Happiness is Your Creation

Happiness is Your Creation

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAI067
Author: Swami Rama
Publisher: Himalayan Institute
Language: English
Edition: 2005
ISBN: 9780893892463
Pages: 135
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch 5.5 inch
Weight 180 gm

Book Description

About the Author

PANDIT RAJMANI TIGUNAIT, PHD, IS THE SPIRITUAL head of the Himalayan Institute. Family tradition gave him access to a vast range of spiritual wisdom preserved in both the written and oral traditions. As a young man, he lived and studied with renowned adepts before meeting his spiritual master, Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas. Pandit Tigunait is fluent in both Vedic and Classical Sanskrit and has an encyclopedic knowledge of the scriptures. He holds a doctorate in Sanskrit from the University of Allahabad, and another in Oriental Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. He has written more than a dozen books, running the gamut from scholarly analysis and scripture translation to spiritual biographies and practical advice on applying yogic concepts to the problems of daily life. In addition to lecturing and teaching worldwide for more than thirty years, Pandit Tigunait is the inspiration for the InstituteYs rural empowerment projects and the motive force behind the Himalayan Institute Community Centers taking root in Asia and Africa.


THIS BOOK, HAPPINESS IS YOUR CREATION, IS A living testimony of a man who made happiness his lasting companion. His name is Swami Rama (whom I lovingly call Swamiji), my master, my guide who filled my heart with the conviction that happiness is the only wealth worth acquiring, and all other forms of possession-power, money, prestige-can perform their magic only when happiness breathes life into them.

I lived with this man for twenty years. In this long span of time, I saw how hard he worked and yet how relaxed he was; how complex were the projects that he undertook and yet how tranquil he remained. An aura of joy surrounded him whether he lived in the Himalayan caves or fancy hotels of Tokyo or New York. He was a man who, in the face of death, could at once laugh, make jokes, issue directives to administer a multinational organization, the Himalayan Institute, and instruct students on their inner voyage. As he lay on his deathbed, I saw his face gleaming with a joy not seen before. Puzzled, I asked him, "Swamiji, these days I see you happier than ever before. Why is that?"

With a twinkle in his eyes, he answered, "I used to play in her courtyard. Now She is calling me to play in her lap. That makes me exceedingly happy."

Then he paused for a moment and spoke again. "You are a creation of God, but happiness is your creation. You are equipped with everything that you need to live a happy life. Your only job is to discover the source of happiness within and infuse your surroundings with that inner happiness."

Then, referring to my daughter, who lived in a boarding school just an hour away from him, Swamiji asked, "Where is the little one? When is she coming to visit me?"

My wife and I brought our eight-year-old daughter from the school. As soon as she saw him, she ran to him and climbed into his lap. Swamiji gave her a biscuit. Holding the treat in her hand, she said, "Baba, why are you so thin and weak?"

"Because I am not eating anything these days," he responded.

In her innocence, she inquired, "Why aren't you eating?"

With the same innocence, he answered, "Because I have finished all the food that has been allotted to me, so there is no food left for me."

At this, she spontaneously put that biscuit in his mouth and said, "So ... you can share some of mine!"

"Since you said so," he said and took a small bite. "I am now full. How old are you?"

When she answered, "Eight," he said, "You know, on your sixteenth birthday, I am going to throw you the biggest birthday party."

"Where, Baba?"

"At my master's home."

"Where does your master live?" she asked.

"At Mount Kailash."

Without knowing the context of the conversation, the little girl giggled. "So, Baba, when are you going to your master's home?"

He said, "Soon after you go to school."

"But Baba, I don't know how to reach your master's home."

Looking at me he said, "I have given your papa the address of my master."

When he dismissed her, the little girl ran out of the room, dancing and declaring to everyone outside, "Baba is going to visit his master, and Baba will give my birthday party at his master's home!"

Then Swamiji looked at my wife and I and said, "How beautiful and pure she is."

This last encounter with him threw me into a deep state of contemplation: How can a person, knowing that he is dying, be so full of cheerfulness and enthusiasm? How can a person about to close his eyes forever see beauty in everything? How, while lying on his deathbed, can he, with so much confidence, promise to throw a birthday party for a little girl eight years from today? What is the state of consciousness of this man, and how did he acquire it? My twenty years of life with him flashed before my eyes, and I heard him lecturing in the auditorium of the Himalayan Institute :

''A happy mind is the source of all healing powers.

A person with a happy mind is full of enthusiasm,

courage, and self-motivation. A person with a happy

mind is free from all complaints. Cultivating a joy-

ful mind is the greatest of all spiritual practices. All

human beings, regardless of whether they come from

the East or the West, are equally in need of happiness.

According to the yogis, happiness is always preceded by

peace. A quiet mind is the foundation for cultivating

a joyful mind. Mental quietude depends on one of the

greatest virtues: inner purity. Without inner purity,

we suffer from inner poverty."

Over the next several months, my heart was flooded by his words, and I spent many hours contemplating what they meant. I realized how right he was when, on many occasions, he told his students :

"You are a human being. You must not say that

something is beyond your capacity. You can accomplish

anything you wish. In you, nature has deposited her

best gifts, the gift of intelligence, willpower, deter-

mination, and the power of discrimination. Have

trust in yourself and in your self-effort. Put your

whole heart into your endeavor, and it is guaranteed

that divine grace will come to your aid. Remember,

God created humans in his own image. This is not a

metaphor. This is a statement regarding the perennial

truth. You are not just the reflection of God; you are a

replica of God. If God means creator, then the creator's

creativity is in you. If God means beauty, then that

beauty is you, and is in you. If God means love, then

that love is you. If God means the power to be and the

power to become, then that power is you. Therefore,

you have the capacity to become whatever you wish. "

This is what Swami Rama, his teachings, and this book are all about.


Introduction vii
Chapter One
Living with Purpose 1
Chapter Two
Cultivating a Quiet Mind 29
Chapter Three
Unveiling the Mystery of the Mind 47
Chapter Four
Happiness Is Your Creation 75
Chapter Five
Happy Forever 97

Sample Pages

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