptures it is the abouction of Sita, the spouse of Rama, which resulted in his downfall and ultimate death.

About The Author

Shantilal Nagar, a graduate of the Punjab University served in the curatorial capacity in the Central Asian Antiquities Museum New Delhi the Archaeological Museum Nalanda and Archaeological Section of the Indian Museum Calcutta for a number of years. He has to his credit the scientific documenting of over fifty thousand antiquities in these museum representing the rich cultural heritage of the country and comprising of sculptures bronzes terracotta beads seals and sealing ancient Indian numismatics wood work miniatures earliest times to the late medieval period. He was awarded in 1987, a fellowship for his monograph on the temple of Himachal Pradesh by the Indian Council of Historical Research New Delhi. He was authored more than fifty books.


1 Genesis and Evolution 1-9
(1) What was Ravana (i) As an Aboriginal (ii) As a Ksatriya (iii) As a Brahmana (iv) Prativasudeva (v) Pratapabhanu (vi)As jaya and Vijaya (vii) As Hiranyakasipu(viii) As Canda and Pracanda (ix) As Gana of Shiva (x) As Madha and Kaitabha (2)Tapas and Boons (3) Marriage and offshoots.
2 Victories and Defeats 10-62
(1) Victories (i) Conquest of Kubera (ii) Ravana 's Encounter with Yama (iii) Defeats Vasuki (iv) Battle with Nipataka (v) Conquest of the abode of Varuna (vi) Attack on Amaravati and Capture of Indra (vii) Conquest of Candraloka
2 The defeats (i) Battle with Kartaviya Arjuna (ii) Release of Ravana (iii) Ravana's Encounter with Bali (iv)Encounter with he king of Patala (v) The Encounter with Mandhata (vi) Battle with Mahapurusa (vii) Defeat form Bali(viii) Defeat from Kapila (ix) Svetadvipa (xi) Unable to Lift the Bow of Siva
3 Boons and Curses 63-68
(a) Boons from Brahma and Siva (b) Curses (i) the Curse from Nalakubara (ii) The Curse of Nandi (iii) The Curse of Vedavati (iv) The Curse of Anaranya
4 The Virtues and Weakness 62-106
(i) A great Vedic Scholar (ii) A Devotee of Shiva (iii) Devotee of Ambika (iv) Devotee of Candi (v)Lustful (viii) Abduction of Sita
Other activities (i)Brahmastra given by Brahma (ii) Burning of the Moustaches and Beards (iii) Hunuman Tied the Hair of Ravana and Mandodari (iv)Sensitive Sport (v)Ravana soul in the Casket (vi) Wooden Kirtimukha (vii) Killing of Jatayu (ix) Encounter with Suparsva (x) The Earth Goddess Prevents Ravana from Sita to Rama (a) By Marica (b) By Hanuman(c) By Nikasa the mother of Ravana (d) By Malyavan (e) By Angada (f) By Kumbhakarna (g) By Prahasta (h) A Courtier of Ravana (i) Tby Sardula (j) By Arvinda- A Courtier of Ravana (k) By Mandodari (l) By Atikaya and Indrajit (m) By Atikaya
5 Performance in Relation to Rama and Sita 107-146
(i) Before the Birth of Rama (2) After the birth of Rama (3) Marriage of Sita (4)Rama saves Ravana 's meeting with Marica (7) Ravana abducts Sita (8) Encounter with jatayu (9) Sugriva's first encounter with Ravana (10) Ravana enlightens Angada as narrated by him (12) Ravana summons Mahiravana (13) Vibhisana inform of his glory (15) Ravana praised Rama's proficiency in archery (16) Ravana tries to entice Sita (17) Grief of Ravana (18) Initial defeat of Ravana (19) Raksasis denounced Ravana (20) Forced Kalanemi to obstruct the path of Hanuman (21) Mandodari highlighted the glory of Rama to Ravana (22) Ravana tries to hand over fake Sita to Rama (25) Ravana's advice to Rama (26) The cremation
6 Epilogue 147-149

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