You Are Responsible! By Dr. George King
You Are Responsible!
By Dr. George King
Published in 1961, this classic first-edition hardback contains the true story of Dr. George King’s visits, in a projected state, to other planets, and also describes in detail Dr. King’s first ever contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence. In addition there are numerous profound spiritual teachings and revelations given by beings from other worlds, and the book concludes with a series of predictions of flying saucer sightings – all of which were confirmed in newspapers of the time.
Hardback; 173 pages.
Recommended to anyone with an open-minded interest in life on other planets and the spiritual message of cosmic beings to Earth.
By Dr. George King
Published in 1961, this classic first-edition hardback contains the true story of Dr. George King’s visits, in a projected state, to other planets, and also describes in detail Dr. King’s first ever contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence. In addition there are numerous profound spiritual teachings and revelations given by beings from other worlds, and the book concludes with a series of predictions of flying saucer sightings – all of which were confirmed in newspapers of the time.
Hardback; 173 pages.
Recommended to anyone with an open-minded interest in life on other planets and the spiritual message of cosmic beings to Earth.