The Philosophical And Religious Lectures of Swami Vivekananda

The Philosophical And Religious Lectures of Swami Vivekananda

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAG120
Author: Swami Tapasyananda
Language: English
Edition: 2012
ISBN: 8175050608
Pages: 231
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 7.0 inch X 5.0 inch
Weight 150 gm

Book Description

Preface to the Second Edition

The first edition of this book was published by Sri Ramarishna Math, Mylapore, Madras-600 004, in 1984. Since then, the copyright of the book has changed hands. It is now being published by Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, as the earlier edition got exhausted in such a short time.

Preface to the First Edition

The Philosophical and Religious Lectures of Swami Vivekananda is the second volume in the Series entitled Studies in Swami Vivekananda. The success of the first volume, The Four Yogas of swami Vivekananda, which has run into a second edition within two years of its publication, emboldens us to bring out this second one in the series.

The method followed is the same as in the first- to make a précis of the lectures in about one third of the size of the originals, with appropriate paragraph headings that would serve as landmarks to guide the reader through the thought content of the lectures. While the lectures of the first volume expound four distinct themes in four Books, those dealt with here are individual lectures, each dealing with a definite theme. They have, however, got their unity in that they all seek to expound some aspect or other of Vedanta in its practical application to the conditions of modern life.

In the Indian tradition philosophy and religion have always gone hand in hand. Our philosophers never adopted the Western philosophical outlook of an intellectual aloofness that seeks to steer clear of religion. When philosophy accepts the furtherance of man’s spiritual life as its aim, it becomes the best ally or religion, exercising an ennobling and liberalising influence on it. Swami Vivekananda’s philosophical lectures provide the best example of philosophy put to such a use. They present the universal spiritual values and their rational justification without reference to any particular cult or creed. Though their background is Vedantic, they are so closely related to the fundamentals of spiritual life that the followers of any religion will find in them some aid both to deepen and to broaden their faith.

If this volume finds favour with readers of Swami Vivekananda literature, we propose to follow it up with a third one under the heading The Nationalistic and Religious Lectures of Swami Vivekananda. It will comprise summaries of that great series of talks called Colombo to Almora Lectures and of his writings on Patriotic and cultural themes.


