Can Astrology: Be a Science?

Can Astrology: Be a Science?

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAQ560
Author: A.P. Velayudhan
Publisher: Notion Press
Language: English
Edition: 2014
ISBN: 9789384391713
Pages: 188 (2 Color Illustrations)
Other Details 9.00 X 6.00 inch
Weight 200 gm

Book Description

About the Author
A.P. Velayudhan was born in a spiritualistic family and educated in a religious institute. He became a staunch rationalist opposed to religion and its related concept Astrology. He under took the study of the very subject just to prove it a farce. While its merits influenced him immensely, its inadequacies and inconsistencies induced him in to intense research for a decade. He developed a modified system based on his research. His new and scientific approach has made his predications more accurate. His discernible findings endowed him with a Hon Doctorate, amongst others.

About the Book
Astrology was born as a cosmic and celestial observational concept. The invasion of irrelevances, superstitions and irrationalities have given it the concept of a vague myth; a mystical concept. This book reveals the flaws, exposes the malfunctioning and misuses by quacks and fakes. It proposes reforms in order to once again make Astrology a believable, consistent, near accurate and more importantly an acceptable science. It propounds tested and proven modules for practical Astrological usage.

The book is not only meant for practicing astrologers, but also the general public who are curious to know about other related subjects, vastu, palmistry and numerology.

Bertrand Russell in his famous essay Mysticism and Logic talking of mysticism and science says: 'but the greatest men who have been philosophers have felt the need both of science and of mysticism: the attempt to harmonize the two was what made their life ' This is true of astrology also, a branch of knowledge which is much misunderstood.

True to Indian schools of thought, I have always believed that we are a part of the all-pervading consciousness and we are governed by the laws of the nature which is beyond our logic and comprehension. Carl Jung rightly observes "Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity."

The ancient Vedanga Jyotisha was more astronomy and not predictive Phala Jyotisha. Jyotisha forms basis for Indian Astronomy. Only He, who knows the lore of time.

The knowledge in all great ancient civilizations was centered on the link between the self with the earth and with the influences deriving from the celestial bodies. As in India, the ancient cultures like the Chinese, Ethiopians, Sumerians, Greeks, Romans, Celts and Germans, had detailed systems of astrology, as all civilizations recognized the sacred nature of the universe.

Today, research is being conducted for linking the spiritual energy with our day to day actions. Thereby, linking the self and the consciousness encompassing the whole universe. I believe that is far larger than the life we are witnessing.

I always remember David Freeman's famous quote - The more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know'. I am given to understand that in Tibetan system of healing, which believes that 'man is a union of his 'body' and 'consciousness, astrology does play a major part in treating patients.

Sri Velayudhan in his book 'Can Astrology is a Science' has researched into the aspect of science and astrology deeply and quotes extensively from eminent thinkers from ancient and modern times. Sri. Velayudhan subjects himself to questioning with logic of several astrological practices, which is still mystic to many of us. What is mystic has always haunted the human mind in its quest for answers.

The book is an introduction to astrology from the ancient times not only in India but also in other civilizations like Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, etc., covering medical astrology.

Sri. Velayudhan cautions against the predictive astrology adopted by the populist astrological practices, we see today. The author does not hesitate to criticize publication of daily astrology by the periodicals which he opines is based on wrong assumption of the timing of sunrise, Rahukala and Gulika kala.

While he compliments ancient Indian sages for the 27 classification of star groups, which is unique, he terms the star concept in predictive astrology as preposterous blunder. He also points out several unscientific applications in practice today.

His views on issues like Kalasarpa Yoga, various Dhoshas, Numerology and Vastu are noteworthy. He dedicates chapters 19 to 23 only to prove Astrology is indeed a science and painstakingly explains various aspects besides giving number of views in support of him.

I must commend the author for his bold view on the 'fate' or 'karma' which reads as follows:

The present which is determined by the past is fate and the future which is determined by the present is governed by the free will. In other words fate is not pre-ordained but a changeable destiny which is very much in the hands of the individual'.

In this context, it is also relevant to note King Veerasimha's views (from this book) -the ripening of action done in the past lives may be remedied in the present life by appropriate rituals, Dana and dharma' (good deeds).

Upanishads give us the well-known saying about the power of mind - 'Mina Eva Manushyanam Karanam Bandha Mokshayoh' it is the mind that is the cause for our attachments and also liberation of the individual. Hippocrates echoes this statement - 'Men ought to know that from the brain and from the brain only arise our pleasures, joy, laughter and fests as well as our sorrows, pain, grief and tears'.

While on unethical practices of many practicing Astrologers, which is causing confusion and blind beliefs in the society, author quotes Lord Buddha, which I think is very relevant for all times to come - 'Immoral activities of Holy men, encourages occultism and superstitions'. The author rightly observes that even the opponents of astrology say that their objection is not for the 'product' but for the 'processes, I am sure that this book, dealing with a topical issue, will be useful to all the readers.

I hope that this book will usher debate on the process and make corrections which would work towards making astrological practice more scientific and also help in gradually overcoming blind beliefs and superstitions- slowly but steadily.

Historically, the erratic `Geo-centric' theory of Ptolemy remained uncontested for over 5 centuries despite the correct theory being 'Helio-centric'. Even the eminence of Johannes Kepler had to keep mum for fear of repercussions. Ultimately Galileo Galilee of Italy had to face house arrest for propounding the corrected version.

Analogously, the Indian Astrology is also inseparably entwined with uncontested serious flaws and short comings. The Astrologer community is perhaps hesitant to propound corrective course for fear of opposition from the traditionalists.

