Musings on Yogavaasishta (Yoga Vasistha) – Part II (Vutpaatti Prakarana)

Musings on Yogavaasishta (Yoga Vasistha) – Part II (Vutpaatti Prakarana)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAB753
Author: Sri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy
Publisher: Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore
Edition: 2005
Pages: 255
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 290 gm

Book Description

Back of the Book

It is the solution given by Sage Vasishta when Sri Rama was caught in the storm of doubts regarding the ultimate nature of Supreme-self.

It is the solution in the form of logical deductions and practical observations for a better understanding of the nature of Supreme-self.

It is a correlations of apparently divergent references of Upanishads.

It is a poetic classic but allegorically explains the absolute and presented in his unique, graceful way by the sage poet Valmiki

It is a presentation from Brahmasri Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murthy, the Vidyadhikari of Avadhoota data Peetham Mysore in the form of his “Musings on Yogavaasishta – III (Sustenance)” – a treatise of comparisons and correlations of the ancient traditional knowledge and the modern scientific knowledge, through his lectures in the Gemini T.V on “Yogavaasishta”.

Benediction of the Chief Pontiff Avadhoota Datta Peetham

Jagadguru Parama Pujya Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji

‘Yogavaasishtam’ is a very useful book for all those who know many things in the spiritual line, or who do not know any thing in that line, and who wish to enter into that line. To know about spirituality is different and experiencing is different. Our endeared devotee Kuppa Krishna Murthy experienced spiritual flavor in all the three ways due to his continual presence at the feet of Sadguru. So your Swamiji has been using him as His mouthpiece to serially analyse and explain this rare classic the way He wanted through the TV Channel for his devotees and the entire mankind at large and also go this trentise written by him.

All of you should read nay study this with a steady mind and sincerely render yourself deserving for the grace of Sri Datta

Author’s Note

My series of lectures on Yogavaasishta, since the last two years, in Gemini T.V has reached the hearts of many listeners of varied classes, bringing satisfaction to these aspirants in philosophy. It is much more heartening to people like me, who are earnestly desiring always to bring this profound subject to within the comprehensible reach of common man.

Dr.D.R.Rao and Smt.Vijaya has brought out these lectures on the first two chapters as Yogavaasishta Hridayam — Part I in Telugu during 2002 and its English version as Musings on Yogavaasishta — Part I during 2003; the second part of Telugu version during 2004. But for their resolution, my indolence would have been victorious.

Subjective wise, this second part is more profound than the first part. The chapter on creation only has to be brought out as this work. The chapters on creation, existence and quietitude, when assumed as a single bunch, this chapter on creation becomes or forms the vital core of that bunch.

Who will believe this chapter that is loudly broadcasting that this world do not exist at all from metaphysical aspect? Who will understand Valmiki Maharshi’s intricate logical arguments or discussions brought out or made through Vasishta Maharshi? How far the modern intelligentsia that has been brought up the modern scientific background or base can understand this? — The feedback given to me through some listeners of ultra modern culture and NRIs has shown me that all such sceptical thoughts are baseless imaginations only. Tb express my hearty satisfaction over this feedback, two such impressions are enclosed herewith.

Science is logic. Philosophy is also logic. That is one branch. This is another branch. It is not a difficult task to move from one branch to another, once you climbed the tree. To prove that one who has studied the modern sciences with a razor sharp intelligence can also understand philosophy that has been conveyed logically, these two letters are enclosed herewith. That is why; I am not conveying my special gratitude to them. I am congratulating all such intelligentsia, silently, within myself.

The preface given in the first part is also added in this with the hope that it will help the reader to have a better comprehension of the original version.

I was also a listener to these lectures! A reader to these musings! l There is someone else who is giving these lectures from inside me and also writing these musings!!! I pray my Sadguru Sri Ganapathi Satchidananda Swamiji to grant the compassion of that ‘Self’ to all of us as our ‘self—experience’.

Writer’s Appeal
(For Yogavaasishta Part – I)

Why should one muse over a book?
To see clearly what is hidden in the heart of the author.
Why does an author hide his heart'?

He does so to make it more luminous for those who find. So the poet hides his heart in the petals of words and not in the iron boxes

His heart should reach the readers, but only to those who strives to get it. This is the view of great poets! It is the inner vision in their creation.

Though my effort in writing ‘Yogavaasishta’ is not considerable, it is through the grace of my revered Sadguru Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji that the heart of the Sage Poet Valmiki has been revealed to me without much effort and it continued to be the feeling in the throughout the exercise. It is my fortune. The Gemini TV Serial telecast of the discourses on ‘Yogavaasishta’ enabled me to share my musings with my brother readers.

The Great Poet Kalidas Said: "Madhumaya Phaniteenaam Marghadarsi Maharshih" — the paths shown by Maharshi Valmiki are blended with honey. It is truer in respect of Vasishta Ramayana than the original Ramayana.

