Control AIDS Thru Homoeopathy

Control AIDS Thru Homoeopathy

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAQ439
Author: Dr. R K Kapoor
Publisher: Ocean Books Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
Language: English
Edition: 2016
ISBN: 9788184304046
Pages: 248
Other Details 8.50 X 5.50 inch
Weight 200 gm

Book Description

About the Book
A case of AIDS is a war, a fierce battle between HIV and the treating physician, a battle that he never dreamt of, and one that he never witnessed.

This is manifested by the fact that though the Founder of Homoeopathy Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann wrote six volumes on Organ on of Medicine and made various changes yet he did not give instructions to withdraw any of the volume or its section or its aphorism. The author Dr. R.K. Kapok has tried to take advantage of his thought process. He has endeavored to dig out his hidden treasure but has kept it flexible with the premonition that there may come a time when a disease like AIDS may manifest itself and wipe out a bulk of global population.

Dr. Kapok had a record of treating millions of acute, chronic, curable and incurables cases successfully in India and abroad. He had always desired to vey to the patients of HIV/AIDS that it is unquestionably curable and can be controlled instantaneously with the help of homoeopathic therapeutics.

About the Author
Dr. R.K. Kapok was a renowned scholar and one of the most eminent and successful homoeopaths of the country who hardly needs introduction. His book on 'Control AIDS Thru Homoeopathy' has already aroused a high expectancy in homoeopathic circles because of his public lectures at national and international forums.

He had a string of achievements to his credit in academic fields related to Homoeopathy and they had won him accolades from the highest dignitaries of the land. It was his desire that the researchers engaged in the field of HIV/AIDS find a solution to conquer the virus.

In his maiden book 'Single Remedy Cure', he has talked about a single remedy `Gelsemium Sempervirens', which is capable of curing one-fourth of the chronic diseases spread worldwide.

After publishing a book on 'Single Remedy Cure' with a subtitle `A Homoeopathic wonder-You Caused And Now You Cure One Fourth Of World-Wide Chronic Diseases By Just One Single Remedy' I never thought that a day will ever come in my life when I will sit to write on utility and efficacy of multiple medicine-remedies at a time and that too on one patient. I think HIV/AIDS has taken me out from my dreamland and has awakened me to accept a war-like challenge, which had never been seen in the field of medicine. It is a challenge to me for my conviction that Homoeopathy is the only system of treatment that is complete and is capable of palliating, curing and eradicating diseases to their fullest extent as per the stage of the disease and the circumstances in which the physician is placed to deal with such cases. The doctrine of Homoeopathy is a law. It is not a hypothesis. Its commandments are like a Bible to a Christian, a Gita to a Hindu and a Quran to a Muslim but the best of Homoeopathy is that though its Law Similar Similibus Curentur' which is fixed and has its adherence to Hahnemann like any but its doctrine is not mandatory at all places; it has flexibility that gives a physician an option to adopt the best for a suffering humanity.

One point will make it clear that the Founder of Homoeopathy Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann wrote six volumes on Organ on of Medicine and did make various changes but he did not ask anywhere either to withdraw any of the volume, its section or its aphorism. The author has tried to take advantage of his accumulated thought process and has endeavored to dig out his hidden treasure that he kept flexible probably knowing well that there may be a time when a disease like AlDS may occur to extinguish a bulk of global population in phases. The disaster is visible; it is occurring in phases today as sporadic but tomorrow it may form an epidemic where deaths will be around us and the treating physician will be just a standing spectator. At this stage Homoeopathy has come to rescue its people. It does not claim at this point of time, a complete cure, as it is in process but can pave way to control AIDS and give long longevity to its sufferer instantaneously. The methodology evolves how to stop the onward journey of the virus; how to cage it and make it lame and once it is achieved then there is plenty of time with the physician for an onward journey to bring out a complete eradication of the disease.

Homoeopathy is from first to last patients an art of `Individualization’. We have to individualize patients, and individualize remedies. This dictum has to be followed by every physician either at the beginning or at the end. What I have derived as inference is to suggest that in most cases of full-fledged AIDS it is not possible to individualize at the beginning but it may be possible to do so at later stage. A full-fledged AIDS is a war, a fierce battle between HIV and the treating physician, a battle that he never thought of, and that which has never been witnessed. No matter if the AIDS patients are treated at its preliminary stage when they are asymptomatic, it may be considered an early stage, a morning of the disease; it is a boon and a victory for Homoeopathy in most cases. It may also be taken at this stage as if nothing wrong has happened; each such case is curable and by its implementation through homoeopathic remedial agents AIDS is bound to stoop. But if this stage has crossed, the challenge begins which invariably is a battle between life and death and it is not definite who wins. Fortunately Homoeopathy has the means to battle it out; as such, the profession must accept it as a challenge.

This book is an attempt to give an insight into the profession, which may be accepted with open mind. It is aimed to present a faithful report in every line unmindful of the likelihood of fraternal criticism, with a pledge that if some better thoughts come to me from my colleagues who have treated such cases, I will give a trial, and if found useful I will be too happy to incorporate them in subsequent edition. The book mentions some of the remedies which I had the opportunity of verifying clinically in such conditions but there can be difference of opinion, in line of individuality, and so the physicians are advised to use their preference when and where necessary. I am fully conscious about many imperfections contained in this volume. For nothing has been talked about possible prophylaxis as genus epidemics but I hope profession will accept that to find out genus at this stage is an uphill task.

A book lives through its readership. I want to make this text as user friendly as possible, and I would appreciate any comments that will help me achieve this goal in future editions. I will also be grateful to those who may point out misprints or factual errors that may occur which sometimes are difficult to detect. Special attention has been paid to AIDS related Opportunistic Syndrome and my own research for Anti Opportunistic Remedies (AORs) and their remedial effects, so that it forms the basis of treating AIDS.

I think I will fail in my duty if I do not thank my friend Mr. Swamp Narula who inspired me to write this book. I am deeply grateful to my editor, Mr. V.S. Datta, whose perceptiveness and astute editorial suggestions made all the difference. I am lucky to have his wisdom and friendship. I have a word of praise for my daughter Shalini and my son-in-law Sanjeev Mehra who affectionately went on reminding me of my duty and alerting me to the urgency of the situation and my son Dr. Shalabh Kapok who collected for me important data that have been incorporated in this book. I express my sincere thanks to Mr. Rajesh Rastogi, MCSE, who assisted me in my work on computer.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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