Preface iii
Practical Vedanta-I
1 What is Practicality 1
2 Divinity of Man, a Practical Gospel 2
3 Vedanta and Everyday Life 4
4 The God of Vendanta is Every One's Experience 5
Practical Vedanta-II
1 Practical Of The Upanishadic Teachers
2 The Practical Nature Of the Vedantic Idea Of Salvation 7
3 The Impersonal God 9
4 Advantages of the Impersonal Conception 11
Practical Vendanta-III
1 Requirements of a Scientific Religion 13
2 Buddhist Criticism of Dualism 14
3 The Only Answer lies in Advaitism 15
4 The Personal and The Impersonal Reconciled 16
Practical Vedanta-IV
1 Soul-Body Theory Criticised 19
2 The Advaitin's Reconciliation 20
3 the Problem from the Individual's Point of View 22
4 Advita and Individuality 24
5 Individuality and Morality 24
The Way To The Realisation Of A Universal Religion 27
1 Truth and Religious Plurality 28
2 Each Religion has a Soul Of Its Own 29
3 What From Universal Religion is Possible 31
The Ideal Of A Universal Religion
1 Differences as an Unavoidable Feature Of Religion 34
2 Unity in Diversity as The Law of Life 35
3 Some Basic Truths Underlying Universality 37
4 The Four Types Of Nature And Universal Religion 37
5 Raja yoga 38
6 Karma Yoga 40
7 Bhakti Yoga 40
8 Jnana Yoga 41
The Importance Of psychology
1 Psychology As The Science Of Sciences 43
2 How The Mind Can Be studied 44
Soul, God And Religion 45
1 The Idea Of The Soul 46
2 The Idea Of The Deity 48
3 Religion as Realisation 48
What Is Religion?
1 Quest For Freedom as The Genesis Of Religion 50
2 The Comprehensive Idea Of God as The Fulfillment Of The Struggle For Freedom 51
3 The True 'I' 52
The Veda And The Vedanta
1 monotheism Of The Veda 53
2 From Vedism to Vedanta 54
The Vedanta Philosophy
1 Texts Of The Vedanta
2 The World- View Of The Vedanta
3 The State Of Advaitic Realisation
Reason And Religion
1 The Conflicting Claims Of Religion And Science 60
2 Reason as an Arbiter in The Conflict of Scriptures 61
3 Principles of Scientific Reasoning 62
4 How Vedanta Fulfils The Needs Of a Scientific Religion 63
5 Vedanta is not Pantheism 64
6 The Deficiency Of a Personal God 65
7 The Impersonal; and Problem Of Evil 65
8 Complementary Nature Of the Personal And The Impersonal 66
Some Special Features Of The Vedanta 69
Steps Of hindu Philosophic Thought
1 Jiva and Nature 71
2 The Jiva and His Embodiments 72
3 Qualified Non- Dualism 74
4 Non- dualism 74
Steps To realisation
1 The seven Steps
2 Purity Attained through Disciplines leads to Realization 76
Vedanta And Privilege 78
1 The Absolute and Manifestation 80
2 Diversity and Inequality, a Necessity Of Life 80
3 Demand For Privilege an Unjustifiable Evil 81
Work And Its Secret
1 Power Of Attachment And Detachment As The Secret Of Work 83
2 Detachment does not mean Imperviousness 84
3 Unselfishness The Secret Of True Detachment 84
4 Control Yourselves; Then The Environment Will be Controlled 85
The Powers Of The Mind
1 The Mystery Of Power of Personality and unaccountable Phenomena 86
2 Yoga as Aid To Rapid Evolution 87
Hints On Practical Spirituality
1 The Meaning And Purpose Of Pranayama 88
2 Prana as Universal Energy 89
3 The Unconscious Aspect Of Mind 90
4 A New Outlook on sin and Wickedness 90
5 Control of the Unconscious and the Supra- Conscious 91
Bhakti or Devotion
1 Ritualism as the universal Expression of Divine Adoration 93
2 When does Man Rise Above Ritualism 93
3 The Dawn of Longing For God 95
4 The three characteristics of genuine Love 96
The Way To Blessedness
1 The Real can be Apprehended only by looking within 98
2 The Unity Of Existence 98
3 The Three Perceptions 99
Soul, Nature And God
1 The Gross Body, Subtle Body And Atman 101
2 Nature and Evolution 103
3 The Soul In Its Three Phases 103
1 Cyclic Nature of creative Activity 105
2 Bhutas, Prana and Akasa 106
3 Sukshma- Sarira and the Atman 106
4 Meaning Of Evolution 107
5 God of the Sankhyas 107
6 Subjectivity in Perception 109
A Study Of The Sankhya Philosophy
1 Kapila, the World's first Philosopher 110
2 Prakriti and its Evolutes 110
3 The Sub- Conscious, conscious and super - conscious 111
4 Why the world looks imperfect 112
5 Purusha as antecedent to Intelligence and Will 112
Sankhya And Vedanta 114
Unity , The Goal Of Religion
1 Religion a constitutional necessity for Man 117
2 The Relevancy of Religion 117
3 Religion And Discovery Of New Truth 118
The Free Soul
