Upasana: In The Presence of The Divine

Upasana: In The Presence of The Divine

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Book Specification

Item Code: IDK724
Author: Swami Sivananda Saraswati, andSwami Satyananda Saraswati
Publisher: Yoga Publications Trust
Language: English
Edition: 2007
ISBN: 9788186336632
Pages: 258 (10 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5" X 5.5"
Weight 360 gm

Book Description

Back of The Book

Upasana is the ultimate path of sadhana, which leads the aspirant directly into the proximity of the Divine. This book of practical insight and instruction on the art of workship is meant for all those who ask the question: how can I discover the ultimate Truth within myself? How can I attain liberation while living in the world?

The teachings contained in this book were expounded by two contemporary masters of the yoga tradition: Swami Sivananda Saraswati and his disciple Swami Satyananda Saraswati. All aspects of this path of Upasana including types and modes of Upasana, relationships with the Divine use of mantras and symbols from and formless worship tree worship, service and Yajna are described. The principles and practices offered here can be used by all aspirants on the spiritual path.


This text presents the teachings of both Swami Sivananda and Swami Satyananda on the path of Upasana: worship of the sacred essence of life, God. Upasana is the path of devotion adoration and selfless service to God. Upasana is worship of the God, who is everywhere in everyone and in everything. It is a way that leads us into the proximity of the divine. The path of Upasana is essential today because most of us are unable to relate to the transcendental state of God, and to appreciate the wholeness of life that is God. We may think about these concepts but for us God is not a part of everyday life. We cannot feel hear see or touch him. We are trapped and lost in the divine illusion called maya Avidya or ignorance. This Maya has become our reality. We identify with our restricted selves our fears and pains likes and dislikes. We have forgotten the awe and wonder of our very existence and we pay it no respect. We have forgotten him that priceless gem within.

In this book we learn of the mysterious power of Upasana, which turns the mind inwards and eventually brings the devotee face to face with the Lord. Upasana is a method to merge the mind into thoughts of divinity a means to transmute a person into blessed divinity. Throughout the pages of this book we are reminded that we the grandeur of God, and that there is a way to turn our mind and see Him, because He is never far from us. We are shown the path, which enables us to feel the nearness of God to feel His presence and to be united with Him. Upasana is a method to cannect man with God. It is not a sect or a religion; it is a sacred practice that helps us develop a relationship of love with God. And the basis of God realizations is this relationship of love and devotion.

The path of Upasana has been preserved for thousands of years in the mystical science of bhakti. It is a spiritual path that has been revealed by the saints and sages of yore, a path, which the bhaktas hold as sacrosanct in life. Swami Sivananda and Swami Satyananda are modern day sages; that are bhaktas of the highest caliber who unfold the sublime essence of Upasana in terms most relevant today for the spiritual evolution and upliftment of human kind. The many and varied forms of Upasana are illustrated in this book and any one of them will lead you to the Supreme. Upasana is to get involved in good works and to start benefiting others as well as yourself. Singing God's name visiting pilgrimage places temples and places of worship are good acts. Worship God by dedicating yourself to his service by serving your country or community, by building hospitals schools and orphanages by uplifting the state of women or by caring for your natural environment.

You may worship God in an idol or you chant His glories. Find any means of worships that stories meditating upon him describing His incarnations teachings His name or inspiring others to love him incarnations teachings his name or inspiring others to love him. Celebrating his birth offering Him flowers sandal paste and food in simple or elaborate rituals and yajnas is worship Upasana. On the other hand if you prefer you can earn and donate money to help worthy people in one form or another. Whether you worship with music or dance or with mantra Japa in anushthana and purascharana, Upasana is to be practised with deep faith. It is not necessary that you have a one-pointed mind when you worship God but have faith. It is faith that takes you into lap of God.

This book captures the sense of reverence and faith that these two grate masters have for the ancient scriptural teachings. Their teachings will bestow a divine perspective upon your entire existence and will inspire you to walk with God. They will give you a means to transform your life into a heaven on earth. When you read what they have offered you are certain to be left with a feeling of inexpressible gratitude.

In the words of Swami Satyananda: "God is wherever you are. Always remember there is a priceless gem in each and everyone. People know him by different names but nobody knows just what his reality is you may call him God Atman Paramatman or anything else. There is a very great prize within you but it is so deep. You won't have to search for him anywhere else although he is elsewhere also. God is not far from you. He closer than your own breath closer than your own prana, closer than your own mind. He is your closet companion much closer than your husband or wife. God is your friend your prana your life your ears. All your energy is his. He is so close to you Just turn your mind within and you will see him.


Introduction 1
From the Teachings of Swami Sivananda Saraswati
1 Defining Upasana 7
2 Nine Modes of Worship 16
3 Divine Bhava 31
4 Saguna and Nirguna Upasana 40
5 Significance of Symbols 49
6 Devi Upasana 62
From the Teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati
7 Importance of worship 73
8 Love of God 83
9 Relationship with God 94
10 Types of Upasakas 106
11 Relevance of Sakara Upasana 120
12 Sankalpa in Upasana 132
13 Navadha Bhakti 141
14 Use of Symbols 169
15 Mantra Upasana 179
16 Tree Pooja 194
17 Serving and Giving 212
18 Yajna as worship 221
Glossary 231

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