The Serpent Tongue: Liber 187 Jake Stratton-Kent
The Serpent Tongue: Liber 187
Jake Stratton-Kent.
Published in October, 2011.
226 Pages.
A workbook of English Qaballa by Jake Stratton-Kent, with an introduction by Lon Milo DuQuette and cover art by Stuart Littlejohn.
The Serpent Tongue: Liber 187 was first published online in 2000 by Ye Olde Goat’s Shoppe and made available for personal use only. With the 2008 reappearance of The Equinox: British Journal of Thelema, in whose earlier incarnation much of the writing contained herein was first published, and subsequent renewed interest in the English Qaballa, permissions were obtained for the publication of a newly revised edition.
The idea that the letters of the alphabet can be equated to numbers, and that meaningful correspondences and values can be attained by way of those numbers, has teased humanity for centuries. Ceremonial magicians appropriated the Hebrew Kaballah — one of the oldest of such systems — so long ago that to question its use by non-native Hebrew speakers is almost a blasphemy, but question it we do. For some of us, finding meaning in an unfamiliar language has never sat well. Historically the problem was a lack of any other viable system, in particular one devised from the English language. With the discovery of the English Qaballa, that problem was solved.
Included with the text are numerous tables, charts and diagrams, as well as instructions for creating Wakanaba sigils and EQ chants and spells. The book concludes with the EQ Ritual of the Pentagram, an invocation of Baphomet and the Rite of Primal Heaven, as well as a glossary of frequently used terms.