Vedanta Prabodha - The Most Exhaustive Book Ever Written on Shankaracharya's Advaita Vedanta

Vedanta Prabodha - The Most Exhaustive Book Ever Written on Shankaracharya's Advaita Vedanta

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAG842
Author: Swami Paramananda Bharati
Language: English
Edition: 2019
Pages: 278
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 9.5 inch X 7.0 inch
Weight 530 gm

Book Description

Author’s Note for the New Edition

How is one to begin the study of Vedanta? What are the benefits of studying Vedanta? have been the intriguing questions one faces in life. The universe is limitless, unimaginably complex and variegated. "Whence it has come? Why it has come? What exactly is it's intrinsic nature?" are questions that spontaneously arise in the mind of the observer. They are not answerable by inference as known to Science. It is only the Vedas-Vedanta that can answer them.

The opening chapters in this book (Anubandha Chatustaya, Sadhana Chatustaya, Guru, and Pramanas) will reinforce the readers' ardent interest with basic constructs required for a disciplined study of Vedanta, The detailed discussions in the chapters will not "only provide the reader with good clarity about the procedure to study Vedanta but also clarify the ultimate benefit of studying Vedanta. Vedas say unequivocally, that the Brahman is the ultimate cause of the Universe and is the one without a second. It is absolutely indescribable.

The extensive discussions in the chapters on Jagat, Brahman, Jiva, Moksha and Sadhana Prakaranam, enumerates the quintessential parameters required to actually realize that Brahman is the ultimate cause of the universe. In each aeon called Kalpa, the universe is born out of Brahman, lives in Brahman and dissolves in Brahman. Therefore, Brahman is the intrinsic nature of the universe. The universe is changing-Asatya, but Brahman is unchanging-Satya. It goes even beyond and says that the observer of the universe is himself Brahman and one who realizes it attains total freedom from all bondage.

The detailed chapters on Maya and Avidya carefully clarifies that Maya [Prakrti] is Brahman's intrinsic power by which It assumes the form of the universe for the benefit of Jivas and thereby repudiates the hardened perception that Maya and Avidya are synonyms; also that the Universe is an Illusion-Mithya! A pragmatic clarification is given to the confusion about "Mithya Jagat" in the discussion.

Bhagavan Sankara has written the Prasthanatraya Bhasyas elucidating this thesis. The presentation of Bhagavan Sri Sankara's description of the universe as Mithya-Anirvacaniya-Asatya at three different levels of teaching invokes and at the same time provokes the prime attention of the reader. These adjectives are exclusively different. Thinking that they refer to the same idea, some people have stuck to the adjective Mithya and then tried to reconcile the other two with it using logic that is sometimes funny and sometimes exasperating. Nothing in the Bhasyas needs to be reconciled by devious logic. Bhasyas are already complete, immaculate and unambiguous. The authentic content in this book maintains thorough compliance to references from the Vedas and Bhagavan Sri Sankara's Prasthanatraya Bhasyas. This book exhibits the seamlessness of Sri Sankara's presentation, which .. helps the reader to plunge into Sadhana with conviction.

As a special mention, Jasjit Mansingh, an acclaimed author deserves credit for shaping this English edition aesthetically and with immense proof reading while also adding valuable corrections to the English vocabulary used in the book. Her selfless devotion and dedication in preparing the book for publishing is highly commendable.

Possessed with the responsibility to bring out this new edition of Vedanta Prabodha in its present form, Chi.Srihari has ardently striven to meet the expectations at various levels during proof reading, and editing, thus making the script error free for publishing.

My prayers to lord Narayana to bless one and all with good health, prosperity and peace.


