A Political and Religious History of Bhutan (1651-1906)

A Political and Religious History of Bhutan (1651-1906)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAM609
Author: Dr. C. T. Dorji
Publisher: Prominent Publishers
Language: English
Edition: 1995
ISBN: 8186239030
Pages: 259 (10 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch x 5.5 inch
Weight 330 gm

Book Description


"A Political and Religious History of Bhutan (1651-1906)" is my second book based on my Ph.D. thesis which covers the period of Chhosi Nyidhen (dual system of government) introduced by Zhabdrung Rinpochhe in 1651 on the eve of hissacred retreat. The period, 1651-1906 is of special importance to our country as the era of practical application of the concept of Chhosi Nyidhen.

The need for such a book was pressed upon my attention from various sources. Therefore, this book has been planned keeping in line with the new syllabus of junior and high schools in Bhutan. The syllabus has undergone numerous changes over the last decade in the process of Bhutanization. The new syllabus includes Bhutanese history and geography, and social studies at all levels. This book is expected to meet the needs of the students of Bhutanese history and social studies.

The book is divided into three parts: Cultural, Political and Religious. The first part covers Bhutanese way of life including social, cultural and political structure. It provides a succint overall view of the country. This part would be useful not only to the students of Bhutanese history but also to the others. Foreigners who would like to know about Bhutan in general will find this book an informative guide.

The second part dealing with the political history covers the era of all the 54 Druk Desis. Each brief biography describes the political career and his contributions towards the implementation of Chhosi Nyidhen.

The third part pertaining to the religious history of the 49 Je Khenpos' era underlines the importance played by religion in Bhutanese society. Je Khenpos and the monastic bodies have always played vital roles in shaping and developing our society. The social, religious and the political structure of our country is based on the inspiration from the Buddhist doctrine and concept of Kyonchhosum (trinity) : Sangye Chhyo-dang Gedun-surn (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha).

While writing this book, I have kept in mind the needs of young students and the readers to have access to stock of accurate facts regarding the main events of Bhutanese history pertaining to the Chhosi Nyidhen (dual system of government) introduced by Zhabdrung Rinpochhe in 1651 in Bhutan. It delineates clearly the roles of the Druk Desi and the Je Khenpo in implementing the dual system.

The dates and events impressed on the minds of a boy or girl of tender age are not easily effaced in later life and hence great care has been taken to avoid any misrepresentation of facts. An attempt has also been made to include in the chronology the exact dates of all important historical events in the light of the best sources available from 747 AD to the present day for the benefit of students of Bhutanese history.

In view of this fact, I have not spared any pains to do this work as thoroughly as the circumstances would permit me. A special attention has also been paid to the spellings of Bhutanese names and usage of Bhuto-English terminology so that the students might not be confused with different spellings and usage adopted.

However, inspite of my best attempts, the book may not be free from typographical errors or mistakes of other kinds. Therefore, I shall feel obliged if teachers using this book can draw my attention to any shortcomings which might come to their notice. It will enable me to up-date the next edition.

The amount of success that I will achieve, it is for the readers to judge, if the students and teachers find this book useful then I shall consider my labours amply rewarded.

My inexpressible thanks are due to several senior officials in the Royal Government of Bhutan who have enthusiastically read my thesis and graciously given their valuable advice, views, comments and suggestions. Among them, I must make special mention of his Excellency Lyonpo Dawa Tsering, His Excellency Lyonpo Dago Tshering, Dasho Perna Wangchen, Dasho Thinley Gyamtsho and late Dasho Rigzin Dorji. I am also grateful to late Dasho Rigzin Dorji without whose help I would not have been able to obtain government clearance to submit the thesis to the university and its publication.

I owe special thanks to Helen Fielding and Sheila Scoby for kindly editing the manuscripts. I do not have words to thank them for their immeasurable help and good counsel. I must thank Mr. Wangdi, Ms. Chetan Zangmo and Ms. Chimi Dolkar for their help in various capacities and my eldest son Chenda Wangchuck for his continuous support in putting the manuscripts in proper shape and designing the jacket. My thanks should also go to my wife Sangay Xam and Mr. S. Mohan, proprietor of Prominent Publishers, Delhi, India for publishing this book.


