Essence and Substance of Yoga

Essence and Substance of Yoga

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Book Specification

Item Code: UAB334
Author: S.M. Jain
Publisher: Prakrit Bharati Academy, Jaipur
Language: Sanskrit and English
Edition: 2010
ISBN: 9788189698928
Pages: 115
Other Details 8.50 X 5.50 inches
Weight 170 gm

Book Description

Yoga is a great ancient science of Indian origin and has spread far and wide, in all continents because of its proven beneficial effects. The dedicated Indian yoga teachers by their ardent efforts and meticulous teaching techniques have popularised yoga in every strata of society irrespective of caste and creed. The popularity is increasing as more and more people are getting aware of the benefits of yoga in curing mental and body ailments and ensuring peace and harmony.

In this hook "Essence and Substance of Yoga" Shri S.M.Jain has presented yoga in totality, in all its aspects, articulations and ramifications. While describing the important salient features of main streams and systems of yoga he has analysed the concepts and practices logically, rationally and objectively. His style is brief, lucid and comprehensive. He has quoted extensively from authentic canonical scriptures and has• pointed out boldly even the contradictions and aberrations which do not stand scientific scrutiny.

With passage of time this great science also got adulterated with superstitions and noumena. Shri Jain painfully points out that many yoga teachers, though swear by name of Patanjali, yet do not follow his prescribed, scientifically and systematically devised sequential eight steps. Yama and Niyama are first two foundation steps of foremost importance. Many yoga teachers generally ignore these and jump directly to third step Asana (Posture). Fourth step Pranayama (Breathing technique) and even to seventh step Dhyan (Meditation), leaving the fifth step Pratyahar (Abstinence) which is also very important. There are dilutions, relaxations and alterations galore under the impact of commercialisation of yoga.

Shri Jain also describes yoga in its wider cosmic perspective. The word "Yoga" is from the root "Yuj" which means "Union". Union is a cosmic phenomenon as every constituent of universe manifests as union of its parts, from atoms to galaxies, from smallest microbes to biggest life-forms, all interlinked and interrelated with intrinsic interdependence. This is the basis of chapter on "Ideal Yoga" which emphasises equality, co-operation and concern for all animate and inanimate constituents of environment. This alone can 'ensure lasting peace happiness and harmony for one and all.

The book will be useful for yoga aspirants and also for people in general to understand the basics of yoga, its origin, objectives, concepts, practices and articulations under main streams of yoga and their branches.

Yoga is supposed to be in vogue since very ancient times. Scholars claim its roots in Rigveda. Yoga is cosmic phenomenon also and is thus as old as cosmos itself. It suffered serious set back during the turbulent medieval period due to incessant waves after waves of invasions and consequent unstable situations. It was almost forgotten except by a few individual practitioners. In previous twentieth century some ardent and dedicated yoga teachers revived it as if with a bang and propagated far and wide not only in India but in United States, Europe and other places. Its popularity gained momentum and grew rapidly and phenomenally. The number of yoga teachers and their centres increased exponentially and mushroomed in India as well as in foreign countries. Several yoga teachers made forays all over and established their centres. People flock to these centres, learn and practise yoga. Popularity is increasing mainly because of health concerns. The growing pollution of air, water and soil and its product-polluted food has increased the incidence of various diseases and the treatment is getting more and more costly and unaffordable by majority of people. Yoga and its practices postures (Asnas), breathing exercises promise and claim cheaper and lasting cures. Some yoga teachers and centres are genuine but majority of them have only commercial considerations and entice gullible people by fake and manipulated claims and concocted success stories. They do not even follow the sequence of successive sequential eight steps, prescribed by Patanjali-Yam, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahar, Dharma, Dhyan, Samadhi even though declaring to be his followers. The first two steps prescribed by Patanjali, the Yama and the Niyama constitute the foundation on which the subsequent steps are to be built and developed.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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