Breast Milk: Nectar on Earth and Supplementary Feed (Modern,Ayurvedic and Spiritual Concept)

Breast Milk: Nectar on Earth and Supplementary Feed (Modern,Ayurvedic and Spiritual Concept)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAE697
Author: Dr. V.B. Athavale & Dr. Kamlesh V. Athavale
Publisher: Sanatan Bharatiya Sanskriti Sanstha
Language: English
Edition: 2002
ISBN: 8180490254
Pages: 152 (10 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch x 5.5 inch
Weight 170 gm

Book Description


Breast-feeding is a natural process. Love and affection for the baby is expressed by the mother through breast-feeding. Mammals like the cow, goat, etc. are 100% successful in breast- feeding their young ones. As the human mind evolved, man's natural instincts started decreasing and he began to depend more upon his intellect. The aim of this book is to impress upon mothers, the advantages of breast-feeding and that there is no substitute for it

Modem science has described the composition of various types of animal milk and has also proved that the mother's milk is the best food for the baby.

Ayurveda considers mother's milk as "piyush (amnlt)" i.e. nectar. It is affected by the mother's diet, daily regime, climate, diseases, psychological state of the mother, etc. Ayurveda also describes in detail the change in quality, colour, smell and taste of breast milk, the adverse effects of vitiated milk on the baby and the diseases which may occur in the baby due to altered qualities of the breast milk. Modem science has neither studied nor even consideredthese aspects and further research is required

Ayurveda imparts guidance on the diet and medicines which should be taken by the mother to correct the humours (dofihas) and the altered qualities of her breast milk. Ayurveda advises the mother not to stop breast-feeding even if the milk gets vitiated. In fact, it should be continued as even vitiated human milk is much better than animal milk.

Ayurveda emphasises upon breast-feeding the baby as it is rightly said, for optimum growth and development, every baby should drink the mother's milk. If the mother does not get sufficient milk or does not have milk at all then the baby should be breast-fed by a wet nurse who is healthy and has sufficient milk. This concept of Ayurveda is fantastic. Even if human milk is available at a milk bank, the baby will not get the satisfaction of sucking the . milk. A wet nurse is a live milk bank.

Three decades ago, there was a trend to bottle feed the baby with the milk of a cow or buffalo. In the last three decades, the feeder is considered as an enemy of the baby because if the bottle is not cleaned properly, the baby may suffer from vomiting, loose motions and other diseases. Here, it is not the fault of the feeder but of the parents who are unable to keep the feeder clean and sterile. Hence it is very essential to educate the parents on sterilization of the feeder, nipple, filters and feeding utensils. This book gives details on how to sterilize feeding utensils.

Nearly 50% of the babies are not satisfied on drinking milk with a bowl and spoon. If the baby is fed excessively or in a hurry, the baby may get choked and may suffocate. If the milk is given in small quantities then also the baby is not satisfied. When the baby is fed with a feeder, it has control on sucking and it takes adequate quantity of milk-at the right speed till it is satisfied. If the mother does not have milk, then the baby can be bottle fed for about 8 to 9 months. But if the mother has some milk, the baby should not be bottle fed merely because the baby will have to take more efforts to suck at the breast than the feeder. Due to this, many babies abstain from sucking breast milk. Gradually, secretion of the mother's milk decreases till it totally stops.

Though medical science has advanced greatly and despite availability of several types of tinned milk powder, yet none can be compared to the mother's milk. If the mother has less milk then the baby should be fed with the milk of a cow, buffalo or goat and after four to six months, supplementary diet should be started. A detailed study of the type of supplementary diet which should be started as per the baby's age has been done by modern science as well as Ayurveda.

This book should be read by all mothers, pregnant women and married women to prepare themselves to breastfeed their baby. The book should also be read by all family members, nurses and social workers to get guidelines so that they too can encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies.

To have breast milk is the birthright of every baby. Every mother should be proud to breastfeed her baby as she alone can give the best food to her baby. She should experience joy when the baby is sucking at the breast and get mental satisfaction that she has done her duty well.

