Visit to the Logos of Earth – A true contact with the Lords of the Flame By Dr. George King
Visit to the Logos of Earth – A true contact with the Lords of the Flame
By Dr. George King
The Earth is a living being – a great Goddess who hides her true light under the bushel of a material form so that we can live here. The myth of a fiery hell existing beneath the surface of the Earth could not be more wrong. In actual fact, within the Earth is the very life force of a great cosmic Goddess, protected by three ancient yet ageless Masters. This unique, beautifully-written book describes two visits made by Dr. George King in a projected state to the center of the Earth, and is packed with inspirational spiritual revelations the like of which you will not find anywhere else.
Softback; 125 pages.
Recommended to the more advanced seeker who is already familiar with Dr. George King’s space contacts.
By Dr. George King
The Earth is a living being – a great Goddess who hides her true light under the bushel of a material form so that we can live here. The myth of a fiery hell existing beneath the surface of the Earth could not be more wrong. In actual fact, within the Earth is the very life force of a great cosmic Goddess, protected by three ancient yet ageless Masters. This unique, beautifully-written book describes two visits made by Dr. George King in a projected state to the center of the Earth, and is packed with inspirational spiritual revelations the like of which you will not find anywhere else.
Softback; 125 pages.
Recommended to the more advanced seeker who is already familiar with Dr. George King’s space contacts.