Living Words (Soul-Kindlers for the New Millennium)

Living Words (Soul-Kindlers for the New Millennium)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAL684
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry
Language: English
Edition: 2013
ISBN: 9788170585886
Pages: 211
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 7.0 inch X 5.0 inch
Weight 200 gm

Book Description


The idea of this compilation was suggested by the experience which one has in reading certain passages from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, or listening to certain recorded talks of the Mother, particularly the latter because of the additional effect of the sound vibrations. These writings and talks are felt as speaking not so much to the mind as to the soul. The words do not just convey certain ideas but also induce a psychic or soul state of consciousness. They are living words which are alive and vibrant with a consciousness that is greater than that of the mind. The words have the ring of the spirit and are capable of kindling the spirit when one is in a receptive state. Passages contained in the previous compilations by the same Editor have generally not been included in this book.

The great majority of extracts contained in this book have been selected because of the quality described above. However, some passages have been included more for their relevance to the message of the book. The central message of the book is that evolution - which is a progressive unfoldment of the Spirit through progressively higher levels of consciousness - has reached a stage where the next leap of consciousness is preparing to take place, the leap from mind to that which is beyond mind - the Supermind.

Man the mental being is thus a transitional creature, to be superceded by one whom Sri Aurobindo calls the supramental being or the fully spiritual man. The New Age, heralding the coming of the supramental being, has now dawned.

To give an idea of the quickened pace of evolution, the Mother states that whereas the evolution of the human brain from the animal brain (and the consequent emergence of man from the animal) took nearly a million years, we may expect the supramental race to succeed the human race "in a few centuries". She added that this time-frame applies to the appearance of the supramental race. So far as individual transformation is concerned, "the time has come when some beings among the elite of humanity, who fulfil the conditions necessary for supramentalisation, will be able to transform their bodies with the help of the supramental Force, Consciousness and Light so as no longer to be animal-men but become supermen." The conditions necessary for spiritualisation and the path to be followed by the individual are stated in the last pages of this book (pp. 189 - 92).


Preface ix
1 Living Words 3
Living Question, Living Teaching 3
Two Methods of Teaching 4
2 Rising Above the Subhuman 6
Much Needed to Come Out to the Animal 7
Living Uselessly 8
3 Ascension Beyond the Human 10
Man a Transitional Being 10
The First Movement 14
Interiorisation 17
Learning to Look at Oneself 18
Individuality- the First Conquest 19
The Three Victories 22
To Be Thyself 24
The True Goal 25
4 Desire, Pain, Pleasure and Delight 28
The Knot of Desire 28
The Anguish of Desire 30
Renunciation- Passing to Freedom 33
The Secret behind Pain 36
Learning of Pure Delight 39
Delight of Being 41
5 Sin, Evil and Ugliness 44
Judging 44
Attitude Towards Sin 45
Sharing the Burden of Sin 50
Helping to Cure Evil and Ugliness 53
6 Light on the Path 58
Preparing the Path 58
The Call and the Consecration 60
Zeal for the Lord 64
When Prayer and Meditation Become Mechanical 66
Keeping the Intensity of the Inner Consciousness 68
Awakening One's Yogashakti 70
Unceasing Effort for Progress 73
Freedom from External Influences 76
Light and Shadow- Intensification on the Path 78
The Only Thing Truly Effective 79
Not Renewing a Mistake 83
Overcoming Hurt Pride 84
The Impossible 85
Progress on the Path 88
The True Reason 91
Spontaneity 92
Spontaneity in Aspiration 94
In Difficulty - Learning to be Quiet 95
In Difficulty - Widening Oneself 97
Leaving the Path 99
7 Experiences on the Path 104
How to Have the Experience 104
Work - A School of Experience 109
Understanding through Experience 110
Spontaneity and Experience 112
Getting the Full Benefit from an Experience 113
8 The Guide, The Helper, The Lord Divine 117
Certitudes 117
The Divine - A Certitude of Experience 118
The Supreme Presence 119
Divine Guidance behind Life 121
Interpreting the Guidance 124
The Divine Power behind Personal Effort 129
Asking from the Divine 130
Allowing the Lord to Do It 133
Pressure of the Spirit 135
State of Receptivity 137
The Divine Gives Himself 139
The Law of Sacrifice 140
The Lord Is Not Far Away 144
Gratitude Must Come with Devotion 146
Laughing with the Lord 148
The Action of Divine Grace 151
Experiencing All Relationships in the Divine 152
Discovering Divine Love 154
The Hour of God 156
9 The Gospel of Faith 158
The Fundamental Faith 158
The Central Faith 159
Faith and Trust Both Needed 160
Preserving Faith 164
He Who Chooses the Infinite 166
The Constant Mantra 170
The Goal is Sure 171
10 A New World is Born, Born, Born 173
Manifestation of the Supermind 179
Passing into the Supramental Consciousness 182
Action of the Supramental Force and Individual Effort 184
The New Birth - The Decisive Step 185
Living a Miracle 187
The Most Important Thing 188
The Most Essential Condition 189
Glossary 193
References 195
Sample Pages

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