We pray to The Almighty that may every baby enjoy the breast milk of its own mother which is akin to nectar and live a long, happy, healthy and useful life.


Part I- Breast Milk 19
1 Mother's milk is the nectar on earth 19
2 Breast milk (Ayurvedic concept) 19
3 Initiation of breast-feeding by the mother or the wet nurse 20
4 What is colostrum? 20
5 Why does the flow of milk commence three to four days after delivery ? 21
6 Care of the mother or the wet nurse . 22
7 Is it necessary to educate the mother on breast-feeding? 24
8 Which is the best food for babies? 25
9 What is the quantity of constituents like proteins, sugar and fat in the milk of various animals? 25
10 Comparison between the composition of human milk sugar and cow's milk 26
11 Importance of various constituents of human milk 27
12 Benefits of breast-feeding 28
13 Can the baby obtain all the essential nutrients from the mother's milk? 32
14 Pica - desire to eat unnatural things during pregnancy 32
15 Diet during lactation 33
16 What is the internal structure of the breast? 34
17 Why is it that one breast is larger than the other in many ladies? 36
18 Why do the breasts become lax and loose in many female 36
19 What does 'let down reflex' or 'milk ejection reflex' exactly mean? 37
20 Can a mother with small breasts provide her baby with sufficient milk 38
21 How soon should a mother start breast-feeding her baby after delivery? 38
22 Which is the best time to start breast-feeding so as to develop a bond of love and affection between the the mother and the baby? 39
23 Why should the baby be kept near the mother soon after delivery ? 40
24 What things should be kept in mind to make breast-feeding successful? 40
25 Is it necessary to feed the baby with cow's milk during the initial three to four days after birth? 42
26 Act of breast-feeding - how to feed the baby? 42
27 For how long should a baby be fed at a time? 44
28 For how many times in a day should a baby be fed? 45
29 Is there any difference in the feeding pattern of breast-fed babies? 47
30 Is it essential that the baby should be breast-fed every time it starts crying? 47
31 How do we know that the baby is getting sufficient milk? 48
32 Is there any need to feed the baby with water in between two breast-feeds? 48
33 Why is burping advised in babies? 49
34 Is it necessary that every baby should be burped? 49
35 Is it possible to breast-feed a premature baby? 49
36 Causes of inadequate secretion of milk 51
37 What methods should be adopted to increase milk secretion? 53
38 If the baby does not suck the mother's milk for a few days due to some reason, what should be done to continue the secretion of milk? 54
39 What are the usual problems in breast-feeding? 56
40 How should a pregnant lady take care of her breasts and nipples? 56
41 How should a lactating mother take care of her breasts ? 56
42 What should be done ifthe nipples ofthe breast are flat or retracted ? 58
43 What are the causes of cracks on the nipple and how should they be treated ? 60
44 Why do some babies refuse to suck breast milk ? 61
45 Why do some mothers suffer from pain in the lower abdomen while breast-feeding the baby in the initial few days after delivery ? 62
46 How and when should milk be expressed from the breast? 63
47 How should the breast milk which is expressed be stored ? 64
48 If the baby dies after delivery or if due to some reason it is not possible to feed the baby then what should be done? 65
49 If the baby dies after delivery or if due to some reason it is not possible to feed the baby then what should be done? 65
50 What are the common causes of swelling in a lactating breast and how should it be handled? 65
51 Treatment 66
52 Prevention 67
53 How is a breast abscess fanned and how can it be treated? 67
54 Causes of breast abscess 68
55 Symptoms of breast abscess 68
56 Treatment of breast abscess 68
57 Diet indicated in breast abscess 69
58 Diet contraindicated in breast abscess 69
59 Is the composition of milk constant? 70
60 What is the effect of the mother's diet on her milk and the baby? 71
61 Should a mother feed her baby if she is not feeling well ? 71
62 Do the medicines taken by a lactating mother affect her baby in anyway? 73
