Ujjal Nilmani by Srila Rupagoswami Pad

Ujjal Nilmani by Srila Rupagoswami Pad

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Book Specification

Item Code: IDG593
Author: Srila Rupagoswami
Language: English
Edition: 2000
Pages: 240
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.1" X 5.3"
Weight 270 gm

Book Description


Chapter 1 - Varieties of heroes 1
lnvoking auspiciousness 1
Sri Krsna 1
Krsna's features as pati and upapati 2
Pati 2
Upapati 3
Four types of pati and upapati 3
1. Anukul- the faithful lover 4
2. Daksina - the Expert lover 5
3. Satha - the cheating lover 6
4. Dhrsta - the bold and arrogant lover 6
Summary 6
Chapter 2 - Sahalas - Male friends who assist in the arrangements of Krsna's pastimes with the gopis 8
1. Geta 8
2. Vita 8
3. Vidusaka 8
4. Pitha-Marda 9
5. Priya-narma-sakha 10
Four kinds of gopi heipers 10
Krsna personally arranges for His pastimes 11
Krsna's flure 11
Apta-duti - gopi-messenger 11
Chapter 3 - Svakiya and parakity - Lord Krsna's amorous lovers 12
1. Svakiya 12
2. Parakiya 13
Two groups of Parakiya-kanyaka and parodha 14
1. Kanyaka - unmarried gopies 16
2. Parodha - the wives of other 16
Three groups of gopis 17
1. Sadhana-para 17
A. Yauthikis 17
1. Munis 17
2. Personified Upanisads 17
B. Ayauthiki gopis 17
1. Pracina gopis 18
2. Nava gopis 18
2. Devi 18
3. Nitya-Priya 18
Chapter 4 - Srimati Radharani 20
Srimati Radharani's 16 ornaments 20
Srimati Radharani's 12 ornaments 21
Srimati Radharani's 25 chief qualities 21
1. mashura - sweetnes 22
2. nava-vayah- fresh youthfulness 22
3. calapangi - restless eyes 22
4. ujjvala-smita - brightly smiling 23
5. curu-saubhagya-rekhadya-beautiful, auspicious lines 23
6. She makes Krsna happy with Her bodily aroma 23
7. expert at joking and speaking pleasantly 23
8. charming speech 23
9. expert at joking and speaking pleasantly 23
10. humble and meek 24
11. full of mercy 24
12. expert 24
13. cunning 25
14. shy 25
15. respectful 25
16. clam 26
17. grave 26
18. expert at enjoying life 26
19. situated at the topmost level of ecstatic love 26
20. the rescrvoir of loving affairs in Gokula 26
21. Her fame shines in all the universe 27
22. She is very affectionate to elderly people 27
23. Very submissive to the love of Her friends 27
24. the chief gopi 27
25. She always keeps Krsna under Her control 28
The gopi-friends of Srimati Radharani 28
Chapter 5 - Varieties of heroines 29
Different categories of heroines 30
1. Mugdha - acharming innocent girl 30
1. Nava-vayah - youthfulness 30
2. nava-kams- she is inexperienced in loving affairs 31
3. rattan vama- in loving affairs she acts in a contrary manner 31
4. sakhi-vasa - she is controlled by her friends 31
Sa-vrida-rata - she is very shy in loving affairs 31
6. rosa-knta-paspa mauna - when her lover insults her, she becomes silent and tears flow from her eyes 32
7. Mane vimukhi - when her jealousy is aroused she spurns her lover 30
Two types of jealous anger in the mugdha heroine 33
2. Madhya - the middle gopi 33
1. samana-lijja-madana -timid in aorous pastimes, just like the mugdha heroine 33
2. prodyat-tarnya-salini -situated in the age where youthful maturity is just beginning to manifest 33
3. kincit-pragalbohokti -sometimes her words show some signs of arrogance 34
4. mohama-surana-ksama-eager to enjoy amoious pastimes up to the point of fainting from conjugal bliss 34
5. mane komala - gentle in jealous anger 34
6. mane karkasa - harsh in jealous anger 34
Three types of jealous anger in the Madhya heroine 35
1. Dhira quality in the Madhya heroine 35
2. Adhira quality in the Madhya heroine 35
3. Ubhaya quality in the Madhya heroine 35
3. Pragalbha (a mature, clever, arrogant woman expert at controlling the lover) 36