Preface vii
Name of Country 1
Land 2
Dzongkhags 4
Mountain Peaks 5
Rivers 5
Race 7
Languages and Dialects 8
General Outlook and Customs 10
Dress and Jewellery 11
Food and Beverages 12
Birth 13
Marriage 13
Death 15
Astrology 16
Indigenous Medicines 17
National Festivals and Sports 17
Music and Dance 19
Arts and Architecture 21
Economy 22
Coins, Currency and Postage 23
Religion 24
Literature 27
Education 29
Hereditary Monarchy 33
1 H.H. Dcsi Umzey Tenzin Drugyel 47
2 H.B. Dcsi Tenzin Drukda 49
3 H.H. Desi Chhogyel Minjur Tenpa 51
4 H.H. Desi Gyalsay Tenzin Rubgye 53
5 H.H. Dcsi Gedun Chhophcl 58
6 H.H. Desi Ngawang Tshering 59
7 H.H. Desi Umzey Penjor 60
8 H.H. Desi Druk Rubgye 61
9 H.H. Desi Geshey Ngawang Jamtsho 63
10 H.H. Desi Gongsa Mipham Wangpo 64
11 H.H. Desi Zimpon Penjor 66
12 H.H. Desi Ngawang Gyaltshen 66
13 H.H. Desi Chhogyel Sherub Wangchuk 67
14 H.H. Desi Druk Phuntsho 69
15 H.H. Desi Wangzob Druk Tenzin 69
16 H.H. Desi Zhidhar 70
17 H.H. Desi Kunga Rinchhcn 71
18 H.H. Desi Chhotul Jigme Singye 72
19 H.H. Desi Druk Tcnzin 73
20 H.H. Desi Umzey Chapchhab 73
21 H.H. Dcsi Chhogycl Sonam Gyaltshen 74
22 H.H. Desi Druk Namgyel 75
23 H.H. Desi Chhogycl Sonam Gyaltshen 76
24 H.H. Desi Sangay Tenzin 76
25 H.H. Desi Umzey Parob 77
26 H.H. Desi Byop Chhyoda 78
27 H.H. Dcsi Chhotul Tshulthrim Daba 78
28 H.H. Desi Zhabdrung Thutul, Jigme Daba 79
29 H.H. Desi Chholay Yeshey Gyaltshen 80
30 H.H. Desi Tshaphub Dorji Namgyel 81
31 H.H. Desi Sonam Drugyel 82
32 H.H. Desi Gongzim Tenzin Drukda 83
33 H.H. Desi Chhoki Gyaltshen 83
34 H.H. Desi Dorji Namgyel 84
35 H.H. Desi Adab Thinlcy 85
36 H.H. Dcsi Chhoki Gyaltshcn 86
37 H.H. Desi Dorji Norbu 87
38 H.H. Desi Wangchuck Gyalpo 88
39 H.H. Dcsi Zhabdrung Thutul, Jigme Norbu 89
40 H.H. Desi Damchho Lhundub 90
41 H.H. Desi Jamtul Jamyang Tenzin 90
42 H.H. Desi Kunga Pal den 91
43 H.H. Desi Phuntsho Namgyel 92
44 H.H. Dcsi Tshewang Sithub 93
45 H.H. Desi Kagyud Wangchuck 93
46 H.H. Desi Tshewang Sithub 94
47 H.H. Desi Tsondul Pekar 94
48 H.H. Desi Jigme Namgyel 96
49 H.H. Desi Kitshao Dorji Namgyel 97
50 H.H. Desi Chhogyel Zangpo 98
51 H.H. Desi Lam Tshewang 99
52 H.H. Desi Gawa Zangpo 100
53 H.H. Desi Pam Sangay Dorji 101
54 H.H. Dcsi Chholay Yeshey Ngodub 101
1 H.H. Je Pekar Jungney 108
2 H.H. Je Sonam Yozer 109
3 H.H. Je Pekar Lhundub 110
4 H.H. Je Dernchho Pekar 110
5 H.H. Je Zodpa Thinley 111
6 H.H. Je Ngawang Lhundub 112
7 H.H. Je Ngawang Thinley 112
8 H.H. Je Tenzin Norbu 113
9 H.H. Je Shacha Rinchhen 113
10 H.H. Je Tenzin Chhogyel 114
11 H.H. Je Ngawang Thinley 115
12 H.H. Je Kunga Jamtsho 116
13 H.H. Je Yonten Thaye 116
14 H.H. Je Tenzin Namgyel 117
15 H.H. Je Kunga Gyaltshen 118
16 H.H. Je Sherub Singye 118
17 H.H. Je Jamtul Yeshey Dorji 119
18 H.H. Je Jamyang Gyaltshen 120
19 H.H. Je Ngawang Chhogyel 121
20 H.H. Je Chholay Yeshey Gyaltshen 122
21 H.H. Je Jampe1 Daba 122
22 H.H. Je Jigme Gyaltshen 123
23 H.H. Je Jigme Daba 124
24 H.H. Je Chhoje Shacha Gyaltshen 124
25 H.H. Je Sherub Gyaltshen 124
26 H.H. Je Yonten Jamtsho 125
27 H.H. Je Perna Zangpo 126
28 H.H. Je Rinchhen Zangpo 126
29 H.H. Je Perna Zangpo 127
30 H.H. Je Jampel Jamtsho 127
31 H.H. Je Yonten Gyaltshen 128
32 H.H. Je Tshulthrim Gyaltshen 128
33 H.H. Je Kunga Peljor 129
34 H.H. Je Shedub Yozer 129
35 H.H. Je Shacha Gyaltshen 130
36 H.H. Je Yonten Pelzang 130
37 H.H. Je Kunga Singye 131
38 H.H. Je Shacha Gyaltshen 131
39 H.H. Je Lodyo Gyaltshen 132
40 H.H. Je Pekar Yozer 132
41 H.H. Je Ngawang Donden 133
42 H.H. Je Chhoje Thinley Gyaltshen 133
43 H.H. Je Tenzin Lhundub 134
44 H.H. Je Chhoje Thinley Gyaltshen 134
45 H.H. Je Thinley Jamtsho 135
46 H.H. Je Darnchho Gyaltshen 135
47 H.H. Je Sherub Lhundub 136
48 H.H. Je Jamyang Rinchhen 136
49 H.H. Je Rigzin Nyingpo 137
Appendices 139
Glossary 169
Chronology 183
Bibliography 237

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