1 You are the Whole Atman, not Part 119
2 The Knower cannot be the known 120
3 How the Free has become the Bound 120
4 How the Illusion came about , an impossible Question 121
5 Worship in the Monist's Perspective 122
6 Who is fit to be a Jnana Yogi 123
One Existence Appearing As Many
1 Renunciation the Key-note Of Advaitism 124
2 The one Existence 124
3 Advaitin's View about the Hereafter 125
4 Causation, a Myth 125
5 Overcoming Slavery 126
Real Worship
1 Without Purity no true worship is possible 127
2 Service and Unselfishness form true Religion 127
The Vedanta
1 The Veda and the Vedanta 129
2 The Vedanta Teaching are Complementary and not contradictory 130
3 Cosmology and Psychology of Vedanta 131
4 The Structure and Functions Of Antahkarana 132
5 The Provisional Conception Of the Atman and Iswara 133
6 The Atman and Evolution 134
7 The Buddhist Challenge 136
8 The Advaitta alone can answer these Critics 137
9 Brahman as the Unknown - How? 138
10 The Doctrine Of Maya 140
11 The Apprehension of Brahman in three Stages 140
12 Advaita alone is consistent with the Scientific Outlook 142
13 Adivaita and Morality 143
14 Practical Vedanta 144
The Influence Of Indian Spiritual Thought In England
1 Expression is the Message Of the West 146
2 What India has to give to the West 146
Sannyasa: Its Ideal and Practice 149
India's Spiritual Ideals
1 The Reformers and the Orthodox 151
2 The true Spiritual Ideal 151
3 The three Precious Attainments 152
4 Hindu Scriptures 152
5 Some important Doctrines of Hinduism 153
6 A Word to the Reformers and the Orthodox 155
Addresses On Bhakti-Yoga
1 The Preparation 156
2 The First Step: The Outlook Of a true Aspirant 157
3 For Progress one must really want God 159
4 Teachers of Spirituality 160
5 Who is a fit Disciple and who is a proper Guru 160
6 World Teachers and Incarnations 162
7 Early stages of Bhakti 163
8 Prayers and Ceremonies for Satisfaction of Desires have no place in Bhakti 164
8 Symbols: Pratikas and pratimas 165
10 Sound Symbols 167
11 Ishtam or Freedom Of Choice in Religion 168
12 Ishtam is Sacred, not Secret 170
Is The Soul immortal?
1 Death and Inherent Sense of immortality 171
2 The inherent Sense Of Freedom 172
3 Immortality of the soul as Explanation 173
1 The Mystery of Man's Internal Nature 174
2 Theories of the Soul 174
3 Soul Theory of the Vedas 175
4 Proofs of the soul's Pre-Existence 176
Is Vedanta The Future Religion?
1 Requisites for a Religion to Prevail widely 179
2 The Difficulty of Vedantic Idea Of God 180
3 The Vedantic Idea Of God 180
4 The Goal of Vedantic Ideal Of Religion and the Difficulty of Realising it
Discourses On Jnana Yoga
1 Some Characteristics of Jnana Yoga 184
2 Sankaracharya 185
3 The Nature Of jnan On Gita and Krishna 185
4 On Gita and Krishna 186
5 Characteristics of Jnana and the Jnani 186
6 When is Jnana attained 187
7 Higher understanding very rare among Men 187
8 Sacrifice as Essential to True Religion 188
9 Dvaitins and Advaitins 188
10 What is perfection 189
11 Law, Sin and sinners 190
12 The Body and its true Evaluation 190
13 Instinct, Reason and Intuition 191
14 What is Jnana? 191
The Methods And Purpose Of Religion
1 The two Approaches of Religion to Truth 193
2 The Quest of the Vedanta: Unity of Existence 193
3 Analysis of Religion into Philosophy, Mythology and Ritual 194
4 How Vedanta Escapes from Personality Cult 195
5 Rishihood for all as the Goal of Religion 196
The Nature Of The Soul And Its Goal
1 The Egyptian Idea of a 'Double' 198
2 The Aryan Idea of soul as a Bright Body 198
3 From 'Bright Body' to Atman 199
4 The Atman as Inherently Perfect 199
5 Evolution is of the Body not of Atman 200
6 The Unity of the Atman 202
1 Right Attitude of Discipleship 203
2 Spirit of Renunciation 203
3 Control of the senses and the Mind 204
4 Faith 204
5 Burning Desire to be free 205
6 Discrimination 206
Six Lessons On Raja Yoga
Introduction 207
1 First Lesson : Early Disciplines 207
2 Second Lesson: Pranayama 209
3 Third Lesson: Kundalini 211
4 Fourth Lesson: Control of Mind 211
5 Fifth Lesson: Pratyahara and Dharana 212
6 Sixth Lesson: Sushumna 213
Thoughts On The Gita
1 Gita in Historical Perspective 214
2 Gita Contrasted with the Upanishads 215
3 Samanvaya and Nishkama Karma 215
4 Manliness, the dominant Note of the Gita 216

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