It might not be very difficult even for an ordinary poet to have his creation invested with a sense of fulfillment when he selected such a person as Sri Rama as the hero of his subject and the annihilation of Ravana as the central theme. But, with sheer philosophy as the crux of the subject and packing it with subtle and scientific arguments, stretching it to 32000 verses, and maintaining its poeticality has been possible only to Sage Poet Valmiki. So far none has been there to compete with him and fulfill such a task. Perhaps none might be there in future too.

Having got the perception with the blessings of my revered master, I began eagerly to search for the ‘heart’ of the great poet. In this respect, Paramahamsa Sri Samadaananda Bodhendra Saraswathi came to my rescue again and again. His commentary, “Taatparya Prakaasa” enabled me to have the fruits and the essence of ‘Yogavaasihta’. It is with this strength that I could gain access to the heart of Yogavaasishta.


1. Author’s Note i
2. Writer’s Appeal iii
3. Opinion xiv-xviii
4. Vutpatti Prakarana 1
5. Space and Time 2
6. When did this Creation took place? 4
7. Maya is ‘Plus’ 5
8. Real Thing + Thought = Hiranyagarbha 7
9. The King from the Dream 9
10. King from the dream Vs You-You Vs Hiranyagarbha 12
11. Story of Aakaasaja 15
12. This Wakeful World is also a Mental Kindgom 18
13. Mind’s Form 21
14. Dream in a Dream 22
15. Means to Attain Self-knowledge 25
16. Parabrahma Himself is the Bonded Soul 28
17. The Real Form of Paramaathma 29
18. Obstructions to Real Knowledge 31
19. Characteristics of Jeevanmuktha 33
20. Characteristics of Videhamuktha 34
21. This World is Never Born 36
22. Parabrahma’s Form has Two Types of Configurations 38
23. Order of Creation 42
24. Events as told in 13th subchapter 44
25. Wakeful World, Individual Soul, Hiranyagarbha all are Thought forms only 46
26. Story of Leela 49
27. Three Spaces 50
28. Definition of the Space of Consciousness 52
29. Experiencing the Space of Consciousness 53
30. Which is Real? 55
31. Story of Pavillion 58
32. Story of Vasishta Brahmana 58
33. The Kingdom is in that Small Hut 59
34. A Yuga is in a Second 61
35. Reminiscence-Remembrance-Illusion 61
36. Is ‘Cause-Effect’ relationship Real? 65
37. Aathivaahika Sareera 66
38. Remedy for Ignorance is Inquiry into Real Thing 69
39. Detachment without Real Knowledge is Useless 71
40. All the Worlds are present in that Room only 72
41. Power to fulfill the intention (Satyasankalpa Siddhi) 73
42. Leela’s Past Births 76
43. Leela’s Brahmin Birth 78
44. Universes in the Chidaakaasa 79
45. Earth’s Gravity – A Theory 81
46. War 84
47. Body and World – Both are Mental Creations any 85
48. Matter – Experience - Remembrance 88
49. Future Birth is present in the Last Minute of this Birth 90
50. Mithya is that which is neither real nor false 94
51. Real Beings or Mirror Reflections? 98
52. Padma Leela- Vidhooratha Leela 102
53. Vidhooratha’s Journey 104
54. Gross World Is Also A Reminiscient 108
55. Curses – Boons – Their Effects 109
56. Who Determines the Joys and Sorrows of the Individual souls? 111
57. The Process of Vital Forces Leaving the Body 114
58. What Is Death? 116
59. Modus Operendi of Rebirth or Re-embodiment 118
60. Twists in the discussions so far 120
61. Path of reminiscences 122
62. Effects of performing last rites 124
63. Realized Souls have Subtle bodies only 127
64. Resurrection of Kind Padma 130
65. Analysis on the Story of Leela 134
66. Vasishta’s Analysis on the Story of Leela 138
67. Are These Times Inter-convertible 140
68. Niyathi+Human Effort = God’s Will 143
69. How did the Individual Soul get its Existence? 145
70. Illusion – Action of Illusion - Liberation 148
71. Story of Soochika, The needle shaped Demon 152
72. Second Penance of Sochika 154
73. Enigmatic Questions 158
74. An Angel in the Demon 166
75. Worshipping Realized Souls Always Fulfills All Desires 168
76. Birth and Death are due to Imagination only 170
77. Retrospection on the Story of Karkati 174
78. Story of Indava 177
79. Story of Another Indra and Ahalya 182
80. This Body and World are the precipitation of Mind only 184
81. Real Nature of Mind 186
82. Varieties of Bodies 188
83. Doer and Action – are not different 192
84. Explanation of the Chart 196
85. It is sufficient, if the mind disappears or the action 199
86. Mind – It’s Names 202
87. Mind is both Inert and Active 205
88. Story of Mind (Chittopakhyaana) 209
89. Inner Meanings in the Story of Mind 210
90. Story of the Child 214
91. Story of Lavana (Story of Magic) 215
92. Life in the Illusory Tribal World 217
93. Order of Conquering the Mind 220
94. Further Story of Lavana 223
95. Definition of the Real Form of One’s Self 224
96. Stages in the State of Ignorance 226
97. States in Wisdom 228
98. Awareness of ‘I’ (Aham Sphurana) is like a ring of gold 231
99. Third part in the Story of Lavana 233

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