Homoeopathic Cure (For Common Diseases)

Homoeopathic Cure (For Common Diseases)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAD262
Author: DR. Yudhvir Singh
Publisher: Orient Paperbacks
Edition: 2012
ISBN: 9788122200171
Pages: 189
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 7.0 inch x 4.5 inch
Weight 160 gm

Book Description

Back of the Book

The benefits of homoeopathy are well recognized.A thoroughly proven scientific system for better health, homoeopathy uses medicines that are easy to prescribe, safe, non-toxic, non-habit forming, without adverse effects, and available at low prices.

This book is a comprehensive and a practical guide to self-help homoeopathy - simple to understand and with clear and easy-to-follow instructions. Organized for quick and handy reference, the book provides homoeopathic remedies for nearly all common and chronic ailments.

The author, known as the 'father of homoeopathy', is the founder of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital New Delhi, and one of India's most eminent homoeopaths. This book is a result of his vast experience of more than 50 years.

You don't require any previous knowledge of homoeopathy to understand or benefit from this uide to better health.

‘With names and properties of a hundred remedies, the book Serves like an instant dictionary to pin-point a remedy for almost any illness. The author explains the ABC of homocopathy, including dosage and potency of homoeopathic remedies.

For everyday disorders the book holds sheaves of information. So every time you have a fever, stomach ache, cough, pain, skin problems or even a bad-dream, Pop in a few globules.,. and prestos you’re cured.’


It was some time in 1967-68 that a Hindi book named Pariwar Chikitsa. Written by me, was published by Rajpal and Sons, Delhi. The book commanded a good sale and during the last ten years, several editions of it have been published, including two low-priced paperback editions. Shri Vishva Nath of Rajpal and Sons, on whose I had written the Hindi book, has now asked me to write one in English for the benefit of non-Hindi readers. Thus this Homoeopathic guide in English is in your hands.

I have been practising Homoeopathy for the last 60 years, and I have tried my best to give the benefit of my experience to those who are desirous of treating ordinary day-to-day ailments of theirs and their kith and kin.

In India, as well as in foreign countries, there are thousands of laymen who take to such treatment themselves. Thus the diseases are nipped in the bud and a hit of trouble, anxiety, expenditure and inconvenience as avoided. Of course, in serious cases professionals are consulted.

But before taking the help of this book for treating any disease, I shall request my readers to carefully go through the first few pages in which I have tried to explain the principles of Homoeopathy and have given some necessary instructions about the use of Homoeopathic medicines.

Though there are more than a thousand medicines in Homoeopathy, a family chest containing about a hundred medicines will serve the purpose of a layman for treating his and his family members’ general ailments.

I may repeat my request that the introductory chapter must be thoroughly read and understood before taking a case in hand.

I again thank Shri Vishva Nath to write this hook and publishing it.?