1. purana-tarunya - situated in the stage of fully manifested youthfulness 36
2. madandha - blinded by passion 36
3. uru-ratotsuka -filled with yearning to enjoy amorous pastimes 37
4. bhuri-bhavodgamabhijna - the simulataneous presence of many symptoms of ecstasy 37
5. rasakranta-vallabha-able to overwhelm her lover with the nectar of transcendental mellows 37
6. ati-praudhokti - her actions are those of a mature, proud woman 38
8. mane-camanta-karkasa- in jeaious anger she is extremely harsh and bitter 38
Three types of jealous anger in the pragalbha heroine 38
1. Dhira-pragalbha 38
2. Adhira-pragalbha 39
3. Dhiradhira-paragalbha 39
Other categories of gopis 40
Eight categories of gopis 40
1. Abhisarika 41
Jyotsni 41
Tamasi 41
2. Vasasajja 42
3. Utkanthita 42
4. Khandita 42
5. Viparalabdha 43
6. Kalahantarita 43
7. Prosita-bhartrka 43
8. Svadhina-bhartrka 44
Three divisions among the eight categories of gopis 44
1. Uttama 45
2. Madhyama 45
3. Kanistha 45
Chapter 6 - Yuthesvari-bheda - Varieties of leaders of the gopis 46
1. Adhika - the most fortunate and qualified 46
Atyantiki-adhika 47
Apeksiki-adhika 47
Adhika-prakhara 47
Adhika-madhya 47
Adhika-mrdvi 47
2. Sama- those whose good fortune and qualifications place them in an intermediate position 47
Same-prakhara 47
Same-madhya 48
3. Laghu - Those not as fortunate and qualified as the others 48
Laghu-Prakhara 49
Laghu-madhya 49
Laghu-mrdvi 49
Summary 50
Chapter 7 - Duti-bheda-varieties of messengers 51
1. Svayanm-duti - a messenger who acts on her own volition 51
1. Vacika 51
1. Saksat - direct 51
1. Grava - the proud message 51
where the words themselves conceal hidden meanings 51
grava - arthottha - vyangya - a proud messahe where the hidden message is contained not in the words, but in the meaning 52
2. Aksepa - scolding 52
aksepsa - sabdottha - vyangya - a rebuke with words that conceal a hidden meaning 52
aksepsa - artho-vyangya - a rebuke where a secret message is concealed in the meaning 53
3. Yacna - an appeal 53
a. Svartha-yacna 54
b. svartha-yacna - with a direct meaning 53
2. Vyapadesa - a trick 54
2. Purahstha-visaya 55
2. Angika 55
1. cracking the fingers 56
2. prerending to be very concerned to cover the limbs of the body 56
3. scratching the ground with the toe 56
4. scratching the ear 56
5. applying tilaka 56
6. garments 57
7. moving the eyebrows 57
8. sakhi-tadanam 57
9. adhara-damsa 57
10. haradi-gumpha 57
11. mandana-sanjitam 58
12. dor-muladi-prakatanam 58
13. krsna-namabhilakhenam 58
14. tarau lataya yogah 58
3. Caksusa 58
1. netra-smitam 58
2. netradha-mudra 58
3. netranta-bharama 59
4. netranta-kunanam 59
5. saciksa 59
6. Vama-drk-preksa 59
7. kataksa 60
2. Duti-the gopi-messengers 60
1. amitartha 60
2. nisrstratha 61
3. patra-hari 61
Other categories of gopi-messengers 61
1. silpakari-an artist 61
2. daivajna-an astrologer 61
3. lingini-an ascetic 62
4. paricarika -maidservants 62
5. dhatreyi- the daughter of Radharani's nurse 62
6. vana-devi-a forest-demigoddes 62
7. Sakhi-the friend who becomes a messenger 63
Tow kinds of messages 63
1. Vacya 63
2. Vyangya 63
krsnc vacyam 64
Vyangyam 64
Two other kinds of messages 65
1. Kriya-sadhya 65
2. Vacika 65
1. Vacya 65
2. Vyangya 66
1. sabda-vyangya 66
2. artha-vyangya 66
1. as a rebuke to the busband or another person 66
2. as praise of Lord Krsna or other 66
3. as a description of a certain place or thing 66
Chapter 8 - Sakhi-prakaranam - Srimati Radharani's friends 68
Different division of sakhis 68
1. Adhika -atyantika -adhika 68
1. prakhara 68
2. madhya 69
3. mrdvi 69
Apeksika-adhika-trikam - three types of sakhis aspiring to become leaders 69
1. prakhara 70
