View of Human Life (The Wheel of Time and Kali Yug)
Book Specification
Item Code: | NAH863 |
Author: | Swami Rajarshi Muni |
Publisher: | Life Mission Publications |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2014 |
ISBN: | 9789384179014 |
Pages: | 211 |
Cover: | Paperback |
Other Details | 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch |
Weight | 250 gm |
Book Description
This wonderful pair of books by Swami Rajarshi Muni will be much welcomed, for, with the simple directness and lucidity which are a hallmark of his works, they address the existential dilemmas that have plagued humans since the beginning of time. The first deals with the question of existence, its purpose, and how best that purpose may be achieved. Towards that end, it explains the place of humans among living beings and, in that context, the special significance of the human body and mind. It examines the matter of body and mind as instruments of action, and action as cause of consequence on both the mundane and moral planes within the framework of finite and infinite Time. All this finds resolution on a foundation of a moral law that operates on many layers from the macrocosmic universe to the microcosmic individual. Finally, it suggests the way out of the various dilemmas by charting out the way of the ideal human life appropriate and conducive to happiness in this and the next world, in this and future lives. The ideal way proposed is that delineated in the Eternal Dharma that is at the root of Indian Culture.
The second of the pair powerfully reinforces the message of the first by definitively addressing the question of infinite Time, so that the matter of duration of consequence of action as reflecting the moral choices one makes becomes overwhelmingly clear and one is compellingly guided to ponder and choose wisely.
Swami Rajarshi Muni was born on 11th February, 1931, in Porbandar, in western Gujarat, in the princely lineage of the Jadeja rules of Kutch. He received sannyas initiation in February 1971 and thereafter devoted himself almost exclusively to secluded Yoga sadhana of the khechari mudra expounded and practiced in the modern spiritual tradition of Lord Lakulish, twenty-eight incarnation of Lord Shiv, in which he is the present spiritual head. In 1993, in response to a spiritual calling, he temporarily interrupted his self-imposed seclusion undertake a worldwide campaign to spread the knowledge of Yoga and the moral, cultural spiritual values of the Sanatan (eternal) Indian heritage. He resumed secluded sadhana in 2007 to complete his Yoga and establish the authenticity of the principle of the indestructible Divine Body, on which he has written with profound clarity and authority based on personal practice experience. He is an advanced yogi, a realized Master in the classic mould of Indian adepts, knower of the kundalini and master of the khechari mudra. The extraordinary heights he attained in his Yoga practice establish him firmly as the latest addition to the lineage of perfected masters which has long embellished the Indian spiritual tradition.
Special Place of Humans among Living Beings | 1 |
Human Body Gained through Dharmiicharan | 3 |
Speciality of the Human Body | 4 |
Duties for Humans | 5 |
Purpose of Journey of Life | 6 |
Life-Journey Goes on the Wrong Track Due to Maya | 9 |
Do Not Waste the Given Life | 11 |
Kripanlal's Railway Journey | 13 |
We Are All Like Kripanlal | 14 |
Draw Up an Annual Account of Your Life-Journey | 15 |
Our Dilemmas and Their Solutions | 16 |
What is True Longing? | 17 |
Samsar and Sadhana | 18 |
Chobeyji's Boat Journey | 19 |
Tenacious Web of Samsiir Does Not Let Go | 21 |
The Sant and the Trader | 22 |
The Rarity of Human Life | 23 |
Human Birth is Rare | 24 |
Faith in the Shruti is Also Rare | 27 |
Example of Kumaril Bhatt | 29 |
Rarity of Samyam (Restraint) | 34 |
Viryam Too is Rare | 35 |
Cultivate Faith in the Scriptures | 36 |
Tap is Essential | 36 |
Success of Life-Journey | 38 |
Advice of the Scriptures Concerning Life's Journey | 39 |