63 If a mother gets pregnant while she is breast-feeding her baby, can she still continue giving breast-feeds? 73
64 Do the mother's diet and illness affect her baby? if so how? 74
65 General misconceptions about breast-feeding Should a mother continue with breast-feeding even after she gets her menstrual period after delivery ? 76
66 How should a mother manage the baby's feeds if she wants to join work after delivery? 76
67 If the mother stops feeding the baby for same days or if the milk secretion stops due to mental tension, or if the milk secretion stops due to mental tension,etc. is it possible that the milk flow will start again? 77
68 Is it true that the mother does not conceive when she is still breast-feeding her baby? 78
69 Wet nurse 78
70 What is a breast milk bank? 80
71 When should breast-feeding be stopped? 80
72 How far is it justified to make the mother forcefully breast-teed her baby when she has no interest in it ? 82
73 How should we feed ailing babies? 82
74 Twin babies 85
75 Causes of vitiation of breast milk 86
76 Milk vitiated with vata,pitta and kaphahlunours (doshas) 87
77 Treatment of vitiated milk 90
78 Treatment of breast milk vitiated with vatahumour ( dosha) 92
79 Treatment ofbreast milk vitiated withpittahrnnour (dosha) 94
80 Treatment of breast milk vitiated with kapha humour (dosha) 96
81 Effects of grahas on the mother's milk 98
82 Breast milk vitiated with all the three humours (doshas) 98
83 Parigarbhika - Pmibhav- Ahindi 99
84 Character of milk and its effects on the infant 100
85 Animal milk 101
Part II- Supplementary Feeding
1 What is supplementarj food? 106
2 What are the daily essential nutritive requirements of a child? 106
3 What is the nutritive value of the milk of various animals? 107
4 If an infant has to be given the milk ofa cow or buffalo, how much quantity of water should be added for dilution? 108
5 Why is sugar added to milk of a cow or buffalo? 109
6 Is there any chance of worm infestation if sugar is added to milk ? 109
7 Why is milk boiled? 109
8 Why are substances like videnge and ginger added to the milk given to an infant? 110
9 What is pasteurised milk? 110
10 What is condensed milk? 110
11 How is milk powder manufactured? 110
12 How is liquid milk prepared from powdered milk? 111
13 What are the benefits of powdered milk? 111
14 How can one confirm that the powdered milk in the tin is safe for the baby to consume? 112
15 Should the baby be bottle fed ? 112
16 How should the feeders and the utensils used for feeding the baby be sterilised ? 113
17 What precautions should be taken while bottle feeding a baby? 114
18 How should a hole be pierced in the nipple of the bottle used to feed milk? 116
19 For how many times in a day should the baby be fed and in what quantity? What does demand feed mean? 116
20 Is it beneficial to feed the baby as per the demand or at regular hours? 117
21 How and when should the baby be weaned from the habit of bottle feeding? 117
22 When should a baby be fed with a cup or a spoon? 118
23 When should a baby be given solid food? 118
24 When should a mother start supplementary feeding for the baby? 119
25 What rules should be followed while giving supplementary food besides milk? 120
26 Which food items should be given to a baby as per its age? 120
27 How should we select supplementary food for very small babies? 122
28 Which food items are prohibited for small children? 122
29 What are the demerits of introducing supplementary food at an early age? 123
30 What are the benefits of introducing supplementary food at an early age? 123
31 Should commercially available supplementary food be given to the baby? 123
32 Should the baby be given water in between feeds? 124
33 Should the baby be given tonics regularly? 124
34 Should a child be given gripe water regularly? 125
35 What are the reasons which lead to an insufficient diet? 125
36 How do we know that a child is getting sufficient diet? 126
37 What are the causes of overfeeding babies? 127
38 What points should be taken into consideration when feeding a child? 127
39 Supplementary feeds 130
40 Rasayana dravya (tonics) 131
41 Divine mother 132
42 Sanskrut references 137
43 Bibliography 137

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