Under the circumstances it needs tremendous courage and conviction for anyone under the chopping block. Perhaps I am the chosen one for the onerous task.

I therefore, asked myself the following five questions before commencing my script.

1. Is my objective noble?

2. Do I have the knowledge?

3. Do I have the evidences?

4. Will it be educative?

5. Will it benefit Astrology?

Having fully convinced of the task and hurdles ahead, I took an oath in the names of my Gurus that "whatever I write shall be the truth and nothing but the truth, to the best of my knowledge". Readers may therefore consider the first part of the book as the First Information Report (FIR) of the case- The principle versus The Perception.

In the succeeding part I shall be submitting the 'prima-facie' reports with the evidences and witnesses. This will be followed by a 'Charge sheets and my closing 'arguments'. I shall be presenting my 'plea' and 'prayer' in the concluding chapter.

Needless to say, the 'juries' shall be the readers whose 'verdict' I shall humbly accept with all humility. The illustration in the following is self-explanatory which shall be the point of reference for this book.

The tall claim of the Astrologers for centuries has been that Astrology should be recognized as a science. Contrarily, the cardinal truth is that Astrology in its present format cannot pass the required test of science.

Each time we shake a kaleidoscope we see a different picture. Similarly, an Astrologer also gets different inferences from different text that he pursues.

The book is an earnest attempt to find the reasons and propose reforms to make this possible. In other words the prime object of this book is to make Astrological predictions near accurate and more scientific. The approach must be in two segments.

1. Cleanse the system by removing superstitions, irrationalities and irrelevances, which are engulfing the present system.

2. Reform and re-engineer the entire procedures and applications to enable Indian Astrology to become practical, near accurate and more scientific.

The time has come to revisit the very structure of this Divine knowledge and take necessary steps to introduce appropriate changes at the core level under the edicts of the great philosopher Socrates by asking 'what, why and how'?

The contents of this book is the outcome of my persistent research for over a decade. The system that I am proposing has been put to practice for over a decade with appreciable accuracy.

My locus-stand for taking up this cause arises from the knowledge imparted to me by five Gurus of great knowledge and wisdom. I hold five titles including a Hon Doctorate and a rare prestigious award on the subject.

I am duty bound to acknowledge all the information, quotes and citations from various texts and authors which was of immense help.

With this note, I dedicate the book to Smt Shantha, my better half, who has been not only of immense inspiration but also sharing my better, best and worst days, for almost five decades.

"To discern the truth in everything, by whomsoever spoken, this is wisdom"- Thirukkural - 43.4

Astrology is a concept born out of mankind's curiosity about observing the celestial objects and their movements. It did initially begin as a myth mainly due to the inability of the early sky gazers to fathom the secrets of celestial occurrences.

Therefore, they had to attribute them to various deities they were then worshipping which in turn inducted spiritualistic rituals in their beliefs and practices.

The nonbelievers called it an implausible imagination. Whichever the case may be, it still opened a door into the inexplicable phenomenon, which perhaps led to the birth of astrology.

Sadly, its growth and development has not been kept pace with its acquiring superstitions and mystic elements in the course of its long journey. The later scholars, instead of developing its scientific aspects merely allowed it to accumulate the unwanted elements.

Astrology perhaps began its rather long journey on an uneven path filled with pits, pot holes and obstructing thorns. It has been wobbling and wavering for centuries akin to the waxing and waning of the moon.

Kushal Siddhanta an active opponent of astrology says: "Astrology is ignorant about the things it talks about and it could not learn anything new at least in the last 1500 years."

He is perhaps right, since there is no evidence of any serious research on astrology since the time of Claudius Ptolemy and Marcus Manlius as far back as the first century BC.

Ivan W Kelly of the University of Saskatchewan amply describes:

'Astrological symbolism is unsystematic and based on metaphors, analogies, verbal association and mythology, all of which are developed in different ways by astrologers with no clear way of evaluating them"

While this is an undeniable fact, one has to admit the fact that in India at least there has been 'on and off,' research efforts by quite a few scholars in their individual capacity. Sadly their findings never got their due recognition. If we browse the back issues of 'Astrological Magazine', one of the leading journals on astrology, we can see numerous such research articles.

The tragedy is that, till date there have been no efforts to take them forward and consolidate them under one roof. Even the scholars themselves is seem to be contented by almost a disclaimer that -"however; the existing system is time tested" or "this theory need to be further tested".

Commenting on them Kelly says: "Modern advocates cannot provide research studies that have results commensurate with the claims made in astrology texts".

Ed Viswanathan in 'Am I a Hindu?' quotes a saying that "once upon a time astrology was a well-developed science, but today's astrology is only a skeleton with most of the valuable knowledge lost due to the practice of utmost secrecy by the learned men of Hindu society'.

This unclaimed land became a fertile forum for the pseudo astrologers propagating irrational ideas in the form of articles and books under the banner of research.

In the absence of any governing body or controlling authorities, the field became an open forum for quacks and fakes.

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread"

The truth

Sadly and tragically, even after man successfully landing on moon, and the satellite Casino reaching the orbit of Saturn and not long ago the Indian Mangalyan reaching the peripherals of planet Mars, astrology remains where it was thousands of years ago.

Chemistry and Physics are considered a science, not only because of their proven principles but also because of continued research and development.

The need

It is therefore imperative for the community of astrologers to make astrology fit enough to pass the scientific scrutiny consistently and persistently.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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