2. madhya 70
3. mrdvi 71
2. Sama 71
3. Laghu-trikam 71
1. apeksika-laghu-prakhara 72
1.1 Vama - the left wing 73
1.2 daksina - the right wing 73
Laghu-mrdvi 74
2. atyantika-laghu 74
division of the leaders of the sakhis 74
Gopis who carries messages between Radha and Krsna 74
Nitya-nayika 75
1. samaksa- those directly spoken to Lord Krsna 75
1.1 sanketika - a message consisting of gestures 75
1.2 vacika - a message consisting of world 75
Vyapadesa 76
Nayika-parayas 77
Sama-sakhis 78
Sakhi-praya 79
Nitya-sakhis 79
The activities of the sakihs 81
Other groups of sakhis 85
1. Asama-sneha 85
1.1 krsna-snehadhika 86
1.2 Priya-sakhyam snehadhika 86
Chapter 9 - Hari-vallabhah-Lord krsna's beloved Topics 88
Suhrt-paksa 88
Tatastha-paksa 88
Vi-paska 89
1. cadma - trickery 89
2. irsya - jealousy 90
3. garvita - pride 91
1. nhankara 91
2. abhimana 91
3. darpa 92
4. mocking the enemy 92
5. pride in one's own superiority 93
Puns which contain veiled critisim 93
Chapter 10 - that when stimulates ecstatic love 97
1. Transecendental qualities 97
1. The qualities of the mind and intelligence 97
2. Qualities of speech 97
3. Qualities of body 97
1. youthfulness 98
1. vayah-sandhi 98
2. navya 98
3. vyaktam 99
4. purna 99
2. rupam 100
3. lavanyam 100
4. saundaryam 101
5. abhipupata 101
6. madhuryam - sweetness 101
7. madavam - delicateness 102
2. Names 102
3. Pastimes 102
Nila 102
1. Charming pastimes 103
2. tandava-dancing 103
3. palying the flute 103
4. milking the surabhi cows 103
5. lifting Govardhana Hill 103
6. calling the surabhi cows 104
7. walking 104
4. Mandanam 104
1. garments 104
2. ornamesnt 104
3. Garlands and necklace 105
4. ointments and cosmetics 105
5A. Things directly touching the beloved 105
1. sound of flute 105
2. the sound of the buffalo-horn bugle 105
3. singing 106
4. sweet fragrance 106
5. the tinkling sounds of ornaments 106
6. footprints 106
7. the sound of the lute and other musical instruments 106
8. expert artistic craftsmanship 107
5B. Things near the beloved 107
1. remnants of flowers and other things offered to the beloved 107
2-3. Peacock features and gunja necklaces 107
4. mincral pigments from the hills and mountains 108
5. surbhi cows 108
6. stick 108
7. flute 108
8. glances of the beloved 109
9. glances of the beloved 109
10. dust raised by the cows 109
11. Vrndavan forest 109
12. the residents of the Vrndavana forest 109
12-1. birds 109
12-2. bumble-bees 110
12-3. deers 110
12-4&5. groves of trees and creepers 110
12-6. tulsi-devi 110
12-7. karnikara flowers 110
12-8. kadamba and other flowers 111
13. Govardhana Hill 111
14. yamuna river 111
15. the rasa-dance arena and other of Krsna's pastimes 111
6. Things not related 111
1. moonlight 111
2. clouds 112
3. lighting 112
4. springtime 112
5. autumn 112
6. full-moon 112
7. fragrant breeze 113
8. birds 113
Chapter 11 - Anubhava cestasy 114
1. Alankars 114
bhava 114
hava 114
hela 115
sobha 115
kanti 115
dipti 115
madhurayam 116
pragalbhata 116
audaryam 116
dhatryam 117
lila 117
vilasa 117
vichitti 118
vibrahama 118
kila kincita-bhava 119
Remembers of hears about Krsna 119
Externally offended and angry, but within her heart happy 120
Even though pleased by Krsna's gift, the heroine may pretend to proudly and angrily dislike it. 120
lalitam 121
vikrtam 121
maugdhyam 122
cakitam 112
2. Udbhasvaras 122
3. Vacika 123
Alapa - very affectionate words 123
Chapter 12 - Sattvika cestasy 126
Becoming stumed 126
Perspiration 126
Hair standing up 127
Speaking broken words 127
Trembling 128
Turning pale 129
Shedding tears 129
Devastation 130
Three stages of ccstratic symptoms of ecstasy 130
Smokey (partly visible) symptoms of ecstasy 130
Burming (move complete) 130
