Asian Medical Systems: A Comparative Study
Book Specification
Item Code: | IDE367 |
Author: | Charles Leslie |
Publisher: | Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd. |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 1998 |
ISBN: | 9788120815360 |
Pages: | 426 (B & W Illus: 8, Figures: 13, With Tables: 30) |
Cover: | Hardcover |
Other Details | 9.8" X 6.4" |
Weight | 750 gm |
Book Description
Asian Medical System provide fascinating opportunities to observe directly practices opportunities to observe directly practices that continue ancient scientific modes of thought, and to analyse the historical processes that mediate their relationship to modern science and technology. Three great tradition of medical science evolved during antiquity in the Chinese, Indian and Mediterranean civilizations, all based on humoral conceptions of health and illness. Folk curers throughout the world continue to practice humoral medicine, but in Asia along educated physicians maintain its learned traditions. Thus, in these societies the great and little traditions of humoral medicine coexist with cosmopolitan medicine, which draws upon modern science and modes of professional organization.
This volume has been designed to show how research on Asian medicine opens a new field of scholarship, the comparative study of medical systems. Such a book requires the skills of authors with many kind of training, and those who have contributed essays to this volume are trained in history, sociology, anthropology, public health, pharmacology, epidemiology, cosmopolitan medicine, and philosophy.
About The Author:
CHARLES LESLIE is Professor Emeritus at the University of Delaware, where he headed the Center for Science and Culture. He is best known as pioneer in the field of Medical Anthropology from the University of Chicago, with a specialization on Mesoamerica. While working in the Mexican Indian communities, he became interested in traditional medicine. He eventually found himself drawn to the Asian medical system, in particular Ayurveda, on which he was written books and articles that hav provided the foundation for an entire field of anthropological study. He recently co-edited Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge (University of California Press), a collection of essay that develop the seminal ideas in his Asian Medical System.
List of Tables, ix
List of illustrations, xi
List of Contribution, xii
Foreword, xv
Introduction -Charles Leslie | 1 |
Part I The Great Tradition of Hindu, Arabic, and Chinese Medicine |
The Practice of Medicine in Ancient and Medieval India - A. L. Basham | 18 |
Secular and Religious Features of Medieval Arabic Medicine - J. Chritoph Burgel | 44 |
The Intellectual and Social Impulses Behind the Evolution of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Manfred Porkert | 63 |
Part II The Structure and Character of Cosmopolitan Medicine |
The Modern Medical System: The Soviet Variant - Mark G. Field | 82 |
The Sociology of Modern Medical Research - Renee C. Fox | 102 |
Part III The Adaptive Significance of Medical Traditions |
Disease, Morbidity, and Morality in China, India, and the Arab World - Ivan Pollunin | 120 |
Traditional Asian Medicine and Cosmopolitan Medicine as Adaptive System - Frederick L. Dunn | 133 |
The Cultural and Interpersonal Context of Everyday Health and Illness in Japan and America - William Caudill | 159 |
Part IV The Culture of Plural Medical Systems |
Strategies of Resort to Curers in South India - Alan R. Beals | 184 |
The Impact of Ayurvedic Ideas on the Culture and the Individual in Sri Lanka - Gananath Obeyesekere | 201 |
The Social Organization of Indigenous and Modern Medical Practices in Southwest Sumatra - M. A. Jaspan | 227 |
Chinese Traditional Etiology and Methods of Cure in Hong Kong - Marjorie Topley | 243 |
Part V The Ecology of Indigenous and Cosmopolitan Medical Practice- A. L. Basham |
System and the Medical Practitioners of a Tamil Town - Edward Montgomery | 272 |
The Place of Indigenous Medical Practitioners in the Modernization of Health Services - Carl E. Taylor | 285 |
The Social Organization and Ecology of Medical Practice in Taiwan - Paul U. Unschuld | 300 |
Part VI Medical Revivalism |
Chinese Traditional Medicine in Japan - Yasuo Otsuka | 322 |
The Ideology of Medical Revivalism in Modern China - Ralph C. Croizier | 341 |
The Ambiguities of Medical Revivalism in Modern India - Charles lesslie | 356 |
Indigenous Medicine in Nineteenth-and Twentieth-Century Bengal - Brahmananda Gupta | 368 |
Part VII Perspectives |
World-Views and Asian Medical System: Some Suggestion for Further Study - W. T. Jones | 383 |