A Compendium of Muslim and Christian Dates
Book Specification
Item Code: | AZE598 |
Author: | Shahabuddin Ansari |
Publisher: | B.R. Publishing Corporation |
Language: | ENGLISH |
Edition: | 2005 |
ISBN: | 9788176464680 |
Pages: | 180 |
Cover: | HARDCOVER |
Other Details | 11.00x9.00 |
Weight | 810 gm |
Book Description
In 1989 the author participated in a Conference-cum-Workshop on Internationalisation of the Islamic Calendar held at Hamdard University, New Delhi, convened by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ilyas, Astronomical Research Unit, University of Malaysia. In1997 he was chosen for his distinguished standing and was conferred with an honorary appointment to the RESEARCH BOARD OF ADVISORS by the Governing Board of Editors, and Publications Board of the American Biographical Institute, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
The author's most favourite topic is study the of the dates, weather and climatic "conditions prevailing at the time of the Hijrah (Emigration) and some other important Ghazwat. Also their synchronism in relation to the Christian Era dates. The author is of the view that the corresponding Christian dates do not synchronize with the weather and el conditions with prevailed at the Ghazwat (Expeditions) of Muhammad. This wrong synol Christian date prompted the author to work on this topic. The author has been engaged in this work since 1984 and divided the whole study into three phases:
Phase I, the study of the various cylindrical systems. Phase II, the study of the synchronizing of the Muslim and Christian dates. Phase III, the study of the Islamic events in relation to the dates, time, and prevailing weather conditions and their synchronism in Christian dates.
The first two phases of this study have been completed and published under the titles of THE COMPENDIUM OF THE CALENDARS and THE COMPENDIUM OF THE MUSLIM AND THE CHRISTIAN DATES. Moreover a series of articles based on these two volumes have already been published in India and abroad. Presently, the author is in the completion of the third phase of his study.
There are many books dealing with this specialized subject, but when the author engaged himself in this work he found from his study and experience that the Conversion Tables in circulation are not very comprehensive and suffered mainly from two shortcomings-inaccuracy and intricacy. His work tries to rectify both.
This Compendium consists of main parts:
three Part 1, illustrates the method of synchronizing Hijrah dates with the Gregorian dates from 506 A.D. (120) B.H.) onwards. Part II, deals with the computation of the Pre-Hijrah dates from 60 B.H. to 1 B.H. (564-621 A.D.), and Post-Hijrah dates from 1 A.H. (622) A.D.) onwards into Julian and Gregorian Calendar dates with the help of the formulas.
Part III, outlines the mathematical method of calculation of the Pre-Hijrah dates into Julian and Gregorian dates from 641 B.H. to 1 B.H. (1 A.D. - 621 A.D.), and the Post Hijrah dates from 1 A.H. (622 A.D.) onwards into Julian and Gregorian Calendar dates, and can also show the day of the week of any date of Pre Hijrah, Post-Hijrah, Julian and Gregorian Calendars with the help of infinite Calendars.
This Compendium of the conversion of the Muslim and Christian dates is an encyclopaedic work yet compiled and has been prepared after considerable study and labor with hope that it will be useful to students and scholars, as well as laymen alike.
The first part of Mr. Ansari's study, which is already in print, has proved most useful to students and writers throughout the world. Surely, the second volume will be as widely welcomed as the first, and when the third phase of the study is completed and the resultant volume sees the light of the day. Mr. Ansari's labor of love will be hailed as one of the greatest achievements of scholarship in the field of calendar studies.
In addition to these diverse versions the corresponding Christian dates do not synchronies with the weather and climatic conditions which prevailed at the time of the Hijrah (Emigration) and some other expeditions of the Prophet Muhammad. This serious wrong synchronism of the Christian dates prompted me to work on this topic, but I fear that this task cannot be accomplished without a thorough knowledge of the related cylindrical systems and the process of interchanging dates from one style to another. So I have kept the main topic in abeyance until the study of the various cylindrical systems and the conversion process of the dates is completed For the purpose of an analytical study of this topic I intend to complete this whole study into the following three phases.
For the first phase of my intended study I have singled out mainly three dating systems the Christian Calendar consisting of the Old and New Styles, from 1 A.D. to 2600 A.D. the Muslim Lunar or Hijrah Calendar. from 210 B.H. to 2730 A.H.; and the Saka Samba or Indian National Calendar, from 1 S.E. to 2500 S.E. Though, the latter calendar is in no way related to my study however, being a National Calendar of India. I had also included it in my study. By the grace of Allah, this first phase has completed and also published under title of A COMPENDIUM OF CALENDARS, in three parts.
Keeping view these deficiencies, have such comprehensive Conversion entitled TABLES MUSLIM AND CHRISTIAN DATES, devoted the conversion dates 1120 at comprehending the Pre-Islamic which are precursors the Islamic history. base this Conversion Saturday 13th February, 506 A.D. (Gregorian). However, if required convert any Gregorian Era date into Julian Era date see Chapter 3-THE METHOD OF INTERCHANGING THE OLD AND NEW DATES Moreover, for the conversion Hijrah also a separate Conversion Table entitled MUSLIM CHRISTIAN DATES. commencing from A.D. B.H.) 2659 AD. (2100 A.HI. With Conversion Table precisely interchange Hijrah and dates to AHJ. Gregorian dates from 1583 A.D. 1991 AH) onwards.
For getting precise accuracy conversion, Table the Conversion Table. marked intercalary Hijrah years by the asterisks and also listed the first day the each Christian year- Julian, along with the of the week each date corresponding first Hijrah year. Moreover, Tables listed of week alongside each date the months the and the Christian Calendars With help these tables can ascertain the of the week of any Hijrah or or Julian occurred. Because and precise conversion of any date.
**Contents and Sample Pages**