Blazing (complete manifestation) 130
Chapter 13 - Vyablicaris 132
Weakness 134
Fatigue 135
Intoxication 135
Pride 135
Anxicty 136
Bewiderment 137
Death 137
Laziness 138
Becoming stunned 138
Shynace 138
Concealing one's actual feelings 139
Guessing 140
Meditation 140
Satisfaction 141
Happiness 141
Eagerness 142
Harsh punishment 142
Anger 143
Envy 143
Ficklences 144
Sleep 144
The beginning of love 145
Meeting 145
Chapter 14 - Sthayi-bhava-steady eestasy 147
The stages of sthayi-bhava 147
Abhiyoga 147
Visaya - sense-objects
1. Sound 148
2. touch 148
3. form 148
4. taste 149
5. feagrance 149
Eloquent words 149
Sambandha- relationship 149
Abhimana 149
Pada, Vraja and Priya-jana 150
Upama - similarity 150
Svabhava 151
Nisarga 151
Svarupam 151
Krsna-nistham - in Krsna 151
lalana-nistham 152
ubhaya-nistham 152
Three kinds of sthayi-bhava 152
Sadharani 153
Samanjasa 153
Samantha 153
Different forms of Samantha love 154
Prema 155
Praudha- fully developed love 155
madhya 156
manda 156
sneha 157
1. gharta-sncha-love like butter 158
2. madhu-sneha - love like honery 158
mana - pride 159
raga 162
nila-ranga 162
manjistha-raga 162
anuraga 163
maha-bhava 164
1. inability to tolerate the eyes blinking 165
2. agitation of the heart 165
3. perceiving a kalpa to be as long as a single moment 165
4. during a period of happiness becoming depressed because of apprechension of future suffering 166
5. becoming bewildered and forgetting everything, even one's own self 165
6. perceiving a single moment to be as long as a kalpa 166
Modana 167
Suddipata-satvika 167
Suncari-moha 167
Udghurna and citra-jalpa 169
Prajalpa 169
Vijalpa 170
Ujjalpa 171
Sanjalpa 171
Avajalpa 171
Abhigalpita 172
Ajalpa 173
Pratijipla 173
Madana 174
Summary 175
Chapter 15- Varieties of conjugal love 176
1. Love in separation 176
Purvaraga 176
Secing 176
1. directly seeing Krsna 176
2. secing Krsna in a picture 176
3. seeing Krsna in a dream 177
Hearing 177
hearing form the mouth of a trobadour 177
hearing from the mouth of a gopi-messeringer 177
hearing from the mouth of a gopi-friend 177
Praudha 178
Udvega 178
Jagarya 178
Tanava 179
Jadima 179
vairagya 179
Vyadhi 180
Unmadha 180
Moha 180
Decide to commit suicide 181
Abhilasa 181
Cinta 181
Smrti 182
Guna-kirtanam 182
Sadharana rati 182
Kama-lekha 183
niraksara 183
saksara 183
Mana 184
Mana based on a specific cause 184
1. directly hearing 185
2. directly seeing 185
3. by inferring some evidence 186
Svapna 187
Sama 189
Dana 190
Nati 190
Upeksa 190
Rasantaram and yadrcchikam 191
Buddhi-purvam 191
Influence of a particular place, time or hearing the flute 192
Different kinds of separation 193
Prema-vaicityyam 193
Pravasa 193
Abuddhi-purvaka 194
Krsna's sentiments during separation 196
Summary 196
Chapter 16 - Conjugal pleasure 198
Sambhoga 198
mukhya-sambhoga 198
sanksipta 198
sampanna-bhog 199
pradhurbhava 199
Gauna-sambhoga 200
gauna 200
Specific charming conjugal pastimes 201
Lila-cauryam 203
Lila-vilsa 205
Ujjal Nilmani Kiranah 206
A Ray of Light from the Ujjval Nilmani 206
[Resplendent, bright blue sapphire, Sri Krsna] 206
Sri Sri Krsna Saranam- I take shelter of Shri Krsna 206
Nayak-vibhed - different kinds of divisions amongst heroes 206
heroes 206
Lila-vilasa 208
Asta-nayika bhed - eight divisions amongst lovers 209
Nayika ganer svabhava natures of lovers 210
Nayika-vibhed-division amongst female lovers 211
Duti Bhed-different kinds of sakhis 212
Bayo Bhed -age differences 212
Sattvik-symptoms of existential ecstatic love 213
Byabhicari-further symptoms which express overwhelming ecstatic love 213
Bhavot pattyadi 213
Sthayi bhav - permanent mellow 214

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