Author's Note for the new edition xv-xvi
The Essential Teachings of Adya Sankaracarya xviii-xxi
What did Sankara Really Teach? xxii-xxvii
Dedication 1
Introductory Prakaranam 2
Chapter 1 Anubandha Catustaya 3-6
Subject Matter
The Linkage
Adhikari - the eligible student seeker
Chapter 2 Sadhana Catustaya Sampatti 7-11
Nitya-Anitya Vastu Viveka
Samadi Satka
One Doubt
Who are all entitled for Moksa?
Chapter 3 Guru 12-15
The need for a Guru
Characteristics of a Guru
How to get the Sadguru?
Service to the Guru
A word of caution
Chapter 4 Pramana- Means of Knowledge 16-23
Triputi: Three fold factors
Pratyaksa Pramanam: Sense Perception as a means
Anumana Pramanam: Inference as a means
Upamana Pramanam: Analogy as a means
Arthapatti Pramanam: Presumption as a means
Agama Pramanam: Word ofGodlVerbal Testimony as a means
Another Pramana of the Mimamsakas
Jagat Prakaranam 24
Chapter 5 Other Theories 25-36
An Unperceived Cause of the Jagat exists
Three causes
Buddhists view
Mimamsaka's Logic
Vaisesikas's Theory
Naiyyayika's Theory
Sankhya Thesis
Modem Arguments
The Role of Logic in this discussion
The Limitations of Logic
The complete Logic
Chapter 6 The Vedic Theory 37-47
Brahman is the Nimitta of the Jagat
Brahman is the Up adana Karana of the Jagat
Upadana or Antaryamin?
Vacarambhana - Namadheya
Cause-Effect Non-difference
Chapter 7 Brahman - The Cause 48-58
Idea to be remembered
Non-difference of Eater (enjoyer) - Eaten (enjoyed)
Unachieved SelfInterest
Objection that Brahman has no Sahakari
The objection that the Brahman has no limbs
Objection of Purposelessness of Creation
Is the Brahman biased and cruel?
Objection regarding distinctiveness
Can inert objects come out of Cetana?
Whose thesis is to be accepted?
Objection of Brahman having parts
Chapter 8 Maya 59-70
The example
What is Maya?
Synonyms of Maya
Apara and Para Prakrtis
Maya Subservient to Brahman
Four- faced Brahma
Process of Creation
Maya is Eternal
Maya is Anirvacanrya
Maya is non-different from Brahman
Summary of Jagat Prakaranam 71
Brahma Prakaranam 72
Chapter 9 Brahman, Separate From The Jagat 73-84
Visesana - Laksana
The Existent Attributes
Non-existent attributes
Brahman is Satya
The Illusory Wodd
Three Satyas
Lens example
Transcendental Satya
Transactional Satya
Virtual Satya
Brahman is Jnana
Is Brahman Sarvajfia or Not?
Brahman is Ananta
The Experience of the Jnana
The Experience of the Jnana
Chapter 10 The Attributelles Brahman 85-96
The Unqualified Brahman
The Reason for Brahman's Featurelessness
Is the Jagat Existent or Non-existent?
Doubt Regarding two imaginations
Summary of Brahmaprakaranam 97
Jiva Prakaranam 98
Chapter 11 Analysis of the Three Bodies 99-112
Gross Body
The Gross Body is not me
Subtle Body
The Five Pranas
The Antahkarana
The Five Jfianendriyas
The Five Karrnendriyas
The Subtle body is not me
Causal Body
Vidya Karma Piirva Prajfia
Sancita, Prarabdha, Agami
Process of Death
The Process of Rebirth
Chapter 12 Avidya 113-157
JIva's wrong identification
Where else to find Jiva Svarupa?
Determination of the Svariipa
Agama's Answer
Is Jiva an Amsa of Brahman?
Definition of Avidya and Adhyasa
Effect of Maya is the support of Adhyasa
Adhyasa is the cause of danger
Is Avidya an existent entity or merely absence of Vidya?
Buddhi is Dharmi, Vidya is Pratiygi
Avidya is beginningless
Avidya is endless
Avidya belongs to whom? Maya belongs to whom?
Motivaton for Creation comes from Avidya
The Meaning of the Word Avidyakalpita Illusion
Avidya Laksana Prakrti
Avidyatrnika Hi Blja Saktih
Which is the cause of Jagat - Maya or Avidya?
The two examples
Maya and A vidya not synonymous
Chapter 13 Jagrat, Svapna and Susupti 158-182
What is Svapna?
The Dream Jagat
Dream: Junction of the worlds here and hereafter
Who creates Dreams?
Does Jy6ti Belong to the body?
Svapna Jyoti- Not of the body
Jyoti is of the Atman
Qualified Jfiana is Through Indriyas
Atman is Not unknown
The Facility with Dreams
Where is the Jiva in Susupti?
The Non-dual State
This is Paramananda (Highest Bliss)
Analysis of Ananda
The levels of Ananda
The Nature of grief
One's Svarupa is the same as in Susupti
One's Identity with Brahman
Proof of Brahman-Arman Identity
Why not qualified awareness?
Unwareness of even oneself
An example
The question of Avidya in Susupti
Objections for Avidya's non-existence
A vidya exists, but not Adhyasa in Susupti
Chapter 14 Turiya 183-203
Right Realization is Sarvatamabhava
Sublimation of the world
Samasti- Vyasti
Some doubts
Chapter 15 The Analysis of Five Sheaths 204-212
Transactions in Vyasti
The Nature of the Analysis
Annamayatma (Vya~ti)
Pranamayatma (Vyasti)
Manomayatma (Vyasti)
Vijfianamayatma (Vyasti)
Anandamayatma (Vyasti)
Upasafikramana of Samasti Atmans
Upasana Meditation on Sarnasti Atma
Summary of Jiva Prakaranam 213
Sadhana Prakaranam 214
Chapter 16 Moksa 215-219
What is Moksa?
Moksa is only through Jfiana
Jnana is not a result of Karma
Chapter 17 Sannyasa 220-226
Veda permits Sannyasa
Vidvat Sannyasa
Karma of Jnani
Vividisa Sannyasa
The rules of Vividisa Sannyasa
Slipping from Sannyasa
Chapter 18 Upasana 227-229
What is Upasana?
Relation with Alambana
Upasana of Pratika
Chapter 19 Karma 230-238
Feature of the Veda
The Creation of Varnas
Varna Dharma
Asrama Dharma
Can Karma lead to Moksa?
Path of Moksa - One or Several?
Summary of Sadhana Prakaranam 239
Epilogue 240-246
Index 247-251
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