The Basic Principle 11
The Second Principle 13
Homoeopathy Treats the Patient, Not the Disease 14
Deases: Acute and Chronic 16
BuiId a Symptom Picture to Cure the Disease 16
does and Selecting Potency 19
Try Homoeopathy to Avoid Surgery 21
II Cures
1. Fevers 24
Malaria 26
Typhoid Fever 32
Measles 34
Small Pox 35
2. Disorders of the Head and Face
Colic (Pain in Abdomen) 38
Dyspepsia or Indi-gestion 39
Constipation 42
Diarrhoea 42
Chronic Diarrhoea 44
Dysentry 45
Cholera 46
Vomiting 48
Acidity 49
Gastric Ulcer 50
Hiccough 50
Gall Colic 51
Appendicitis 52
Piles 53
Prolapsus Ani 54
Hernia 54
Fistula 55
Fissures 56
Worms 56
Liver Diseases 57
Infantile Liver 58
Enlargement of Spleen 59
3. Disorders Of the Head and Face 60
Headaches 60
Diseases of the Eyes 62
Conjunctivitis 62
Night Blindness 62
Day-Blindness 63
Partial Blindness 63
Styes 63
Cataract 63
Loss of Vision 65
Squinting 65
Granular Eyelids 66
Lachrymal Fistula 66
Diseases of the Ears 67
Earache 67
Deafness 68
Ringing 69
Eczema 69
Nose Diseases 69
Cold and Catarrh 69
Ozaena 72
Epitasis 73
Polypus 74
Teeth Problems 74
Odontalgia 74
Abcess or Ulcer in Gums Gums 76
Pyorrhoea 76
Fistula 77
Face Problems 78
Acne 78
Chin-itching 78
Unwanted Hair 79
Lips 79
Neuralgia of Face 79
Paralysis of the Face 80
Speech Problems 81
Tongue Diseases 81
Ulcers 81
Cancer in Tongue 82
Thick White Coating 82
Tonsillitis 82
4. Skin Diseases 85
Itch (Pruritis) 85
Boils and Abcesses 87
Eczema 88
Ringworm 89
Corns 90
Carbuncle 90
Warts 91
Nettle-Rash(Urticarja) 92
Nails 93
5. Respiratory Disorders 94
Hoarseness 94
Bronchitis 95
Pleurisy 96
Pneumonia 97
Asthma 98
Cough 99
Tuberculosis 101
6. Heart Diseases 104
Palpitation 104
Heart Attack (Angina Pectoris) 105
Blood Pressure 107
Low Blood Pressure 109
7. Mental Disorders 110
Epilepsy 110
Insanity, Mania or Madness 112
8. Urinary Problems 121
Calculus (Stone) 121
Inflammation in Kidneys
inflammation of Urinary
(Nephritis) 122
Bladder (Cystitis) 123
Diabetes 124
Involuntary Passing of Urine (Enuresis) 125
9. Sex Diseases of the Male 126
Impotence 126
Increased Desires 126
Masturbation 127
Seminal Emissions (Sper matorrhoea) 127
Penis Problems 129
Hydrocele 131
Orchitis 131
Gonorrhoea 132
Syphilis 133
10. Some More Diseases 135
Cancer 135
Anaemia (Deficiency of Blood 137
Rheumatism. Gout etc. 138
Sciatica 140
Paralysis 141
11. Diseases of the Women 143
Amenorrhoea (Absence of Menstruation) 144
Dysrnenorrhoea (Painful Menses) 146
Menorrhagia (Profuse Menses) 146
Leucorrhoea (White or Yellowish Discharge without
Menorrhagia (Profuse Mensen) 146
Menses 147
Climax 149
11. Diseases of the Uterus 149
Metritis (Inflammation of the uterus) 149
Displacement (Flexions or Versions) 150
Tumor or Cancer 151
Diseases of the Ovaries/b> 152
Ovaries 152
Dropsy of the Ovaries 152
Ovaralgia (Neuralgic Pain in the Ovaries> 152
Tumor or Cancer 153
Dieseases of the Mammae 153
Mastodymia (PainIn breasts) 153
Abcess or Swelling 154
Tumor or Cancer 154
Nipple’s Diseases 155
Burning and Itching 155
Cracks, Fissures 155
Retraction 155
Pain, Soreness and Tenderness 155
Hysteria 155
Abortion 156
Abortion 156
Puerperal Fever or Septic Fever 157
Sterility 157
12. Diseases Of The Children 158
Infantile Liever 158
Diseases of the Navel 159
Prolapsus Ani 160
Open Fontelelles 160
Ulcers in the Mouth 161
Lice in the Head 161
Hydrocephalus 161
Dentition 161
Enuries 162
Marasmus 162
Weeping 163
Underdevelopment of Children 164
13. First Aid And Emergencies 165
Injuries 165
Shocks 167
Insect Bites 168
Burns 168
Travel Sickness 169
Sun or Heat Stroke 170
Characteristics of Some Important Medicines 171
Medicines for Your Home 183
Index of Diseases 187

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