Preparations Before Worshipping a Deity

Preparations Before Worshipping a Deity

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAF556
Author: H.H. Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale and Mrs Anjali Gadgil
Publisher: Sanatan Bharatiya Sanskriti Sanstha
Language: English
Edition: 2011
ISBN: 9789381342527
Pages: 72
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.0 inch x 5.0 Inch
Weight 80 gm

Book Description

Back the Book

Rituals to create Sanskars, Religious practices. Holy and religious festivals, vowed religious observances are opportunities to put the teachings of Hindu Dharma into practice. Faith develops by following Dharmik conduct. Faith when combined with propagation of Dharma helps unite those who have fervors for Dharma.

When united, followers of Dharma can be protected from heretics. Unity will also help fufil the higher goal of establishing the kingdom. Sine this task has Divine blessings, it is considered to be samashti sandman (Spiritual practice for the spread of Spirituality) of the highest order. When vyashti sadhana (individual spiritual practice) is combined with Samadhi sadhana, God-realization can take place faster!

About the Author

H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale started writing Holy text with blessings of His Guru H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj. Imparting knowledge on Spirituality and answering the how and why of Spirituality in a scientific terminology are the main factures of these Holy text. Some Holy text contain Divine Knowledge obtained by Santana’s seekers, which is not available elsewhere on earth!

Under the guidance of H.H. Dr. Athavale, in-depth spiritual research is being conducted on ‘God-realization through Art’, ‘Spiritual remedies for distress due to negative energies’, and necessary guidance is being provided.


Puja of Deities is an easy way of abiding by achars (Conducts) set by Dharma to facilitate sadhana (Spiritual practice) of a worshipper. Puja of a deity creates a center and bhav in the mind of the worshipper. It results in showering of grace by the deity and makes the home environment more satvik. It also creates a sansker (Impression mind) of Dharma on the future generation. Preparation for a Puja is truly the foundation for the ritual of Puja. It not only purifies the worshipper, but also equips him to imbibe Chaitanya that is emitting from the puja; hence, the necessity of preparation.

Performance of a religious act is a kind of scientific experiment in the science of spiritually. Preciseness is the key to success of an experiment. Religious activities are no exception to this rule. Obviously, only when religious actives are performed with precision can we benefit from them. Precision comes from perfection, and hence, it is equally important to understand the spiritual underlying religious acts. Acts performed after understanding the underlying spiritual science generate faith. Similarly, Dharma says that ‘if a good deed is performed in an unscientific, manner, the unscientific performer too gets the benefit, though marginal’. Hence, it is essential that the religious acts be performed as per the spiritual science. Keeping in view this aspect, this Holy text elucidates the preparations to be made before a puja and their underlying spiritual science.

Various aspects that this holy text focuses on include the importance of reciting stotras (Holy hymns), chanting mantras (Please see Glossary) and the Name of God before the puja, precaution of the venue and implements in puja, drawing a rangoli (Please see Glossary) to match the Principle of the Deity, various types of asana (Seats) to be used during the puja, appropriate methods of removed the nirmalya (Withered flowers and leaves, which have been offered earlier to Deity) and wiping the pictures and ldols of Deities; so also the importance of achaman (Sipping water from the palm), Prenayam (Please see Glossary), pronunciation of desh-kal (Name of the place, date and time), making a sankalp and nays (Assigning various parts of the body to various Deities by specific postures of fingers) and importance of puja of a kalash (A metal water container), the shankh (Conch), the ghanti (Bell) and the deep (An oil lamp) just before the commencement of puja.

Our earnest prayer at the Holy feet of the Guru is-‘May the worshipper understand the importance of preparation for puja after reading this Holy, and perform puja with bhav; may he get utmost chaitanya from the puja’.-Complier


Preface 8
Commentary by ‘A Scholar’ on the Divine Knowledge received about this Holy text 10
Basic Rules of Transit 19
Some terms used in connection with the ‘Subtle dimension’ and their meanings 13
Introduction to the Recipients of Divine Knowledge 15
Spiritual experience of a seeker-priest of Sanatan Sanatha during compilation of this Holy text 16
1 Panchakarma associated with puja 17
2 Preparation for puja 17
3 Actual act of preparation for puja 19
4 Science underlying the acts 23
4A Recitation of stotras or chanting the Name of God 23
* Recitation of chanting the Name of God results in creation of a protective sheath around the jiva and helps in destruction of negative vibration 23
4B Purification of the puja venue and activation of the puja implements before the puja 25
4C Drawing of rangoli 29
* Why should rangili associated with the Deity Principle be drawn 31
* Why should a rangoli pattern not depict the name of from of a Deity 32
* Why should haldi-Kumkum be offered to a rangoli pattern upon its completion 32
4D Sounding of a conch 33
* Why is a conch sounded at the commencement of a puja or before an Arti 33
4E Taking a seat 38
* Seats to be used as per the spiritual level 39
* Why should rangoli be drawn beneath the seat of the worshipper 41
4F Performing achaman 41
4G Removing nirmalya from an ldol 43
4G 1 Why should nirmalya be removed using the thumb and the ring finger 43
4G 2 Why should the jiva small the nirmalya after removing it 44
4G 3 Why shold the nirmalya removed from the Deity be kept to jive’s left side after smelling it. 45
4G 4 Picture based on subtle-Knowledge showing benefits obtained when the nirmalya is lifted with the thumb and the ring finger 45
4H Performing achaman, Panama, Pronunciation of the place and time, sankalp and nyas 49
* During achaman, why should the sipping of water be done without making any sound 50
4I Puja of the kalash, conch, bell and lamp 53
* Why are the kalash, conch, bell and lamp worshipped in this very sequence 53
* Why should askshata not be offered to a conch 56
5 Why should the worshipper arrange the puja implements next to himself 63
6 For rapid spiritual progress, not just puja of Deities, but also spiritual practice of further stages is essential 64
7 Preventing denigration of Deities is the worship of Deities as per the times 65

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