Two types of Upward Movement (Urdhvagati) | 41 |
Two Types of Karmas: (i) Karma Kand (ii) Gydn Kand | 42 |
Karma Kand and Gyan Kand | 43 |
Achiirya and Guru | 44 |
Is it Necessary to Have a Guru? | 46 |
We are Fortunate Souls | 48 |
Let us Awaken and Shed Illusion | 49 |
We Should not Miss the Opportunity | 50 |
Human Beings Should Seek Spiritual Welfare (Salvation) | 51 |
Maya Proves to be an Obstruction in the Search for 'Alma Kalyan: | 53 |
Happiness and its Three Categories | 56 |
What is Tiimasic Happiness? | 56 |
What is Riijasic Happiness? | 57 |
The Nature of Siittvic Happiness | 58 |
Slaves of Maya or Children of God? (Example) | 58 |
Sultan for Two Days (Example) | 60 |
Deposit Dharm in the Lord's Bank | 64 |
What is Dharm? | 66 |
Various Categories of Karma | 66 |
Nishiddh Karmas and Their Fruit | 67 |
Kiimya Karmas and Their Fruit | 69 |
Vihit Karmas and Their Fruit | 70 |
Essential to Practice Dharm Purusharth | 71 |
Three Limbs of Dharm Purusharth | 72 |
Social or Community Dharm | 72 |
Class Dharm | 73 |
Individual Dharm | 77 |
Protection through Practicing Dharm | 79 |
Accumulate Dharm | 79 |
"Manushya Yatna, Ishvar Kripa" | 80 |
God's Grace Received Even if Dharm Done Unknowingly | 81 |
India's Cultural Inheritance - Saniitan Dharm (The Eternal Religion). | 88 |
Evils of Modem Life-Style | 89 |
Materialism versus Spiritualism | 89 |
Categories of Materialistic Cultures | 90 |
Indian Culture is Spiritual | 93 |
God Alone is Great in Indian Culture | 95 |
Indian Culture Is Human Culture | 97 |
The Triumvirate of Gods - Siikdr (Embodied) Brahm | 98 |
Permanent Freedom from Suffering is Moksh (Liberation) | 99 |
Maya Obstructs Understanding and Practice of Truth | 100 |
Four Stages of Life in Indian Culture | 101 |
Brahmcharyashram: Stage of Studentship and Celibacy | 102 |
Grahasthiishram: Stage of Householder | 104 |
Viinaprasthdshram: Stage of Retirement | 107 |
What Karmas to Perform at Each Stage of Life | 108 |
Viinaprasth Should Come Willingly | 113 |
Viinaprasthi's Life Should Be Spiritual | 115 |
Wealth is Less Important than Dharm in Indian Saniitan Culture | 177 |
The Essence of Saniitan Dharm | 118 |
Purpose of the Journey in Samsar | 118 |
Atma Bounded by Prakriti | 119 |
Elements of Prakriti | 120 |
Chetana | 121 |
Sanghat | 121 |
Dhriti | 121 |
Ichha | 122 |
Suhkkh and Duhkkh (Happiness and Suffering) | 122 |
Dvesh | 122 |
Atma (Soul) is Saniitan (Eternal) and Enlightened | 123 |
Why Does Atma Kalyiin (Salvation) Not Occur to the Mind? | 124 |
Prakriti is of Three Gunas | 125 |
Sattva Guna | 126 |
Rajo Gutta | 127 |
Tamo Guna | 128 |
Trigunas Illustrated | 128 |
What is Gained by the Ascendance of Each Guna | 129 |
Strive to Transcend the Three Gunas | 131 |
Example of Raja Vipashchit | 132 |
It is Difficult to Say What Might Be Recalled in the Last Moment | 134 |
Vedic Prayer for Aspiration of Immortality | 136 |
Goal of Human Life -Attainment of Brahm | 139 |
Urdhvagati' and Moksh | 140 |
Prithvi-lok is a Junction Station | 142 |
One Should Understand Triguniitmic Prakriti | 143 |
Shadripus an Obstruction in Attaining Urdhvagati | 144 |
Influence of Kam | 146 |
Example of Sund-Upsund | 146 |
Influence of Krodh | 149 |
Example of a Briihmin and Chandal | 150 |
Example of Krishna and Pishacb | 151 |
Influence of L6bh | 154 |
Example of Suvarnashtivi | 155 |
Rascals Consume the Wealth of the Greedy | 156 |
Summary | 162 |
Kal Chakra (The Wheel of Time) and Kali Yug | |
What is Kal | 165 |
Computation of Time | 165 |
Yug-Dharm | 168 |
Change According to Yug-Prabhiiv (Influence of Yug) | 172 |
Intimations of Kali Yug Received by the Pandavs | 173 |
Story of Onset of Kali Yug | 177 |
Characteristics of Kali Yug | 179 |
Example of King Nal | 181 |
Example ofYudhishthir | 182 |
Example of Herd Mentality | 183 |
Social Discourse in Kali Yug | 188 |
Influence of Kali Yug | 190 |
Example of Influence of Kali Yug | 191 |
Kali Yug Has its Good Points | 197 |
Our Position in Present Kali Yug | 198 |
Future of Present Kali Yug | 199 |